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3202930 No.3202930 [Reply] [Original]

How would splashes look like with different gravities?

>> No.3202932


>> No.3202936

Would the water splash to higher heights or lower heights when the gravity is increased?

(assuming the splash is caused by an object with a constant mass from a constant height)

>> No.3202939

*DROPPED from a constant height

>> No.3202940

At lower gravity, the splash would reach higher heights.

>> No.3202945

despite the fact that the force that causes the splash (mg) is lower?

>> No.3202966


If you actually think about, realize all materials will have equally as low weight in relation to the same gravity.

>> No.3202970

so the splash will be the same?
i realise 'mg' will be lower, but when the water is thrown upwards by the splash, there is less gravity pulling it down, so i figured it would go higher.

>> No.3202976

Let me be more specific with my question

A tank is filled with water and a ball is dropped from a certain height into the tank. This experiment is done in multiple planets with varying gravities. How would the splash look like in each planet?

(The fact that the water will be more condensed due to higher gravity also needs to be noticed)

>> No.3203002

Go throw something at a wall, note how there is more force than gravity there? Now imagine doing that but at water.

>> No.3203006

>The fact that the water will be more condensed due to higher gravity also needs to be noticed

What? The density has nothing to do with the value of g.

Still, I think the answer is that the splash will be bigger (i.e. the droplets will reach higher and the splash radious will be wider), at least if we're working in a vacuum. The ball's intial kinetic energy is an upper bound for the water droplets' maximum potential energy. So, if the droplets' size (and hence mass) doesn't change, then the droplets will reach higher (and farther away for the droplets that are projected at an angle, hence the larger splash radius). At least if we assume that the distribution of droplet sizes is the same for different values of the acceleration of gravity.

>> No.3203009

depends how hard you throw it...

OP is talking about dropping an object, therefore gravity is the only force that will be forming the splash. and hgravity is the only force determining how high the splash reaches.
considering conservation of energy, PE = mgH
so i think the splash will reach the same height on each of the different planets.

>> No.3203020

Wait, you said "drop". That means that the initial potential energy changes, and so the kinetic energy of the ball when it hits the water also changes.

So, scratch that: >>3203006 (which contains the misunderstanding that the kinetic energy for the ball is constant). It seems to me that all else being constant (read: distribution of droplet sizes and hence masses is unaffected by g), the shape of the splash is the same, with its height proportional to the height from which the ball was dropped. So, I say the splash would be the same (the droplets would move faster or slower, though).

>> No.3203029

splashing is an aftermath of collision...of course it will vary...

>> No.3203031
File: 8 KB, 695x448, bernoulli_equation_flow_tank_example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluidmechanics: I've searched everywhere on the internet and I still have no idea. Can someone help me with it please? Oh, and this ain't my homework.

Specifically the Engineering Bernoulli Equation

>> No.3203036

Fuc I'm retarded, why did I post this in a thread?

>> No.3203048

...and I can't even spell 'fuck' correctly.

I think I'll just an hero over here in this corner...

>> No.3203070

I very much doubt that the drops will stay the same

I dont know how to explain my self here but I think that in low gravity water molecules will hold each other much more strongly than in high gravity

>> No.3203079

That's what's been bothering me, too. I'm fairly confident that if the drops don't change, then neither will the splash.

But the drops sizes are affected by surface tension, not gravity (there is some gravitational attraction between the molecules of a drop, of course, but it's laugably small). I think that, even if surface tension is affected by a change in g, the change is negligible. I'm not sure, though.

>> No.3203156
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>At lower gravity, the splash would reach higher heights.


>> No.3203168

shut it!
if the same force is applied then i am right.
i just didnt consider that mgH would be lower as well if the gravity is lower.

>> No.3203174


>id the same force is applied then I am right


>> No.3203177


and yeh.

>> No.3203184


Oh lawdy you're the king of all idiots.

If the same force was applied then there wasn't a change in gravity.

lrn2basic physics

>> No.3203187

>implying you couldnt give something more speed so more force overall is applied

>> No.3203191
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oh shit. You sir, are retarded

>> No.3203192

weight is a force that is affected by gravity

>> No.3203194


>(assuming the splash is caused by an object with a constant mass [dropped] from a constant height)

The only change that will occur is gravity, which is a force that causes things to accelerate. The acceleration due to gravity on earth is 9.8 m/s a second.

If the mass is the same and the "speed" is the same then the gravity didn't change, and neither will the force (lol the force).

But seriously, full retard


you too...

>> No.3203199

Assuming a constant mass, lower gravity => less weight => less transfer of energy => less splash?

>> No.3203200
File: 925 KB, 320x240, 03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe it. What are doing in /sci/ ?

>> No.3203203
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>> No.3203208

samefaggin like a true amateur

>> No.3203210


What is there a one post per thread rule...?

Either massive newfaggotry is afoot or I'm being trolled hard.

>> No.3203211

And one guy that loves rubbing shit all over his body.

>> No.3203213

ITT: high scoolers, that dont know anything about liquids.

>> No.3203219


so much FAIL in this thread. How old are you?

>> No.3203220
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>> No.3203225

ITT: underage physics

If you want to perform a thought experiment, do it correctly.

The splash depends on the shape, mass and velocity of the object as it hits the surface. The shape and mass do not change. The velocity would if you dropped the object from the same height, but let's assume that the object has been thrown at the surface in such a way that it has the same velocity when it hits the surface.

What does gravity affect during a splash? It doesn't change the surface tension because that's an independent property of the liquid. Pressure depends on gravity though. It's proportional to gravity and some power of the height beneath the surface, depending on whether or not the liquid is compressible. When the object hits the surface, it will still have the force of gravity acting on it, and it will also have the reaction force of the pressure against it's surface. The first depends linearly on gravity while the second may depend on a higher power of gravity. Generally though, liquids can be considered as incompressible fluids so the pressure will vary linearly. Even if it doesn't, it will be essentially linear in most cases for a short height beneath the surface.

So, the initial effects of the collision should be the same if the forces involved are all scaled linearly, i.e. they all remain proportional.

Because the surface tension remains the same, the beads that form and get ejected upwards should also have the same shape.

The amount of energy that they have will probably be different because the object still falls into the surface during the collision, which adds the energy of gravity over that distance (mgh).

After that, the ejected beads will follow nearly parabolic paths that depend on gravity, so larger g will cause the beads to fall back to the surface is shorter arcs, and vice versa.

>> No.3203228

OP here
I match that description

>> No.3203243


In this post: High schooler who wants to feel superior by pointing out others lack of expertise in an arcane subject, while simultaneously ignoring his own inability.

>> No.3203924

I would say the splash is the same every time. As long as it is done in a vacuum, that is.

What many are failing to realize is that although the force applied by the ball changes, so does the weight of the water.

>> No.3206602

gravities different with like look splashes would how