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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3206674 No.3206674 [Reply] [Original]

I am curious.

What does /sci/ do for a living?

>> No.3206681

I'll be honest.

Nothing. I scrape by on grants, scholarships, social security, financial aid, student loans, taking 18 credits every quarter.

>> No.3206682

It displays ad banners for the semantically challenged to click.

>> No.3206691

I'm a civil engineering major who works at an engineering internship at an aerospace company doing SAP.

Shitsucks man. Awesome money but can't get an internship in my field for anything. Still got two years left to go however.

>> No.3206690


>> No.3206700
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Systems integration for insurance adjusters.

>> No.3206697


woah, slow down.

If you graduate before getting any experience you will have a rough time getting a job. Take it slow, work hard to get dem As, and find yourself a nice internship/applicable job experience.

>> No.3206714

But I don't actually enjoy anything!

>> No.3206723

I can attest to this statement. I went through school taking tons of classes every semester and decided to take summer school instead of an internship. I'm now one year out of college with a ba in economics, a bs in mathematics, and a minor in chinese and can't get a job for the life of me due to having no actual experience. I've been working at a Verizon Wireless for the past 7 months until I start grad school this fall. Felt 40k in student loans would be worth it to get that valuable internship experience my second time around.

>> No.3206735

Apprentice Carpenter

>> No.3206746

Almost nothing. And I get paid very well for it.

>> No.3206758


Thats why you try summer internships.

If you don't like it, its only a summer and you get badass experience on yours resume. It's invaluable.

You will get nowhere without this

>> No.3206761

Enjoy capitalism.

>> No.3206765


Supply and demand is wonderful.

>> No.3206795


Silly socialist detected.

>> No.3206790

Yes. That's it. Supply and demand.

>> No.3206806

Really though, what is that you do?


>> No.3206812


Not really, no.

>> No.3206836

He's too socially retarded to develop the people skills necessary for connections. He probably doesn't come from money either, so he's left working in a Kinkos admiring THE CAPITALIST UBERMENSCH

>> No.3206846


Not old money, just nicely aged money.

>> No.3206849


>> No.3208165

Studying to be a Computational Neuroscientist.

>> No.3208295
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Tech support for
>students at for profit colleges.

>> No.3208742
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I live in Sweden so I get low interest student loans (I study physics) from the government. Still, it's pretty tight, I barely get enough to cover rent, food and clothes. During the summer I try to work, but this time I have a lot of unfinished courses I intend to study for. Luckily I just inherited a little extra money, but I'm worried about the long-term...

I hate money worries.

>> No.3208754

senior at college, live off parents

>> No.3208749

I troll 4chan and get paid 300k, all thanks to my PhD in Mathematics.

>> No.3208859


of trollololology

>> No.3208870

Programming in a small but successful and a widespread company.

>> No.3208877


I sell specialist plastic boxes that I have made in china for a 300% markup. I make around £1000 a shipment and get them every month or so.
Helps keep food on my table while I study for my math masters.

>> No.3208888

> I am curious.
> What does /sci/ do for a living?
Post Costanza pics and troll well-established scientific theories.

>> No.3208917

Security in a mall in London, UK

>> No.3208924

Long hours as a Deli boy, in the summer, while I take summer classes. I don't work in the fall and spring though so I can focus on my studies. Do any of you guys work part time jobs during the school year? I know a lot of people have to.

>> No.3209007

Nothing atm, will start giving extra lessons to first years students coming year though. I managed to get quite a few good marks on some subjects so I can do those

>> No.3209027

Postgrad here. This thread made me realise that I have never had a job or really succeeded at anything.

brb killing myself

>> No.3209174

A combination of working at a local cafe and fixing computers/ asking for grants and applying for scholarships.I also accrue huge levels of debt which will financially cripple me for many years after I leave school.
High five, society ;_; .

>> No.3209199
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>Their parents don't financially support them

>> No.3209213

I actually, properly hate people who act like this.

>> No.3209221

I'm a neuroscientist, and specialize in neuroscience's applications to artificial intelligence. On the side, I'm a fairly wealthy entrepreneur.

>> No.3209225

Software Developer/Systems Architect

>> No.3209227

Not much, lately. All part time gigs in a small mountain town hit very hard by economic bust. Mostly radio/TV engineering, plus a small assembly line job. TV job used to be much bigger, but new owners installed much more reliable equipment. No longer using chewing gum/bailing wire philosophy. Ad revenues way down, so no more expansion projects, trips to other affiliates. TV is old media, anyway, dying as far as I can tell.

>> No.3209228
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>> No.3209235

Y u mad?

>> No.3209238

mainly because I have rich parents who won't pay my tuition.

>> No.3209243

PhD (ongoing) in a Quantum Chemistry related project.

>> No.3209245


>> No.3209248
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>> No.3209249

Its not bad as it sounds really. Mostly modelling chemical reactions and their energetics. Sometimes as exciting as mechanism of proton tunneling.

>> No.3209260

Stay-at-home guard.

>> No.3209264
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I'm a philosopher.

>> No.3209286

Househusband here. My wife works full time. I look after the kids.

>> No.3209293

Your kid's will be amazingly beta.

>> No.3209290
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>> No.3209295

Doing my graduate studies in pure mathematics. Used to work as a bouncer, now I'm just working as a TA at my institution.

>> No.3209297


>> No.3209349

Property manager for a storage company

>> No.3209376
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Lab tech

quit school years ago, planning on going back next year.

>> No.3209383

long term unemployed. I hardly spend anything and I reckon I can last another 8 years on my savings before having to get a job.

The best thing is that I have a far better life than all my friends who work their balls off 5 or 6 days a week. I spend about half my time travelling around on my bike and camping. Currently planning a 2 month long trip round, hopefully incorporating some freight train riding as well.

>> No.3209390

Dayum, that's awesome.

>> No.3209413

I'm a librarian, it's pretty cool.

Thinking of studying some more though, I can start working on a masters in archival science after summer if I want. Archivists earn more, and having a masters is always nice.

>> No.3209429

Frack!. I'd love to be a vagrant worker in the old west hitching a freight train between ranches doing odd jobs for folk. Would only be a good adventure if I lived in the US. Frack all you American citizens, you don't realise how lucky you are. You have a fracking multitude of climates and diverse geographical regions to explore without even crossing a border. there's no way I can get into america (pic related). The closest thing I can manage is to travel around europe but that means crossing border and water (UKfag here). Most of Europe's landscape is so similar anyway. We have no deserts, our Alps can't compare to the Rockies and our urban centres are shit tier in comparison to Manhattan and co.

>> No.3209436

I work at the front office in a hotel. Fucking hate it and people fucking suck ass.

>> No.3209435
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so you're pretty much a bum

>> No.3209443

What qualification do you need to be a librarian. I'm guessing information management nowadays. I'd like to be one of those. I have a degree perhaps I could do a further qualification in librarianship (not necessarily masters, but PgDip or PgCert).

My dream is to get a job where I have nothing much to do besides sitting at a desk reading.

An academic position is difficult to obtain, since you need a PhD and there's the problem of teaching and publishing original and relevant material every so often.

>> No.3209444
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Go watch this movie and tell me how well that idea worked out for this guy.

>> No.3209448


He dies.


>> No.3209454

>Please note: the minimum qualifications stated below are a guide for determining the education, training, experience, special skills, and/or license which may be required for employment in the class. These are re-evaluated each time the position is opened for recruitment. Please refer to the most recent Job Announcement for updated minimum qualifications.
>College graduation with a Master’s degree in Library Science; OR college graduation with a Bachelor’s degree, including or supplemented by a minimum of 9 semester or14 quarter units of Library Science education, AND eighteen months of paraprofessional Librarian experience

>> No.3209456

Read the plot synopsis. That guy started off shit so I can only imagine it gets shittier. I would burn my cash or donate it. I'm not interested in living in the wild. I would still venture into cities.

>> No.3209458

way to ruin it for those who have not seen the film dickhead

>> No.3209472

>In Germany and some other countries, the first step for an academic librarian is a PhD in a subject field, followed by additional training in librarianship.

from wikipedia.

lolwat. A librarian who's a doctor? That's wasted talent right there.

>> No.3209474


>> No.3209486


Snape kills dumbledore.

Verbal is Keyser Soze.

>> No.3209586


It's a shit movie anyway.

>> No.3209631

McCandless only died because he ate some seeds (wild potato) which at the time were not known to be poisonous to humans. He survived in alaska for 16 weeks on a 10lb bag of rice and stuff he foraged or shot, after spending 2 years travelling with next to no money. The film is a load of garbage and takes massive liberties with the facts. Saying HURR GO TRAVELLING YOU DIE LOOK AT THIS is stupid, because he only died due to a mistake which even an expert in the local fauna and flora would make.

The other bit that retards bring up is that just upstream he could have crossed the river, which is incorrect, as it would have meant wading through very fast flowing chest deep glacial meltwater, and it is extremely unlikely anyone could have made it.
He was certainly very intelligent, very physically fit and very knowledgeable on the local conditions. He died due to bad luck, and pretty much the only people who hate on him are almost always armchair adventurers who haven't ever travelled more than half a mile from their car.

>> No.3209645

I work the dish pit and kitchen at a Greek restaurant.

Honestly, my life has been pretty rough between poverty and health issues. At this point all I can really do is get enough money to stay away from my parents and save up for surgery. Then maybe I'll be sound enough to pick up a degree.

I wish I could just focus all of my efforts on my education, but the privilege is not mine.

>> No.3209651

I work in a lab

>> No.3209653

I'm a musician

>> No.3209657

>so you're pretty much a bum

not really. I own my house. I have skills and qualifications. I make furniture, do handyman style work and repair bikes when I feel like it. I just choose not to participate in the money society as much as is possible.
I don't have a job or career, and I'm happy and have a good life. How's it working out for you?

>> No.3209665


i'm a professional pussy wrangler. yeehaw.

>> No.3209671

>I just choose not to participate in the money society as much as is possible.

lol, whatever gets you through the day.

>> No.3209718
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I study civil engineering, and mathematical finance.

got interviews with some companies coming up soonish. any of you fruitloops done interviews with international companies? what should i expect?

eh whatever i assume they'll just hire me because i'm pretty fucking awesome. compared to other engineering grads atleast, bunch of socially retarded nerds.

>> No.3209734

ahhh fuck, this threads scared me.
I'm on a gap year before i start at uni for maths, is there no jobs for someone without a phd?

>> No.3209741


Suck cocks and kiss ass. It's what you majored in. Of course, we all major in the latter.

>> No.3209754
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Maintenance at an energy company. Hey, at least it's physics related... kinda. I even wear a white coat and a hardhat

>> No.3209769
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Certified Troll Physicist.

>> No.3209987
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>no phd, no job

>> No.3210052

I live in a council flat, where I play world of warcraft for 15 hours a day and rarely venture from my dwelling apart from buying cheap unhealthy food from the supermarket around the corner.
The benefits I receive are enough to live on and pay for the world of warcraft subscription.
I haven't spoken to anyone in my family for three years or so now, I intend to keep it that way.

>> No.3210067

I own/operate a construction company and am a notary and co-manage a real estate company.

Which basically boils down to me sitting in the bar on most days.

>> No.3210075

Software engineer for a large technology company (I was an intern until just yesterday, but I'll be starting as a permanent employee in a week). I just finished a Bachelor's degree, and will be working for a while before I go on for a Master's degree or Ph.D in computer science, so I can do some more meaningful work.

inb4 "engineer faggot"

>> No.3210096

I am an electronics tech. I have been employed as an engineering tech for a defense contractor, and did the equivalent work to a junior engineer. If I had the time to get the degree, I'd be an actual engineer, but I have neither the time nor the desire anymore.

>> No.3210102

Professional Arrogant teenage Marxist.

>> No.3210121

There was a time when I was a wealthy man in the pizza industry, now I suck cock to survive.

>> No.3210128

I uswd to work like that. Then my bussiness failed. Probably too many days in the bar
Before computers the librarian was the most important person ever

>> No.3210133

I'm a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

>> No.3210152

I help sell miracle spring water and supernatural debt cancellation kits