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3215749 No.3215749 [Reply] [Original]


What are /sci/'s predictions? Is Japan fucked?

>> No.3215780

Get your shit together Japan.

>> No.3215788

Can't they just, you know, build their reactors somewhere else? Somewhere that isn't affected by tsunamis and earthquakes?

>> No.3215805


>> No.3215808

Doesn't Japan have anything like robots to do danerous work? Or are their robots only for sex and cuteness?

>> No.3216369


the radiation fries the electronics.

>> No.3216433

ITT: People who don't know a shit about nuclear reactors, nuclear energy or radioactivity at all.

Few fun facts:
- amount of nuclear fuel in Fukushima wasn't significant. It means - it's able to kill at once less than 50k of people and cause various cancers amongst 200k of other people. And this can only be the case if it will be dumped into lot of people. While it'd be tragedy, it wouldn't mean that Japan, as a whole, is fucked.
- nuclear explosion in Chernobyl, far more dangerous, caused the death of 30k people.
- Fukushima reactors are installed over fucking big ceramic plates to prevent nuclear fuel getting to water grounds. This whole article is just fucking shit.

>> No.3216553

I'm planning on moving to Japan in a few months. How worried should I be?

>> No.3216657

i'd take this article more seriously if it was giving numbers instead of
>might be
and cited sources

i think this is a re-report of an article on the asia world website a few days ago, which had the same problems. A melt through would mean a more irritating clean up, yes, but at this stage in the shut down process it's more of a big annoyance than anything serious.

>> No.3216680

>Fukushima reactors are installed over fucking big ceramic plates to prevent nuclear fuel getting to water grounds.
oh, i didn't realize fukushima had that installed, i thought that was only under the slightly more modern load outs. cool

also i like how lots of these editorials keep throwing out that "there's plutonium in the water!" without giving numbers. you probably have a few thousand plutonium atoms in you right now. are you going to get a blood transfusion to get rid of it? you better, man, it's PLUTONIUM OH GOD!

>> No.3216726
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Just from reading the summary under the title, I can tell there's fuck all to worry about. Nothing has escaped the reactor, it's all just fallen through to the big concrete lump of containment that's designed to deal with this kind of shit.

>> No.3216758

it's going to be expensive to clean up though. and that's my biggest concern from all this. the radiation and contamination are peanuts, but the cost of getting the fuel back out if going to suck.

i'd like to think fukushima would be enough of a wake up call to start pushing for LFTR development. but congress is going to turn nuclear into a punching bag for the next decade so _oh_well_