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3200725 No.3200725 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3200737 [DELETED] 



>> No.3200794

The lack of consistency in the graph is a clear indication that the causes are from external factors rather than inherent factors, or it means that there are some outliers.

you know what an outlier is, right?

It took me roughly 2 seconds to deduce this. OP, are you sure you aren't just an outlier as well?

>> No.3200840

Seems like what you call an outlier the rest of us call an average. Either way, whatever the cause, blacks are more likely to commite homecide according to statistics. Get fucked.

>> No.3200851
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>> No.3200860

Most blacks are impoverished and turn to crime for a living. Quality education and jobs programs would be the best solution.

>> No.3200869
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>> No.3200901

racist trolling:religion trolling::creationism:biology

>> No.3200909
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>> No.3200923

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich and the poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

>> No.3200926 [DELETED] 

nigs need to just die

>> No.3200934

Woah, that's even extreme for racist old me. Just send 'em back to their natural habitats in Africa. Out of sight out of mind.

>> No.3200941 [DELETED] 

hurr durr let them rape white women and steal from us, keep them alive, hurr durr. easier just to shoot the shitskins and be done with it

>> No.3200950

Won't happen if they're back in Africa. Africa is for Africans, Asia is for Asians, white countries should be for whites.

>> No.3200970

So, England, then? Because America was for reds.

>> No.3200984
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>I knew this really smart black guy once

>> No.3201006

How do you determine race?

>> No.3201016

Apparently there was radical change in black genetic makeup prior to circa 1998

>> No.3201030
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Genetic clustering.
Refer to this simple chart.

>> No.3201040

I was gonna do the whole america white thing then I remember why we got rid of /new/
suffice it to say they are no less legitimately the native population of wherever the fuck you live than you are and you're opinions while based on legitimate enough data are biased and impractical to the extreme

also this isn't science

>> No.3201041 [DELETED] 

Papuans confirmed for master race

>> No.3201050

They're the furthest from the niggers, you might be onto something.

>> No.3201053 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3201057

I know, but at least they aren't niggers.

>> No.3201063
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It's fun to watch you stromfags.

inb4 you call me a liberal.

>> No.3201067 [DELETED] 
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>o rly?

>> No.3201072

You HAVE to start with their "culture" which has no moral fiber to it.

For a non-scientific example:

First, listen to rap music, culturally linked to modern African Americans. Most common reoccurring themes involve violence, the acquisition of material items, and sex.

Next, listen to country music, culturally linked to modern Caucasian Americans. Most common reoccurring themes involve love, family, and patriotism.

>> No.3201079

well then I guess this is a problem that can easily be solved by having sex with them

>> No.3201085

Culture is a product of the people in a region. You change the people, you change the culture.


>> No.3201080 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 447x552, nig_image78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not thinking whites are naturally superior and therefore have superior culture

>> No.3201093


Culture is a product of environment.

>> No.3201095
File: 238 KB, 1949x1352, std race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And spread AIDS great.

>> No.3201099

Not really. If that was true niggers would act like whites.

>> No.3201104


They do when they're raised in white families.

>> No.3201106

They still don't behave exactly like white children.

>> No.3201108


Do you actually listen to country music?

I shot a man in Reno
Just to watch him die

Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds
I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down
I went right home and I went to bed I stuck that lovin' 44 beneath my head

There's a tear in my beer
'Cause I'm waiting for you dear

Okay, that last snippet was not about violence, but it's pretty terrible you must admit