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3208819 No.3208819 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the most scientifically accurate movies/books/tv shows, etc. ever made? We need a scientific perspective for this.

>> No.3208821

Big Bang Theory

>> No.3208822

Star Trek

>> No.3208824

If you love the stereotype of all science interested people are socially inept dwellers/aspies then yeah, this.

>> No.3208825
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>> No.3208826

Woman in the Moon
Bladerunner (?)

>> No.3208828
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Omg yes

>> No.3208830

Anything by Dickens.

>> No.3208834

>the stereotype of all science interested people are socially inept dwellers/aspies

>> No.3208833

Anything with dicks.
Because it's made by engineers.

>> No.3208842


>oh look, i'm projecting

>> No.3208843

> What are some of the most scientifically accurate movies/books/tv shows, etc. ever made?
The Holy Quran
The Holy Bible
The Holy Torah
The Enuma Elish -- oh shit, wait, don't read that one. It proves the god in the other three is made up.

>> No.3208844

I don't think you even know what 'projecting' means.

>> No.3208846

Gurren Lagann

>> No.3208847


>> No.3208849

The irony is that by doing a greentext of projecting, he's projecting his projection onto you.

>> No.3208851

proving my theory (geuss) true.

>> No.3208855

there is no 'more scientifically accurate movie' , anything that hollywood does is biased. what you're looking for is documentaries

>> No.3208865



>> No.3209047
File: 76 KB, 720x720, letmetellyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sol isn't due to die anytime soon. And before that happens it'll have consumed Earth. inb4 "magic particles eating the sun lol" shut up
This movie is about as realistic as power rangers.
0.17g outside base. 1.00g inside base. wat. also, if the AI was as smart as portrayed, why the fuck would they need clones?

>> No.3209050
File: 156 KB, 500x500, all nighter courage wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking With Dinosaurs!

>> No.3209055

2001: A Space Odyssey

The single nitpick is that the dust moves wrong during the moon landing. Otherwise completely realistic. As for the alien scenes, we really have no way of knowing how it'd look, so arguing for/against realism is moot.

>> No.3209069

There are no aliens in 2001.

>> No.3209072

Can't think of anything hugely inaccurate with Blade Runner, other than the probability of the sun being blocked to that degree whilst leaving the planet remotely livable. I guess that's why everyone was leaving.

>> No.3209107
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The first ten seconds of Avatar, pic related, were the most scientifically accurate I've seen (inb4 derp 2001). Then the aliens showed up.
Gattaca, sort of, but it has too many luddite undertones. I liked how the future looked like the 60's future, complete with them cars. Future fun with a vintage touch.
Then there's Moon, even though the Helium-3 thing is just a bit exaggerated for the purpose of the story.
Metropolis and Brazil may not be particularly accurate but I liked them still.
The Diamond Age: 10/10
Permanence: Civilizations among brown dwarves, the author's own interstellar relativistic transport system.
The Wreck of the River of Stars: Magnetic sails and shit.
Coyote: A Novel of Interstellar Exploration: What it says on the tin.
After Life: Mind uploading and its results.
>tv shows
Don't watch TV.

>> No.3209112


the fighter

>> No.3209133


>> No.3209198

This, they have a physics professor who works out quantum physics problems on their whiteboards that are in their apartment, the equations evolving over the course of the season to solve some problem. He also provides all the "sciency" dialog for the script.

>> No.3209201

Fuck you.
People do not freeze when exposed to the vacuum of space.
Gravity doesn't come from air pressure.

>> No.3209203

>all science interested people are socially inept dwellers/aspies
No, but 90% of actual scientists are.

>> No.3209205


Have fun falling asleep waiting for the first line of the movie 1 hour into it.

>> No.3209215

Apollo 13

>> No.3209220



>implying a large black box sped up evolution and caused sentience

>the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.3209233

hence science FICTION. idiot troll is idiot.

>> No.3209241


>> No.3209244


Implying something was realistic would suggset it was possible in reality. Even if it was fiction. Like a love story. Suggesting something completely unrealistic is realistic, even if it is fiction, is fucking disgustingly stupid.

>> No.3209254

>Don't watch TV

>> No.3209263
File: 16 KB, 240x327, 240px-Stanis%C5%82aw_Lem[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man has written some of the most wonderful gems in the history of sci-fi. His 'first contact' novels are all absolutely brilliant and blow any other attempts out of the water. Fiasco, Eden, The Immortal and Solaris. Not to mention other stuff like Futurological Congress and OH MY GOD His Master's Voice is fucking awesome.

>> No.3209272

>herp derp x10

Radiation causes cellular mutation, some being on the genetic level. Increased radiation levels therefore "speed up" evolution.

Take a class, summerfag.

>> No.3209274

>>Stanislaw Lem

fuck yeah! wait
that book was depressing as fuck on several levels

>> No.3209278


ahahahahahhahahah, son, shut the fuck up.

a huge source of radiation would fucking give you cancer.

>> No.3209279

lotta trolls in this thread...

Apollo 13
Outbreak (biology is a science too!)
Supervolcano (as is geology!)

Defying Gravity (except for the secret plot-device from Mars)
and the old standard: nature documentaries. Catch those species before the spread of Man drives them to extinction!

(Is it just me, or have science documentaries been getting dumber and flashier over time?)

>> No.3209280
File: 92 KB, 440x492, planetes1lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's animu, but one of the most hard sci-fi animu ever made.
Very accurate.

>> No.3209282

and 2001 is impossible in reality, because you know everything about the true nature of reality? You already know everything about what might be discovered in the future? I'm not implying that the main premise in 2001 is realistic... but for all intents and purposes it *is* possible... the fact that you can't open yourself to speculation of the unknown aspects of our universe makes me think that you are probably a very dull, uncreative person. Nothing to be ashamed of, i know. I'm just saying... people probably find you an insufferable know it all and you are socially shunned. But keep telling yourself that that's the way you want it...

>> No.3209284

Like the sun? The normal cosmic radiation that the Earth is saturated in?

Keep parading your ignorance around, kid. You're almost funny.

>> No.3209287


erm... bye dear.

>> No.3209289

Oh, that's a shame. It's always nice to watch proud stupidity.

>> No.3209296
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>> No.3209302

I'd say Pioneer One is looking pretty promising. And it is exciting.

>> No.3209309

Pioneer One is damn awesome, anyone know when 5 is out?

>> No.3209330

thanks for the heads-up. I hadn't heard of this before... I hadn't even heard there were independent shows being produced! The only thing like that I've seen is Ratstar, which can best be described as a fan-made Doctor Who episode.

>> No.3209348

Babylon 5

It has ships with rotating sections for artificial gravity. The most plausible space fighter design. And FTL is achieved through wormholes. Wormholes exist I read it in that book of this wheelchair guy.

>> No.3209362

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.3209389

IIRC from the book, the presence of the monolith just sparked their imagination -- like watching a sci-fi movie might spark our imaginations. Nothing magic.

>> No.3209396

I don't think either of them has ever taken even high school physics. Their lack of understanding of the laws of physics prompts them to completely mis-design experiments which makes the results meaningless.

>> No.3209407

You're trolling right? Only ionizing radiation causes mutation -- and hence cancer.

>> No.3209412


the sun causes a shit load of cancer. :\

>> No.3209518

Well, Solaris is one of his harder books and in general more depressing. Pretty much all of his first contact stories are depressing, since he believed we would never be able to comprehend a truly alien civilization. I'd suggest Eden which was much more fun in general.

>> No.3209521

>since he believed we would never be able to comprehend a truly alien civilization

That's depressing?