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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3224970 No.3224970 [Reply] [Original]

Can I ask the atheists of /sci/ a couple, simple questions? Like... Why the fuck are you guys atheists to begin with? What's the fucking point? You're about as bad as the religious zealots you so aim against.

>> No.3224976

She's in here:

... Somewhere...

>> No.3224971

moar of that chick plx

>> No.3225015

Because the idea of god is stupid and delusional.

>> No.3225020


Nobody is born religious.
And even if you become a theist later in life, you are still an atheist with respect to some other religion.

I personally don't have a problem with religious people, so long as their crazy beliefs don't interfere with my life or define public policy.

>> No.3225025

>What's the fucking point of being atheist?

seriously op, what
>implying we need a 'point' to be an atheist

>> No.3225041

We have examined the evidence for the existence of a god, and found it so poor that we have no reason to believe in the existence of a god. We can't just turn off the thinking parts of our brain.

>> No.3225048

When no god was apparent, and it became obvious that the people who said they knew stuff about god were mistaken, I stopped assuming god existed.

>> No.3225052

Brotip: Real atheists don't care enough about religion to get into huge debates about it

>> No.3225053

Please report this thread.

It gets posted every single day.

It is an obvious troll and there is no reply anyone can give that hasn't already be expressed literally hundreds of times before

If you refute the op, you have been trolled. End of discussion

>> No.3225057



Talking about it on the internet is a far cry from trying to force it on people in real life.

The question of religion is a scientific question. It just so happens that the answer is apparently no. But it can still be examined scientifically.

>> No.3225058
File: 7 KB, 251x249, disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you put this into every thread. nice troll, but shut up.

>> No.3225059

I'm not an atheist, because religious people are delusional.

>> No.3225065
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>yfw you spend your day have shit slinging fights about religion that everyone forgets in five minutes.

>> No.3225067

mfw OP thinks that people naturally believe in invisible friends and that anyone who doesn't must have some strange drive.

>> No.3225068
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Can I ask the socialists of /sci/ a couple, simple questions? Like... Why the fuck are you guys socialists to begin with? What's the fucking point? You're about as bad as the capitalist zealots you so aim against.

>> No.3225076


>mvq debating it in an anonymous forum is the only way to have a decent discussion where superstitiousfags don't get butthurt; despite the high probability of engaging trolls

Seriously. Talk about it in real life, and it's all butthurt all the time. Talk about it on a registered forum, and the slightest criticism is considered against forum rules for being offensive. The only way to get a decent, adult discussion about the subject is to do it online, as anon. And even then you do have to wade through mainly trolls (who are indistinguishable from religionfags).

>> No.3225083

I'm atheist because you theist needs to put a name on people who do not share your delusions.
I was born with 0 religious education, my parents never told me God was real etc.
I'm just a person who wasn't injected by this artificial mental cancer known as religion.
Just call me Mister.

>> No.3225085
File: 419 KB, 1453x1913, wegoastepfurther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is atheist to begin with.
It doesn't need a point
We are atheists because believing in fairytales and delusions is fucking retarded
keep in mind you are also an atheist to all otehr gods besides your own.

>> No.3225096

Heloo, Mr. Goingtoburnineternaldamnationandtorment

>> No.3225104
File: 50 KB, 331x319, 1307158969408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you're a retarded summer fag who doesn't even know the board rules and thinks replying to obvious trolls.

You might as well start using a tripcode and just get it over with