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3218401 No.3218401 [Reply] [Original]

hey squints, /k/ here, so how far are we from hand held (rifle like) rail guns?

>> No.3218413


In a world without forcefields... why the fuck do you need one, cowfucker.

>> No.3218426

to pierce tanks with a recoiless long range ammo rich hand held weapon?

>> No.3218432
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>> No.3218433



Are you Gaddafi?

>> No.3218442

i guess nanomaterials would produce capacitators and batteries that hold enough energy to make such weapons practical and then scalled down. so give it...dunno...15-40 years? nowadays, cannons and missiles are more cheap and readily available. a matter of technology development making an idea profitable.

>> No.3218444

really fucking far, you fat inbred racist redneck.

also, what the fuck is a squint.

>> No.3218447

a viable one? pretty far away. it takes a ridiculous amount of energy to fire a railgun.

>> No.3218451


we still don't have any artillery sized railguns in service yet...I'd say probably about 20-30 years for a handheld railgun type device

>> No.3218455
File: 7 KB, 144x138, crying at computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread
Oh, America.

>> No.3218459


The US Navy experimental railgun, however, is pretty damn devastating.

They're planning to get it mounted on ships.

Personally I'd use it to kill satellites or to lob projectiles across continents.

>> No.3218471
File: 16 KB, 300x200, gaddafi-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have that product available i will order a considerable shipment of them. Payment readily available.

>> No.3218489

energy isn't the issue. the problem is that the rails get badly damaged after several firings.

>> No.3218501

what did you expect, otacon? science can be and is used to destroy

>> No.3218505

I never understood the aversion to taking an interest in weapons that so many people seem to have. shooting shit is fun, I enjoy it. Dealwithit peacefags

>> No.3218513

not only can it be used to destroy, that's usually its first purpose.

e.g. nuclear bombs before nuclear power

>> No.3218519

>The Yugoslavian MTI (MTI - Military - technology institute) developed, within a project named EDO-0, a rail gun with 7 kJ kinetic energy, in 1985. In 1987 a successor was created, project EDO-1, that used projectile with a mass of 0.7 g and achieved speeds of 3,000 m/s, and with a mass of 1.1 g reached speeds of 2,400 m/s. It used a track length of 0.7 m. According to those working on it, with other modifications it was able to achieve a speed of 4,500 m/s. The aim was to achieve projectile speed of 7,000 m/s. At the time, it was considered a military secret

Serbfag here , finally something to be proud of about this shithole I live in

>> No.3218520

a rail cannon is a mass driver aimed at a target you want to destroy

>> No.3218565
File: 77 KB, 400x279, Metal_Gear_Solid_-_Metal_Gear_REX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lob projectiles you say?

>> No.3218585

probably 40 or so years bro. still need to develop the technology to harness extreme amounts of energy into a forced beam

>> No.3218605

It's true that rex has a missile module on his back, but are you saying he was originally meant to carry *nuclear* warheads?

>> No.3218615

ultrahard nanoshit, the solution as usual.

>> No.3220811

Alek "Squint" Squinquargesimus.

>> No.3220824





>> No.3220863

We already can. The problem is that you would need a battery the size of a refrigerator to have as much firepower as a conventional firearm. I've seen homemade railguns on youtube and all of them are just barely as powerful as a BB gun. They can't even punch a hole the other side of a pop can.

>> No.3220877

There are ones I've seen much more powerful than that. Though you're entirely right that the limiting factor in a *portable* railgun is the batteries and capacitors.

>> No.3220879

Well, they wouldn't be recoilless, but at the very least they would have much lower recoil as most of the kick you get from firing a gun is caused by the primer on the bullet going off.

>> No.3222085

Tesla lives on