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3208710 No.3208710 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3208717

It's true.

White people left Africa, faced a new environment and thus had to evolve to adapt to it. Negroes stayed in Africa and they are just the same now as they were back then.

>> No.3208724

Then South American natives are the most evolved humans, since their ancestors ended up travelling half the world, through Africa, Asia, North and then South America.

>> No.3208733

But they ended up settling in a warm area, that doesn't require to evolve intelligence in order to survive.

>> No.3208738

> he thinks the whole of South America is a warm area

>> No.3208741

>more evolved

>white people have been evolving for longer

>time moves differently in Africa

>> No.3208744

So much faggotry in this thread
Keep this shit in /b/

>> No.3208758

Time moves differently near equator, time moves slightly faster, meaning Africans have evolved for a longer time.

>> No.3208764

You know who has been evolving the longest? Cockroaches.

And between cockroaches and Africans, you know who would survive a nuclear holocaust?
Draw your own conclusions.

>> No.3208767

And many laughs were had. Thank you, sir.

>> No.3208872
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>> No.3208899

That's actually an urban myth.

>> No.3208915

The "out of Africa" model for the origins of humans is not even considered viable anymore.

The oldest hominid fossils have been found in east asia.

>> No.3208925

That's because African grounds are shit for preservation.

>> No.3208936


So, what is the new accepted model?

>> No.3208967

I guess there isnt one then, but no matter what happens, we can be sure it will make more sense then creationism XD.

>> No.3208987

>The oldest hominid fossils have been found in east asia.
Where abouts?

>> No.3208991

The out of africa model is still the most valid.

There is a flaw in your reasoning. you assume that because no older fossil has been found in africa then humans could not possibly evolved there and migrated out.

>> No.3208993

You guys are leaving out when the Africans started mating with the other human-like species. I can't remember the details very clearly but this documentary about evolution where they traced everyone's genes back to the same genome from 6000 years ago in Africa. They said that it wouldn't have been possible for the Africans to evolve as much as they did in that small amount of time so they must have mixed with the other human species around the area in the north, which would be the neanderthals.

>> No.3209013


>>6,000 years ago

missed out a zero or two there

>> No.3209016
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>> No.3210527
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>implying evolution has direction

>> No.3210533
File: 155 KB, 400x505, eatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bumping a shitty 8 hour old thread
>not saging

go to fucking hell

>> No.3210557
File: 18 KB, 240x249, YallN1ggazPostinInATrollThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of whether the Out of Africa theory is true, just because you stick around in the same continent doesn't mean your genes are "less evolved." African humans had to face some fairly difficult climates, (so they still had to deal with selective forces) and Africa actually is quite genetically diverse.

And yes, evolution isn't linear.

And yes, this thread is a blatant troll.

>> No.3212645

>implying that anything could be more evolved than anything else

>> No.3212686

I have heard that too.

Apparently Africans were the more evolved people but mated with neanderthals thus making white people.

So white people are in a sense less human hence why we have so much more body hair then other races such as Asians and Africans.

>> No.3212716

Asians share the "Neanderthal gene" as well, and the first interbreedings are suspected to have begun in the Middle East.

>> No.3213406
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Don't mind me just being the most highly evolved being on the planet.

>> No.3213409

>more evolved
>implying you understand evolution

>> No.3213413

Liberals, Liberals evereywhere

We both evolved.

However, just because we both evolved doesn't mean we both evolved in exactly the same way down to the letter.

No-ones implying whites are "More" evolved, however we are "differently" evolved.