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File: 22 KB, 350x350, meaning_of_life_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3217790 No.3217790 [Reply] [Original]

Hey sciguys, what is the meaning of life? I'd prefer any takes on the matter, and hopefully we can have a civilized discussion. I'll give you a list of random ones I've conjured, and yes, most of them are ridiculous. Since that area is technically off limits by everyone at the moment, it's pretty easy to hold a few personal ideas on the matter. Since you guys are way smarter than me (no sarcasm), I was just wondering what you guys thought. I'm going to assume that it is mostly "Life is what you make it" and "There is no meaning", but give me a piece of your mind regardless.

Things that I believe could be the meaning of life:

TLDR: Post rational/irrational beliefs on the meaning of life

1) We are movie stars from the future. In the future, movies are approximately 60 years long but can be devoured quite quickly (somehow). When you die, we wake up in reality and everyone congratulates us on our awesome acting (even though your memory was wiped and you were technically responding to everything).

2) We keep getting reincarnated on this planet until the world ends.

3) We have souls (Astral Projection and the like are real) and when we die, we go to a dimension that is somewhat shared with this one. We keep ascending, etc. etc.

>> No.3217803

4) This life is just one scenario after many which serve a certain purpose (which we do not know). In this scenario (which I will lovingly refer to as level 6), we are thrown into a universe where we are self aware humans. The internal conflict between wanting to find meaning in a universe created to be meaningless is what makes Level 6 such an insane challenge. Our response to our internal and primitive urges, as well as our more personal thoughts on life, will clash, and will be part of our growth as we head onto level 7 (where we will go to Zablidar as Vinjing Knights that are destined to kill God because he wants to end the world?)

5) Life is what you make it. Have fun, appreciate it. No point in speculating so much about it. Even if we lived forever, if we spent all the time pondering instead of loving, what would be the point of going on?

6) There is no meaning. This is what it is. But that's alright, let's love each other.

7) There's no meaning you fucking shithead. This is all so pointless. I'm going to fuck your mom.

8) The Judeo-Christian God actually does exist, but isn't as big of a prick as he is made out to be. (Religious texts were edited will be the excuse for why they were so edgy).

>> No.3217808
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>> No.3217809

9) The universe is made by a God, but religion was a test. The true point was to stay devoid of any blind faith (this goes in both directions) and just try to be a cool person.

10) We are all God. We exploded to find out more about ourselves and gradually understand and search ourselves. Death, along with the wiping out of the entire universe (and multiverse) will be when we are finally pieced together.

11) Earth (and the Universe) is a training zone made by smarter "things" that we cannot percieve. The real world is a battle ground, and Earth, along with the rest of the universe, is a training ground. Those who die early are picked early to help join the fight. Since everyone dies, everyone ends up joining the war at a point, with the training ground serving it's purpose.

12) Life is a dream. In the same way that we percieve ourselves as in 'reality' when sleeping (unless you have dreams that resemble snapshots or something), this reality is a dream that resembles and even realer reality. While it is easier to snap out of dreams, the only way to snap out of this one will be to die. Once you wake up in the 'realer' reality, however you percieved things in this dream may not be how things actually are. Half of the people could be made up, and maybe your best friend is actually your worst enemy or something.

>> No.3217810

I pick 2). Gives us a reason to do something about the long term.

>> No.3217817

13) We are in the Matrix. Which pill do you want?

14) We are a story. It ended a long time ago though. Every time a story is thought up by ANYONE or ANYTHING, it is created in a seperate area via a big bang. Our story was basically "LOL in this random place called a Universe, have this one random lonely rock where this thing called a cell EVOLVES LOL and becomes an ape. These apes are in caves and they fuck each other. It's such a bizarre porno!". Eventually, the story ends with the porno finishing, but the world still continues even after the story ending. The universe continues to evolve, and self aware humans are the product. The stories we write (such as Charlie Brown) continue way after they were written.

15) After the world ends, a new big bang starts and the whole thing continues forever and ever. The world is cyclical and you'll be back somehow in some way.

16) Life is going backwards so that we can appreciate it when it moves forward. With life going backwards, we are slowly becoming more seperate (with evolution, race, religion, etc.). When it all ends, the universe will stop rewinding, and start forwarding, and you will be amazed as the population slowly decreases and species start combining until we are back to a few amount of cells being formed. Eventually, we will be back in one compact spot at the very start of the Big Bang, and we will all be very happy to be together and united in a compact density of love.

>> No.3217827
File: 25 KB, 623x396, TIMMAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17) Whatever you believe is whatever you get. Your raw emotions shape your future after death. Every religious and non-religious after life exists, as long as you truly truly truly believe it with all of your heart. It is the reason why NDE's resemble whatever the person believed (I'm just assuming that, I don't actually know).

18) When you die, your mind shuts off and the neurons stop flaring past eachother and you stop being 'you'. Thus, you are nothingness. But nothingness is everything. So you are everything. You were god the whole time you sonofabitch.

19) We are all spirits from a spiritual realm. As some random scientist guy said a while ago, we are all spirituals beings having a human experience. As a spirit, you can never grow or change. Usually, spirits will jump down into a baby in groups, and hope that they will be brought together by the power of love. All of your close friends are actually your spirit friends, and you guys are having a radical Earth quest. Oh man, the stories are going to be great.

20) We wrote our lives. It was an agreement between every single thing ever to choose what they wanted to be. This encompasses everything with a consciousness (at the moment I have no idea what does or does not have one). It took a long time, but we wrote our lives, and we are acting them out for our own amusement. After the curtain call, we'll have a big party :)

I love you guys.

>> No.3217838

All events will fade into nothingness with enough time. The purpose of life itself is to simply be alive. Whether you actually lived 40 or 42 yrs makes little difference (normally).
The purpose of living. I would say it is to struggle.
Happiness, sadness, enjoyment... its all the same. Its in the journey.

>> No.3217851

21) A god did create the world, but it doesn't interfere, and it left a loooong time ago.

22) God is a troll, and the Bible is actually one hundred percent correct. God hid the fossils to test our belief, and made us smart enough to realize that most of the stuff (like the Great Flood, etc.) didn't happen. Afterwards, God will reveal that he created the world at that exact moment to fuck with everyone and was basically LOLing at us when we realized that we were so insignificant in the world. Since the book itself is full of contradiction, everyone goes to hell. Hell, in itself, is another life where it's impossible to follow God's criteria. We are in hell right now.

23) Satan is the fucking BADASS of the story. He rebelled against an evil God, and was sent to Hell. He is currently training in burning stones, while God manipulates us through a variety of tactics.


and I won't share 25, which is what I actually believe. I had a blast guys, thank you (regardless of whatever you reply with). I hope you guys can still share your opinions, I was just having a little fun. Thank you

>> No.3217858


That's neat man. I agree, it's all about the journey, not the destination.

>> No.3217860

Slow the fuck down and think about this in a philosophically sound manner. If you were god what what and how would you go about things.

>> No.3217863

First off, this is an issue of philosophy, not science or math.

Second, you're clearly very stoned, so I'll just suggest you record your postulation so that when sober you can have a nice time laughing up how silly you were while blitzed.

Third, since science isn't concerned with something as obtuse as "meaning", and math is even less involved, I'd have to speak on the "meaning" of life simply self directed. It doesn't exist, yet the prevalence of the question has given most of us some personally derived meaning. If your meaning of life is religious or follows some other mythology (such as your Truman Show hypothesis), then your meaning is meaningless.

You must be ripped.

>> No.3217867

What is the meaning of an ants life? Collect food until it dies. Not much of a life.

Think how far technologically humans have progressed, and there's a whole universe out there that we can't even see. Why is shit so small, and why is shit so big? It scares me sometimes to think about it.

There really is no point, just try not to screw it up.

>> No.3217877
File: 35 KB, 500x366, niggasaywhat128610146705757741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga say what what

>> No.3217878


Well, my meaning right now was just to see how you guys would react to some rejected sci-fi plots. If it made you guys chuckle, then I think I'd have my meaning right there.

>> No.3217886

Life is an accident, we shouldn't be who we are or where we are today. We evolved too quickly and it will be us whom will destroy ourselves. There is organic life on other planets, there are places in the galaxy and the universe which can create and destroy life in an instant. We will never traverse out of the milky way, but we may populate other planets and destroy them like we will destroy our own eventually one day.
Einstein was the master of the universe, there will never be another. I wish i wasn't human, i wish i was rather just an atom or a nano particle or something else which can create and destroy and not have feelings but at the same time just be.