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3200748 No.3200748 [Reply] [Original]

I need your advice on this here.

I'm going to school in Norway and we get to choose what we wish to study the next year in the school. When the choosing times were active I chose R1 math (the hard one), physics, international english and Internet technology (for some free good grades).

BUT now recently it occured to me that I wanted to have biology instead of international english. So I talked to the principal and he told me the biology classes were all full and there was no possible way for me to be able to join biology class. However he told that there was still space in the chemistry class. So I am not sure if I should swap English for Chemistry? Do you think I should do it?

>> No.3200755

I fucking love chemistry. And if you're interested in bio, chemistry will help. The two go hand in hand.

>> No.3200773


>> No.3200813


Let me give you a friendly advice (currently studying at NTNU and picked math, chem and phys at your age).
There is a lot of tables, names and "patterns" which you have to pretty much memorize if you are going to get good grades in chemistry. Unlike physics and maths, most of these things make no sense and will therefore be pretty hard/boring to memorize.

The tests are fairly hard compared to maths and physics, and if you have to take an exam in chem you better prepare your anus because they ask for a lot of weird shit that isn't part of your curriculum.

English on the other hand is extremely easy, but comes at the cost of having to write at least one stupidly long report during the year

>> No.3200828

keep your options open OP, i did chemistry, physics, calc and english in high school, thought i wanted to be a physicist, ended up an attorney, life's funny that way

>> No.3200865

Do you need chemistry for whatever you're thinking of studying later on? If not, then I suggest just sticking with english. Alternatively you could be pro and take biology as a privatist.

>> No.3200871

Yeah, I suppose life has an odd way of working. But I'm not sure what I might have use for later in life? I am already quite good at english and got good grades there. But the thing is. I am really choosing these subjects because I want to be a pilot (but chemistry wont help me there, but english might). But as you said life can turn out different than what one wants, so I'd like not to be screwed over later.

>> No.3200878

What about swapping "internet technology" for Chemistry?

>> No.3200883

>Want to be a pilot
Then your choice in classes doesn't really matter.
It's not like you actually learn to improve your English in the English classes anyway.

Just pick whatever you think will be the easiest

>> No.3200892


Can't, english is at the same time as chemistyry class.

>> No.3200921


Why wouldn't it matter what classes I choose? I would like to have a good foundation for it, especially if I decide to take it in the airforce (if they let me in of course).

>> No.3200943

I seriously doubt there are many academical requirements for becoming a pilot... It's not exactly brain surgery.

Just pick whatever you think is easy, if they look at your grades at all, they'll probably just look at your average anyway.


>> No.3200969

Alright guys, thanks for all the advice. I think I will remain with my choises as they are :)

>> No.3200971

>I am already quite good at english and got good grades there

>> No.3201033


Ahhh, I know it's spelled choices, but its 02:33 in the night, give me a break.

>> No.3201055


Depends on the type of pilot. Military pilots (at least in the US) need to be top tier students to get into the air-force academy.

I'm not sure you even need a college education to be a civilian pilot just extensive training.