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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3209998 No.3209998 [Reply] [Original]

What's the outlook for technology/advancement in the future, how would it effect politics + life?

>> No.3210009

as someone else pointed out in other threads, porn simulators will become a reality. Government will ban it. People will flock en masse to thailand to enjoy its benefits.

Point being that there is a similar thread somewhere on the first two pages.

>> No.3210015

Conservatives will continue to destroy any kind of meaningful social or technological progress unrelated to bolstering oil profits or murdering brown people, as they always have.

>> No.3210021


Who spends more money on science democrats or republicans?

>> No.3210043


kinda a dumb question

>> No.3210065


>> No.3210070

Aren't you scientist supposed to predict things?

>> No.3210101

while republicans spend more they also ban more and the funding goes towards military research, not the most direct route to something useful

>> No.3210106

>Implying Military tech is not useful
The internet came out of the military.

>> No.3211697
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>porn simulators will become a reality

>> No.3211758

No the internet came out of universities need to share information

>> No.3211796
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