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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 78 KB, 558x456, sociology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3210588 No.3210588 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ I saw this test on /v/ and most people their got relatively the same result so I was wondering if there would also be a trend on this board.


If you would take it and post your results I would be very grateful.

>> No.3210595

Oh I forgot to post me own results, I am an INTJ.

>> No.3210614

INTJ here, too.

>> No.3210636

I fall into either the ENTJ or ENFJ category, being 56% extraverted, 88% intuitive, 50% feeling/thinking, and 89% judging.

However, I would recommend against using the MBTI to categorize personalities, as it is overly vague. Look instead to the more detailed SLOAN personality test, which you can take here http://similarminds.com/sloan.html.. On this test I fall into the SCOAI category - social, calm, organized, accomodating, and inquisitive.

>> No.3210637

Your Type is

whatever the fuck that means

>> No.3210645

INTP master race.

>> No.3210646


I will do that, thanks.

>> No.3210650


>> No.3210655

Also INTJ.

>> No.3210657

>ENTPs also fall into the general categories of thinkers, rationals, and engineers.

nope, im not gay. this test has been proven to be false. Q to the E to the motherfucking D.

>> No.3210669


>> No.3210670

INTJ Master race

>> No.3210676

gib proof or I reportu
also INTJ

>> No.3210679


With that sloan test http://similarminds.com/sloan.html

I typed as:

>> No.3210688

so this SLOAN is pretty similar to the big five categorization i guess

>> No.3210695

Why are there so many INTJ's on 4chan when they only make up about 1% of the population?

>> No.3210702
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ISTJ God tier.

>> No.3210703


Seeing as you're an INFP and aren't intelligent enough to answer that yourself, I, an INTJ, will help you.

The reason is being an INTJ is due to environment. INTJ is the most successful personality to have on the internet. It allows the greatest dominance and understanding of this environment. Whereas other types would be more successful in other environments.

Why would anyone choose to be out of their element?

>> No.3210706

Fuck yall

>> No.3210707
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>posting FvR without EK tripcode

>> No.3210709

aspies are almost always INTJ or occasionally INTP
not surprising, ISTJ is pretty much INTJ only without being smart

>> No.3210711


1) 4chan isn't exactly an accurate sample pool. INTJs tend to like the kind of environment that places like 4chan offer.

2) A lot of people answer these tests in the way they want to be, not necessarily in the way they are. Most /sci/entists want to be cold and calculating, so they answer the way they think someone who was like that would answer and end up getting INTJ.

>> No.3210718


>> No.3210720

INTJ, I just took the test, but what does this mean actually?

>> No.3210722


Shut the fuck up ENTJ

>> No.3210724

I did it before. i'm INTJ apparently.

>> No.3210725

I got b&. I don't know if tripcode is on autob& list

Oh I know I'm not smart. I'm under no illusions.

>> No.3210726

Anything beginning with an I would be suitable to the internet, I believe it is because INTJs enjoy hearing other peoples opinions, or even more so, refuting them.

Also I'm not an INFP, by the way.

>> No.3210731

Not /sci/entific.
Get this shit out of my fucking /sci/.

>> No.3210735

Yes indeedy, this boy said it best. Fracking psychology.

>> No.3210740

Where would you suggest I post it then?

>> No.3210743

Depending on what test I take, I'm either INTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, or ESTJ. I'm about 50/50 on I/E, and 50/50 on N/S, but very heavy on the T and J.

>> No.3210748


>> No.3210755

yeah okay, even with the amount of trolls on this board I would never get nearly as mature a discussion about this there as I do here.

>> No.3210756

INTJ here

>> No.3210763
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>mfw I scored INTJ when I took the test properly multiple times over three days

>> No.3210811

still waiting for QED smart guy

>> No.3210821

>saturday night
>introverts everywhere

Not_surprised_at_all _reaction_face.jpeg

>> No.3210837

>he doesnt know that introversion != social anxiety

>> No.3210863

>doesn't understand Time-zones.

>> No.3210888

There's a strong correlation. Shyness often leads to social withdrawal if not complete anxiety. The kind of questions and answers from this test that would point to introversion are concerned with frequency of social interaction.


Although this is an american website there are plenty of britfags here.

>> No.3211151

ESFJ - Provider.

last time i got ENTJ - Fieldmarshall.

both really go well for me. as much as i'm pretty sure you can't define one's personality through this test, we can't define our personalities through one of those categories.

>> No.3211169

ENTP. I'm going with what I've gotten from the 90 billion other tests I've taken on this subject that has placed me directly in between ENTP and INTP.

>> No.3211260


>> No.3211288

INTP / INTJ is the real master race, no one else frequently changes between classes.

>> No.3211328


Imma Mastermind!

Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be.

That sentence is exactly how I roll.

>> No.3211417

100 Introverted, 25 Intuitive, 88 Thinking, 28 Judging
Taking this test depressed me.

>> No.3211441

load of bullshit in my opinion.

>> No.3211442


>> No.3211526

Got INTJ, but INTP would've fit me too.

>> No.3211555


>> No.3211585

Sunday morning where I am. Just saiyan?

>> No.3211587

Your Type is
Introverted Sensing11 Feeling12 Perceiving12
Strength of the preferences11 %

slightly expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
slightly expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed perceiving personality

>> No.3211632

Introverted: 56
Intuitive: 88
Thinking: 50
Judging: 56


>> No.3211663

INTJ as well but I've taken this before and I know I am ISTJ.

>> No.3211670


Oh and not surprising...25% intuitive.

>> No.3211783

all i remember is above 90% thinking. INTJ

>> No.3211793

I took this before. I got INTJ. Most people on here will get the same result.

>> No.3211808
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We're intelligent and social

>> No.3211846


i'm a great

>> No.3211848

which is the male to female ratio for INTJ?

>> No.3211852

I - 89%
N - 38%
T - 100%
J - 78%

>> No.3211857


>> No.3211923

ISTJ, moderate S and J, high I and T
Studying ChemE, may do EE though

>> No.3211950

Myer Briggs personality typing is nothing more than an intellectual circle jerk.

Does that tell you what I got faggot?

>> No.3211965

Your Type is ISTP :
44%Introverted 12%Sensing 38%Thinking 44%Perceiving

You are:

* moderately expressed introvert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* moderately expressed perceiving personality

>> No.3211969

I'm a Gemini!

Oh wait, is that the wrong kind of bullshit personality test?

>> No.3212000

INTJ master race, reporting in

>> No.3212019


>> No.3212051


>> No.3212076

Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

11 62 12 33

>> No.3212119

ENTJ reporting in...
Extraverted: 22%
Intuitive 25%
Thinking 56%
Judging 33%

This test felt like it could swing many ways based on how I felt at the time...

>> No.3212123

Myers-Briggs is garbage.

Sage for pseudoscience

>> No.3212175

ENFP, is this a good thing or bad thing?

>> No.3212242

INTJ, all you other niggers putting master race after your shit are just fuckers, GTFO

>> No.3212388

INTJ reporting in, also....

Extroversion 10%
Orderliness 60%
Emotional Stability 88%
Accommodation 36%
Inquisitiveness 90%

>> No.3212478

Extraverted 1
Sensing 50
Thinking 38
Judging 44

>> No.3212497

Introverted - 89%
Intuitive - 50%
Thinking - 25%
Perceiving - 56%

>> No.3212507

According to the SLOAN test, I am RCOAI

>> No.3212524

OP Translated:

I am awkward and alone. Take this test so I know people get the same results as me and I don't feel so alone.

>> No.3212538

The Myerrs briggs test is a complete misinterpretation of Jung's attempts to analyze psychological traits, from the onset Jung directly opposed a pseudo-scientific rigid stratification which is possible in sciences where repeatable controlled experiments yield the same results every time within the range of accuracy allowed by scientific instruments, psychology is completely different and has to be approached differently.

The Myerrs Briggs test is the equivalent of astrology, except it shits all over reason and logic by pretending to be scientific.

>> No.3212543

i have taken this b4 and was infj but this time im istj :(

>> No.3212595
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>Not being INTJ

>Thinking INTP is master race

I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.3212635

Because this is where 1% of the world's population gathers. The other 99% are on Facebook.

>> No.3212646

My results:

a] I'm whatever the fuck I am, I have the self-awareness to know who I am
b] I don't need a flawed measure to interpret my subjective and dynamic opinion of questions
c] I wholly believe, that without a doubt and the utmost certainty, that personality is a stable, immutable construct which does not change.
d] ^ That was satire. I personally believe personality is nothing more than a set of guidelines that we've created which serve to dictate how we should behave in a variety of contexts.
e] I select answers on the flawed measure so that I can reinforce the desire to be something that I'm not
f] YAY! I'm an INTJ! Fuck I'm cool.

>> No.3212647


That sounds about right. I always end up leading any groups I get put in and I would like to go into politics.

Also, ENTJ is master race. All the benefits of INTJ except without the awkward aloofness.

>> No.3212655


Name a single ENTJ that has ever done anything good.

>> No.3212671

All the politicians and leaders that built the society that keeps you safe, fed and well-armed with random bullshit to complain about.

>> No.3212675

Prove it

>> No.3212678
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>> No.3212699

No. I could write a big paragraph about how it is very likely that [X INFLUENTIAL POLITICIAN WHO DID Y GREAT DEED] was mostly likely an ENTJ because etc. etc. but no.

It's just pretty damn obvious that the leader-type personality would be most likely to be leaders. And that, therefore, politicians, (which is another word for leaders) the good and the bad, were most likely ENTJ as that is the leadership personality (according to the test).

But if you want empirical evidence then no.

>> No.3212707


Exactly. ENTJ are the ambitious leader type, which is bad.

Y'know in ancient greek the word ambitious actually had a negative connotation. They had an intricate system in place to make sure leaders weren't overzealous and constantly ostracized those who showed too much outward ambition.

Put shortly, ENTJ is not master race.

>> No.3212712

>prove the universe couldn't exist if any physical variable was changed an arbitrary amount

>> No.3212715

Your inferences are based on nothing more than your views. I suggest that the measure may not truly be measuring what constitutes leadership. I also suggest that the test-retest and inter-item reliability of the said measure isn't spectacular.

>> No.3212721

And INTJ is the cold, calculating, brilliant scientist type. This leads to brilliant breakthroughs or inhumane and unethical experiments.

Like every personality type, ENTJ can be a good or bad thing and it depends on the individual.

And, just as an aside, ENTJ technically is the master race as they tend to end up as the master.

>> No.3212732

yet another INTJ here

>> No.3212735


>inhumane and unethical

Rarely, if ever.

>tend to end up as the master.

They tend to end up being perceived as the master.
Which since your audience is a bunch of idiots doesn't surprise me. Swaying over luddites for momentary possession of "a fraction of a dot" is nothing laudable.

>> No.3212760

And people like Hitler pop up
>Rarely, if ever.

Before you talk about all the mediocre politicians who never achieve anything let me just point out all the mediocre scientists who never achieve anything. Sure, the mediocre scientists help add to the pool of human knowledge but the mediocre politicians help keep society running.

>> No.3212773


>good: we discover a paradigm shifting principle that advances mankind even further
>bad: a couple of people die and we discover something that saves millions

>good: They temporarily improve society for a majority of people
>bad: they kill millions and send us into dark ages

Good point.

>> No.3212826

This test entirely gives results that equate to.

No respectable Psychologist thinks it's worth shit.

>> No.3212831

Im always INFJ

That means im the rarest and most special.

>> No.3212850

ENTP master race here

>> No.3212856
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one time I was INTJ, now I'm INFJ

>> No.3212858
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It also says I'm in the 3% of earth's population

>> No.3212859

Natural progression. INTJs are smart, some may ascend to glorious INFJ enlightenment.

>> No.3212860
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>> No.3212864

Who needs 7 identical forks? You only have one mouth.

>> No.3212867


So you only have one fork at home?

INFJs confirmed for full retards.

>> No.3212870

Interesting that most on here are I's...

I've done the test a lot, on multiple sites.

I'm always ENTP or ENFP

>> No.3212874
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hurr durr we spend time on the Internet we must be extroverted

>> No.3212890
File: 16 KB, 251x239, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm grouped with the majority of 4chan

>> No.3212908
File: 101 KB, 508x548, 1307667323226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, but the minority is the cause of all the fail.

Welcome, to the REAL master race my friend.

>> No.3212945

INTJ here.

I fucking hate INTJs and INTPs.
all of them, all of my hate.
fucking nihilists

>> No.3212948


Jelly INFJ spotted.

Pretending to be INTJ to up your credibility, eh?

>> No.3212957

Nope, get INTJ every time.

go be sexist and racist somewhere else

>> No.3212959
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>> No.3212968

Did it again not knowing it was -that- test, got ENTJ again.

>> No.3212970


>> No.3212988

enfj or infj. don't give a fuck.

SLOAN results:
Extroversion |||||||||||||||| 66%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 42%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Accommodation |||||||||| 34%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||| 50%

Extroversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, random, scattered, and fun seeking at the expense of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Emotional Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Accommodation results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense of the well being of others.

Inquisitiveness results were medium which suggests you are moderately intellectual, curious, and imaginative.

>> No.3213000

itt: faggot retards that use 4 letters to label themselves in a positive light, boosting their ego.

itt: faggot retards that use 4 letters to label others in a negative light to make themselves feel superior.

try and deny it, you can't.

>> No.3213011


itp: faggot retard who is trying to feel superior by pretending like these tests have zero significance

>> No.3213017


im an enfj, im better than you are.

i'm not denying that my 4 letter label is superior to your 4 letter label.

faggot retard.

>> No.3213030
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>superior to anything

>> No.3213055


>> No.3213092



I lol'd.

>> No.3213189

ENTP, like INTP but with social skills

>> No.3213677

my mom took it and is esfp
what a n00b

>> No.3213707

ENFJ, and my highest preference strength was 38% with the lowest being 12%.

I've taken this test several times before and changed types many times over the years. It depends how I feel that day.

I think the test is a little biased here, though. I am very good with social situations, but I prefer to spend my free time with my family or reading, so that always proposes a social toss up for me.

>> No.3213711


>> No.3213713


>> No.3213725


>> No.3213730

fucking AIDS

>> No.3213736


>> No.3213751


>> No.3213759


>> No.3213770


>> No.3213772


Are you trying to sagebomb this thread or something?

>> No.3213774


>> No.3213781


>> No.3213784


well just to let you know, you have about 170 posts more to go..

So, good luck with that

>> No.3213790


>> No.3213805


>> No.3215234

I'm an ISTJ. Apparently it's the most common combination but I rarely see people on here post that score.

Maybe it's because an ISTJ should see how worthless this site is and get back to school, work, or raising a family.

>> No.3215302


>> No.3215359


>> No.3215377
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Minority, rise from your grave

>> No.3215390


>> No.3215394

Not surprised:

Introverted - 100%
Intuitive - 62%
Thinking - 100%
Judging - 11%

>> No.3215408

Your Type is:
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
89 38 62 33

>> No.3215414

Although we're all big and smart enough to realise that all personality quiz's are biased right...right???

>> No.3215432

Samefag, I just read that this is the least common type for females.
Well, don't I feel special.