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3222648 No.3222648 [Reply] [Original]

This is the only place I can think of to ask this. Science and all.

On the 10th I was prescribed 120 klonopin.

By midnight on the 12th they were gone. Yes. I took them.

The only thing I did was pee in my sleep (I know it causes incontinence). My question is this.

It's 9ish pm my time and I still feel out of it. I don't know the 'lifespan' or whatever it's called of clonazepam in the body, but is that what this is?

Sorry if this iis annoying.

PS. I didn't do it for suicidal purposes. I just kept taking them. Thought it would make the anxiety go away.

>> No.3222672

I think you have a problem OP.

>> No.3222676

>Clonazepam has an unusually long half-life of 18-50 hours

Wikipedia is useful.

>> No.3222686

>Benzodiazepines such as clonazepam have a fast onset of action and high effectiveness rate and low toxicity in overdose but have drawbacks due to adverse reactions including paradoxical effects, drowsiness, and cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairments can persist for at least 6 months after withdrawal of clonazepam; it is unclear whether full recovery of memory functions occurs. Other long-term effects of benzodiazepines include tolerance, a benzodiazepine dependence as well as a benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome occurs in a third of people treated with clonazepam for longer than 4 weeks.

oh boy

>> No.3222693


All thing aside, you are a fucking retard for overdosing. I hope you have a heart attack and die. quite frankly, people who can't follow simple instructions on something as important as a medical perscription don't deserve to get medicine.

You are equally bad to people who stop taking antibiotics early becuase they "feel better".

>> No.3222701

Half life is up to fifty hours. That is almost definitely what it is.

Don't overdose again unless your intention is to kill yourself.

>> No.3222709

No, those people are responsible for other people dying.

>> No.3222712

Talk to your doctor ASAP.

>> No.3223212


It's always nice to see others wish death on other people.

I watched my best friend and lover die on our bathroom floor.

Maybe you're right. Maybe I do deserve to die. But ALL I WANTED IS TO MAKE THE ANXIETY GO AWAY JUST ONE TIME.

fuck you. you and your glib response did nothing but hurt someone that's already hurting, and because you resort to internet bullying, something tells me you're really, really awful in life.

Thank you to the others that answered. I couldn't concentrate on Wiki to make heads or tails of it.

>> No.3223228


He might be an asshole, but you're still a fucking idiot.

>> No.3223256

Name calling is never welcome, but you are pretty stupid, OP.

>> No.3223277

Maybe you should have gone with something that will actually kill you if you overdose on it instead of downing 120 pills in 2 days because you think you know better than your doctor, pharmacists, chemists, and biologists.

Not to mention

>admit your stupidity to 4chan
>get mad when they call you out on it and don't sugarcoat it

>> No.3223300



>> No.3223310

BTW there are some awesome dudes answering neuropsychology questions here >>>/adv/6473143

>> No.3223313

>>3223212I watched my best friend and lover die on our bathroom floor.

What was your best friend doing with your lover on the bathroom floor? Is that why you killed them?

>> No.3223890


No. Best friend. Lover. Dead in bathroom. One person. Very bloody.

Also, klonopin should kill at 60 pills

Nevermind. No help here. I was thinking I'd get actual scientific help here.

>> No.3223908

Was your bestfriend and lover an amoeba or paramecium? Because that would totally suck.