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File: 131 KB, 238x245, capethi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3207542 No.3207542 [Reply] [Original]

Is capitalism ethical?

>> No.3207548

No, but it's delicious!

>> No.3207552

No. It is inherently unethical and encourages doing anything to make profit, including lies and backroom deals.

>> No.3207553


>> No.3207556

Every nation is capitalistic. Be more specific

>> No.3207559

same person

>> No.3207562

and yet it manages to produce a superior quality of life compared to communism which is inherently ethical but in reality becomes the most unethical thing anyone could possibly imagine

funny how that works huh idealist fag?

>> No.3207563

i don't see why it wouldn't be 'ethical' can someone point out to me otherwise

>> No.3207566



>> No.3207569

Capitalism =/= greed
it's dependent on the people, just like Socialism. I tell you what, live in a Socialist society and see how much you enjoy the shared misery.

>> No.3207570

Oh, yes, a superior quality of life for 5% of the world.

>> No.3207573


Yeah, the 5% who have free markets.

>> No.3207595



>> No.3207603

depends on whether you believe in the inherent goodness of man. so no, it's not ethical if left to its own devices.

>> No.3207608

WTF? Is this conversation along with this picture brought up over and over again for the lolz or what?

>> No.3207627

Capitalism would have worked fine. The concept itself isn't the problem, but people's greed is the problem.
Any kind of extream is usually bad, in this case single companies or people that hoard mass amounts of money for no reason beyond their desire for ''success'' ruined capitalism for everybody.
I think a good mix of capitalism and socialism would have worked best though.

>> No.3207636


Rich people don't "sit" on their money. They put it to use financing ventures that typically generate more jobs.

>> No.3207645

>other people who earned lots of money have too much i deserve that money because it will make me happy, how greedy r they no fair baw bawwww

self entitled fag liberal detected

>> No.3207646

Yes, government isn't.

>> No.3207647

Same OP who seems to post this thread every time I'm here. Wow so edgy hipster, stick it to the man.

>> No.3207649

Yes. Everyone has what they deserve and deserves what they have.

What one deserves is a function of what one can acquire through skill, cunning, or effort. If you can't acquire it under a free market, you don't deserve it.

>> No.3207650

Are ethics ethical?

>> No.3207675

How is capitalism going to work once robots do all of the labor/manufacturing/lower-level service jobs? I'd like to imagine this would just free up everyone to do science but I imagine 50%+ of the population is incapable of doing things a robot couldn't do better for cheaper. What's going to happen? Hyper-capitalism where certain people own the capital + labor necessary to produce a good?

What I'm basically asking is: what happens in a market with infinite un/low-skilled labor?

>> No.3207681

It really depends on what system of ethics you are using. In other words; what is the good you are trying to maximize?

>> No.3207686

By definition.

>> No.3207697

Is being fat evil?

>> No.3207700

Your question should be--Is the overpopulation of humans ethical?---considering how we have been sucking up this planet's resources, destroying eco-systems by the thousands, polluting the water, air and earth in more ways than one all in the name of propagation of our species since we've been around. And we are a relatively young species--this party has just barely gotten started.

Sure, capitalism does damage but I think that is just one of the vehicles that humans do damage with (political/financial systems).

Te population demands that places like India, Haiti, even Japan put on their environments is just as hideous as you say capitalism is.

Some guy once wrote an article talking about how agriculture was the worst mistake humanity every made. I disagree, I think it's growing past a small village, or maybe even a small country.

Other animals procreate but don't do to the earth what we do because there is a weird balance that they seem to adhere to. We often spit on those boundaries, us humans. It will bite us in the ass good someday-capitalism or no capitalism.

>> No.3207711

>implying human growth is not decelerating
hurdurr humans r virus

>> No.3207757
File: 109 KB, 238x318, free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your view of the world is totally deluded.

>> No.3207758
File: 19 KB, 563x400, Holodomor[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is communism ethical?

>> No.3207771

Um hurr durr. Human population IS expected to increase. Decelerating where?

Oh, yeah. You want to hear some irony? Overpopulation DE-celerates in first world countries.

That's right, countries that generally adhere to capitalistic ideals. Well, huurr durr durrp. The more advanced the country, the more educated they become and the more birth control they use.

>> No.3207829

> because there is a weird balance that they seem to adhere to.
Not that "they" are doing anything. It just so happens that intelligence, leading to cultural activities like agriculture and capital, are much more successful adaptations than most bacteria. When an animal or plant does get an overwhelming advantage over the rest of the environment, then, whoohoo oh boy, watch out. The arctic foxes eat ALL the arctic hares, then the foxes starve to death.
All things considered, we've done pretty well. There have been a lot of mistakes and there will be more in the future, but hopefully we won't burn out like bacteria in a sterile Petri dish.

>> No.3207850
File: 314 KB, 600x1978, World Economic Model..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuff said

>> No.3207852
File: 179 KB, 652x837, ethicsmemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, whats your hardon with this subject?