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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3205749 No.3205749 [Reply] [Original]

So why doesnt this work?

>> No.3205756
File: 84 KB, 471x543, facebookownage..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because christfags are fucking retarded.

>> No.3205772 [DELETED] 

If they were smarter, there are shitloads of other fine-tuning arguments they could make. If the force of gravity were one decimal place off, life could not exist.

>> No.3205779

except that isn't true either
/prove it.

>> No.3205785
File: 406 KB, 400x400, buddy christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the Earth's orbit is not perfectly circular to start with
>mfw the Earth probably wobbles more than 10 feet several times over the course of a single rotation
>mfw godfags can be the most retarded people on the planet

>> No.3205790


You guys are just mad that other people have found faith and meaning to their lives while you guys will never achieve anything and live meaningless lives.

If God isn't real then how did we evolve?

>> No.3205793
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>> No.3205800


>> No.3205805

If God isn't real, then who built all the churches?

>> No.3205808
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>> No.3205810

i bet she heard that at church. religious people will beleive anything their pastors/priests/whatever the fuck they call them tell them to beleive.

it's scary. i went to church for the first time in 20 years with my fiance (her families religious but she "questions" it, we don't talk about it. ever.) kids ran up to the priest and he was telling them stories of god and how if they don't listen to their parents they're sinning. scared them shitless.

>> No.3205815
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>> No.3205819

If God isn't real then who told Noah to build the Ark?

>> No.3205823

Yeah, that's pretty typical. Religion is just another system of control, and it boils down to telling people scary stories to keep them in line.

>> No.3205827
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>> No.3205836
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>> No.3205837

Guys guys.

All you know about science, you only know it is right because someone told you it is.
Religious people only know God exists because someone told them he does.

It's the same fucking thing. You're all a bunch of sheep.

>> No.3205842
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>> No.3205841
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Take solace my son in the one true universal church of God

>> No.3205846

As opposed to eguenic stories, racial inequality stories, social justice stories, capitalistic stories, communistic stories, laissez faire stories, trickle down economic stories, nash equilibrium stories, rational consumer stories, Phrenetics stories, Mongoloid stories, the code of Hammurabi stories, nomadic peoples stories, political will stories, democratic society stories, the blank slate story, the objectivist stories, the nihilistic stories, the heisenberg uncertainty story, the N=NP story, the quantum consciousness story, the holocaust story, the human evolution out of africa story, the global warming story.

>things sound so quaint when you add story to the end of them.

>> No.3205848
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>> No.3205856


I mean liek if u put a bunch of scientists in a room they all have different opinions

You really think evilution is tru when all ur leaders don't even agree???

>> No.3205869
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>> No.3205880
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>> No.3205885

2nd to last should include "Make hypothesis fuzzier"

>> No.3205894
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>> No.3205903
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>> No.3205918

Wassamatta OP, you aren't posting any more! Is this thread boring you now? Is trolling not as much fun when nobody gets MAD? <mocking>Awww, we're so sowwy OP, we'll twy to be moar indignant for you!</mocking>

>> No.3205928
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>> No.3205932 [DELETED] 

>elliptical orbit
>getting closer to the sun by more than 10ft


>> No.3205933

actually throughout my entire academic career, since i was a little boy, i have learnt from previous scientists and performed tests to prove their theories. This is a core component in teaching today. Religion teaches you without proof, nurturing ignorance.

>> No.3205936

I believe your picture is actually meant to say "hypothesis" instead of theory.

>> No.3205944

*shrug* you get the idea.

>> No.3205954


Hey! That's cool! That's so cool that I will use this if someone questions MY faith in the Holy Walrus

>> No.3206639

And that's a bad thing?

Humans need to be kept in line, I don't need a bunch of fucking people who believe that there are no such things as morals and everyone goes crazy and so on.

>> No.3206727
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captcha = and solacec