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3203964 No.3203964 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3203981

>implying we can be free of religion when /sci/ keeps getting spammed with these threads all day every day

>> No.3203988

I won't stop bugging people about it until they stop bugging me about it.

>> No.3203992

Only because we live in a religious world.

>> No.3203995


Also, sage.

>> No.3203998

Well, Christianity mostly. Atheists will rant and rave about Christians burning a witch somewhere 700 years ago, but they mostly or totally ignore the atrocities committed by Islam in the present.

>> No.3204001

I didn't post that thread.

>> No.3204009

That's rubbish; atheists have plenty to criticise about Islam.

>> No.3204011

How long does a ban on 4chan last?

>> No.3204013

There's varying lengths. The length of the ban is stated when you get banned. It's always at least a day, IIRC. There are permabans, but it's IP-based.

>> No.3204017

>meanwhile, OP proves he's a faggot by starting this thread.

>> No.3204020

atheism is a religion now, they have churches, leaders, symbols and more. everyone is secretly laughing at them when they claim to be so intelligent and rational, maybe when they finish puberty theyll realize it was as ridiculous as being a goth or an emo.

>> No.3204021

Yeah I hate those damn Atheists that come to my door trying to give me their gaudy literature.

>> No.3204022

How many Christians do that except Jehovah's Witnesses?

>> No.3204026


Picture of an Atheist Church or GTFO.

>> No.3204027

I rarely talk about Islam until something comes up that i feel i should criticize. Islam in America is much less of an issue than it is in europe.

>enjoy your new religious fanatics.

>> No.3204029

heres one, of the many, church's website


>> No.3204032


Around here? Mormons, Baptists, Church of God, Pentecostals...to name a few. you live in a desert or something.

>> No.3204037

In my experience, they usually leave when you you tell them that you're not interested. I've found them to be very polite people.

>> No.3204038

Refuting a troll thread doesn't make you intelligent or witty, just dumb.

>> No.3204040

Baptists do it too, however, only in areas that have mostly baptist congregations.

>> No.3204044

Where I live, we have mostly UCC, Catholic, and Evangelical Lutheran churches.

>> No.3204046

Very well, I'll take your word for it.

>> No.3204050

Atheists preach more than anyone. Have you ever seen any other religion besides atheism where people go on every website and use buzzwords like "irrational" and "jesus sux lol," every comment section, every fucking where. Atheists are the biggest evangelists, they're just too insecure and socially inept to do it in person.

>> No.3204055

Is it necessary to give a reason for reporting somebody? - I'll clarify the issue. If /sci/ gets continuously spammed by all those religious trolls is it possible to report them as spammers?

No bad intentions intended. Just a thought about clearing /sci/ from those threads that are caused by the samefags. Also to know whether someone can get banned for no reason - so that when the spammers get unbanned or change their IP so they don't ban half of 4chan from revenge.

>> No.3204060
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Hypatia (b. ca. AD 350–370, d. March 415)

>> No.3204063

The difference between Christian and Muslim proselytizing:

Christian: Here, would you like this pamphlet? Jesus loves you.

Muslim (wears explosive pack): Submit to Allah and Muhammed the prophet of Allah or I'm going to blow you up.

>> No.3204066

No, they sit and drink their coffee.

Religion fags are the ones who start the goddamn problems, and then we have to call the cops.

>> No.3204069

Quoting ancient Greek philosophers is stupid because atheism in the modern sense did not exist back then.

>> No.3204073

You're American, aren't you?

>> No.3204075

Why do you ask?

>> No.3204077


>> No.3204090
File: 17 KB, 280x280, what-a-load-of-bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying christians didnt kill other people in the name of God.
haha, pic related.

>> No.3204092

That guy looks suspicious, let's call an air strike and bomb the shit out of the whole village with no trial. - Whoops my bad, it was the next village to the left, no to the right.

Very peaceful and so full of love!

>> No.3204093

actually, despite what you heard on dawkins youtube videos, atheism has existed since the beginning of time. i know you think youre really edgy and fresh with your atheist beliefs, but atheism was big in many nations at many points in time. maybe youll learn that in your sophomore year of high school history.

>> No.3204098

only because it was harder to be a dedicated Atheist before Darwin.

>> No.3204104


Not in the last 300 years.


Uh, the Iraq War was done to spread the word of Jesus? Calm down and quit reading www.alqaeda.net

>> No.3204112

Modern atheism has only existed since about the time of the Enlightenment. In earlier times, it usually meant someone who denied the existence of the state gods.

>> No.3204113

atheists killed more people in a few decades than all of religion in world history combined

why are the atheists in this forum so uneducated?

>> No.3204120

No it didn't. That was just one way it was used. Modern atheism isn't modern, except for the fact that it's organized like a religion now.

>> No.3204124

See, they tell you "Oh but that wasn't done in the name of atheism." In of itself, no. But they tried to wipe out religion to build a new society based on scientific materialism.

>> No.3204130

I'm actually talking about Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Jugoslavia... and pretty much all the conflicts where US was involved, about US actually paying and supplying terrorists with weaponry to fight against Soviets in Afghanistan (yes your government has supported terrorists, bomb yourselves).

>> No.3204131

>Never stop talking about it.

Invalid premise.

>> No.3204132

Anyone who says that is an uneducated fool. All those mass murderers often spoke of the greatness of atheism and it's necessity in civilization.

>> No.3204133

As someone pointed out, it wasn't really possible to believe in a strictly material universe before the 18th-19th centuries.

>> No.3204134

Nobody takes those churches seriously. Maybe 30 people go visit them in total of the millions of Atheists that exist.

Leaders? Dawkins? No he is just an advocate against religion, he is not a leader in any way.

Symbols? What?

>> No.3204135

We're not saying that atheists were never at fault, we pointing out that pretty much everyone has been at some point.

>> No.3204137

None of which was done to spread Christianity.

>> No.3204142

Are you retarded? How was it "not possible?"

People have denied the existence of any gods whatsoever since the beginning of time. Stop repeating nonsense.

>> No.3204145

"Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of communism."

"Our program necessarily includes the propagation of atheism."

"Religion is the opiate of the masses."

-- Lenin

>> No.3204147

Comprehension, or the lack of it.

>> No.3204156

In earlier times, those who didn't believe tended to delve into speculative philosophy about the origins of the universe because as I said, it was not really possible to totally reject the supernatural until 250-200 years ago.

>> No.3204158

It was done in the name of religion called "Democracy" - anyway do you really think if democracy is worth human sacrifices? And it is your divine right to enforce it upon other nations?

>> No.3204164

Democracy is not a religion. Troll harder.

>> No.3204168

who gets blamed?

>> No.3204172

Do you still thing it's worth human sacrifices?

>> No.3204174

Why do you keep using words like tended or impossible? Atheism is very simple, it is the non-belief in any god. There have been huge amounts of people all throughout history who had this view since the beginning of time. Stop pretending that it required some sort of specific evidence at a certain point in time to hold that belief.

>> No.3204177
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(time to talk about Hitler... need some godwin points)

So where is your god of extermination and torture now?

>> No.3204181

democracy is a secular political system you imbecile

>> No.3204182

Even the Crusades were really only performed with the object of retaking Jerusalem from the Muslims. They didn't have as their aim the entire reconquest and conversion of the Middle East.

>> No.3204189


The Nazis were pagans and friends of the raghead, and had no use for Christianity except for trite political purposes.


>> No.3204197

nazis were not pagans, they were atheists who used christianity to gather the masses and in privacy spoke of the benefits of abusing religion for this manner

>> No.3204208

You fucking retard answer the question is it's spread worth human sacrifices or not?

>> No.3204211

I know they were big on occult stuff. Some Nazi leaders like Herman Goering were openly contemptuous of Christianity. Hitler did not speak of it in public, but was said to have a great loathing of it.

>> No.3204215

I think he was exaggerating the impact of the soviet purges, not Hitler.

>> No.3204216

why would i need to answer that question? i was merely commenting on how uneducated you are.

>> No.3204220

Stalin (atheist): Kill 20 million
Mao (atheist): Kill 40 million
Pol Pot (atheist): Kill 4 million
Castro, Kim Jong Il, and lesser communist tyrants (atheists): Kill at least several million
Hitler (pagan and friend of the ragheads): Kill 6 million directly and millions more indirectly

>> No.3204230

Oddly, Muslims in the US are less militant even though we've been at war in the ME. I think it's because the greater degree of secularism in Europe clashes with them.

>> No.3204232

To learn what metaphor means.

>> No.3204239


>> No.3204250

Agnosticism: Claim to be above this shit. Create Atheism troll threads every other minute.

>> No.3204255

Are you me?

>> No.3204257

>Never talk about religion or criticize anybody in person.
>Nobody talks to me about religion or criticizes me

>> No.3204262

Try to recall how many religious wars there have been. Both sides have killed more than they are willing to admit.

>> No.3204272

I don't think they've ever killed 100 million people in such a short space of time.

>> No.3204283

I'm talking about total numbers, not the rate.

>> No.3204284

haha are you retarded? you dont need them to "admit" anything you faggot. these things have been studied. the biggest war was the crusades and it doesnt even come close to ONE of the many soviet atheist mass murders

>> No.3204285

So think again.

>> No.3204292

Prolly a few million at most and nothing even close to the huge atheist body count in the 20th century.

>> No.3204297
File: 147 KB, 800x700, Trollorgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to tell if people in this thread are trolling hard or fucking retarded.

>> No.3204299

Pope John-Paul II saying that condoms are unsafe.
Every christian believe it and dont use it while they have AIDS.
100.000.000 will die soon for the love of God.

>> No.3204305

only gays get AIDS and we all know theyre atheists

>> No.3204307

That's Africa. Those are niggers, not people.

>> No.3204309

Soviets killed with religious media.

Saying that it was atheist is like me lumping Christians in with Muslims because they are religions.

>> No.3204312

>religious media
Oh wow what

>> No.3204314

If you don't know, you're a victim.

>> No.3204318

what about many centuries of church-driven imperialism? Does cutting a bloody scar through the entire planet for centuries without end count?

Or just what fits with whatever your opinion is? Or do you honestly know nothing of history at all?

And if your criteria for murder being attributable to a viewpoint is merely that thpse commiting such acts share it, guess what sunshine? 1700 years of European imperialism, church-driven or not.
that includes many hundreds of millions of deaths and the willful destruction of entire civilizations. Way to paint yourself into a corner bro.

>> No.3204322

Soooo, you don't remember the reasons?

You're an atheist compared to me(hint, hint).

>> No.3204326

Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.3204327

>hurr durr christianity made the world sux durin dark ages that countz rite guyz?> my opinions should count against the STATISTICAL DATA that exposes the horrors of atheists rite guyz

>> No.3204334

How much of that wasn't just fighting over land and resources?

>> No.3204335

>Hitler: Kill 6 million directly
hitler directly killed 6 million jews himself huh?

>> No.3204336

Well you don't seem atheist, and you're posting AGAIN about religion. Stop it please. Keep it to yourself.

>> No.3204339

>Hi I am an agnsty teenager looking to spew venom in a safe enrivonment for myself so I dont stop for little things such as reading or comprehending

sue your school brah

>> No.3204341

the holocaust was a hoax anyway, not sure why people bring up hitler all the time when its been proven that the population of jews in europe was six million both before and after ww2

>> No.3204346


>> No.3204352
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The difference is between Catholic Atheists and Protestant Atheists.

Catholic Atheists: Anal retentive. Apply the same rigid dogmatism to atheism that Catholics do to Christianity.

Protestant Atheists: Bros. Relaxed about atheism. If you ask them theyll say that they are atheists but wont bug you about it.

Pentecostal Atheists: All sorts of crazy. Just as crazy as pentecostals, usually believe in weird shit like Magik or ghosts.

Islamic Atheists: Go through the motions of their religion for the sake of family memebers probably. Keep atheism to themselves. Probably would lie if asked if they are atheist.


>> No.3204358

so whats your data on the before and after population of jews in europe? all the published data says 6 millions before and 6 million after. how could 6 million jews die and be born again in a few years?

>> No.3204361

Does that matter if we are to accept the criteria of the person I was replying to? Read, comprehend, THEN post, it works out so much better for everybody involved, thanks.

My actual opinion is that Humans will use any excuse to oppress eachother to meet their immediate goals...but I am clearly replying to a context that a poster has set.
BUT my opinion never came into play in the post you are responding to.


I really hope that you are just trolling.

>> No.3204364

Catholics/protestants. The exact opposite is true.

>> No.3204366

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.3204377

Atheists that were brought up in different religions turn out to be different kinds of atheists.

Richard Dawkins - Catholic
AmazingAtheist - Catholic


>> No.3204378

The Jewish population of Europe never recovered to its prewar levels, and the US now has the largest number of Jews in the world.

>> No.3204381

That's kind of odd because Catholics tend to be less rigid than Protestants, especially Baptist sects.

>> No.3204382

excuse me but i asked you for data, not for sensational sob stories you hear on the Maddow show. every population census ive seen says 6 million before and 6 millions jews after the war.

>> No.3204388

dawkins was raped by a priest, i bet amazingfatheist was too

>> No.3204394
File: 116 KB, 1000x749, Feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I'm an atheist in a mostly non-religious country and nobody gives a shit and I don't have to argue about religion because nobody tells me about religion and nobody tells me "hurr durr athiests murdered billion people in WW2 USSR your an angsty teenager u goin to hell"

>> No.3204397

thats the way it is everywhere, its the atheists who baww about religion. not the other way around.

>> No.3204399

About two thirds of European jews perished in the Holocaust. That means six of about 10 million were killed. Even allowing 60+ of population recovery, the number is well below prewar levels.

>> No.3204400
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>> No.3204401

I was a Catholic Atheist. After several years of being atheist finally one of my friends (Protestant) found out.

Invites me to Christian Camp in the mountains.

Tells me look how beautiful the trees are, therefore god did it.

I'd imagine Protestant Atheists are the worst of the lot, since for instance, one made the post I'm quoting.

> Protestant Atheists are the bestests cus we don't care about it! Ignore that I'm spamming how cool protestant atheists are!!!!

Protestant atheists are insecure.

>> No.3204403

You don't liek Jews do you?

>> No.3204404


>> No.3204407

again, i asked you for data, not for hearsay

>> No.3204412

>has never been to the states, especially the deep south

>> No.3204413

Is there a limit of posts in a thread? If yes what is it?

>> No.3204421

ive been to the deep south and they were the nicest people in the world. they wave hello to strangers and smile and ask how you are. you are likely the one who has never been to the deep south. ohh boohoo some mean ol white people, lets see how nice africans or hatians are if you were to show up there you pathetic homosexual. their 'beliefs' will be the last of your worries, faggot

>> No.3204423

Well, that's looks like a silly generalization, and there are retarded people everywhere.

>> No.3204424

>ive been to the deep south and they were the nicest people in the world.
You're white though.

>> No.3204425

At least on Usenet, your posts are preserved on Google Groups forever.

>> No.3204433

this is really a dead issue for me

religion is already dead, just not everyone knows it yet.

>> No.3204436

and if you were white and went to africa? if you were asian and went to haiti? if you were arab and went to mexico? youre a sheltered little faggot, youd die for being a certain race in any other country. oh they didnt smile at me cuz im not white boohoo. whites r so evul. grow some balls liberal

>> No.3204441

I live in the deep south, broseph. During a 5-10 minute drive to Kroger, I pass something like 5 churches. I've seen 4 separate churches all next door to each other. Religion in the states is ridiculous and you're a fool to say otherwise.

>> No.3204452

You are not as enlightened as you want to imply.

Actually, you are a bunch of NlGGER killing NlGGERS, except the people in question are Christians.

>> No.3204460

well its no wonder you think whites are so evil. youre a sheltered 13 year old atheist liberal who thinks the most awful thing in the world is that religious people have fun together on sundays and youre forever alone. your self-hating would vanish if you ever stepped foot in another country.