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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 326x154, tau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3225542 No.3225542 [Reply] [Original]

what does /sci/ think about using tau instead of pi as the circle constant

some literature:

>> No.3225565

I think it's a pointless argument, it really makes no difference.

>> No.3225580


>> No.3225573


>> No.3225579

apart from that it normalises the maths and makes circular trig easier to learn

>> No.3225588

Tau is for tangent vector and mean period, fuck off

>> No.3225590

what does /sci/ think about using base 8 instead of base 10

>> No.3225593

what does /sci/ think about a crossed 7 instead of an uncrossed 7 as seventh natural number?

>> No.3225595


>not using base 1

I hope you don't do this.

>> No.3225607

Actually, I propose a new constant of


It would make much of modern physics a lot easier to type, especially on a computer.

Then we should introduce a new constant:


>lmao 2cat

>> No.3225615

No one whose actually uses pi in their work gives a shit. Really. No one gives a shit.

>> No.3225619

No, no it doesn't. What we currently have is normal, what you're suggesting is a shift to a new normal
>easier to learn
you're counting by twos instead of counting by ones. Circular trig is still going to appear to be largely arbitrary for the majority of those learning it and the few who understand it intuitively will do so anyway for no notable gain (unless you have evidence to the contrary).

Also, why does tau = 2C/D make more sense for a constant than pi = C/D?

>> No.3225642

that mofo i linked to on tauday has some pretty good arguments, you might want to read them some time.

tau = C/r is much nicer and cleaner.

>> No.3225655

>much nicer and cleaner.
well, if it isn't an opinion! I'm partial to sigma = rho/phi myself. clearly the nicest and cleanest ratio.

>> No.3225663

<span class="math">\tau = c/r[/spoiler], derp. also <span class="math">a=(1/2)\tau r^2[/spoiler] is nicer since that half is there in so many other things, like <span class="math">KE=(1/2)mv^2[/spoiler]. Also, <span class="math">e^{i\tau} = 1[/spoiler]

Actually I don't really care.

Yeah and pi is for canonical momentum and projections from a fibre bundle to the base space, doh!

>> No.3225673

>not defining latex macros for common factors and terms.

>> No.3225675

While we're at it how about we donote the exponential function by kappa instead of e? How about we switch < and > around. + and . too. Why not have 0 be the multiplicative identity and 1 the additive? Infinity can be the sum of 0 and 0.

>> No.3225680

not important. it's like getting rid of the letter c. there are more important math tyhings to consider.

>> No.3225690

No, 2πi should get its own constant

>> No.3225700

tau is shear stress

this entire thing is so fucking retarded, I hope no one is funding this shit.

>> No.3225713
File: 21 KB, 396x272, sine-with-tau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those that didnt bother to read

>> No.3225717 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 521x440, tau_euler_circle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3225718
File: 21 KB, 433x436, tau-angles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3225722
File: 29 KB, 521x440, tau_euler_circle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]