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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3197905 No.3197905 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the way I see it, and have been for a while.

God is many things. Omnipotent, omniscient. As a result, he doesn't have to be very hardworking. One (by human definitions) can't be hardworking if one doesn't have to work hard to get anything done. As a result, he can create anything according to his whims. He probably has. But I digress.

We've all read the hypothetical scenario posted on this board about the malevolent AI attempting to persuade the scientist supervising him into freeing him, by attempting to convince him that he is but a simulation constructed by the AI's limitless processing capabilities. Now, think of God as an entity with infinite potential and capability in a similar sense. What if he decided to simulate a universe, throwing in the sheer incremental magnitude to guarantee that something of interest will emerge?

With the laws of physics as His parameters, and untold cycles and events and probabilities, we, mankind, a sentient species, emerge. Relative to us, it took a long time, but to God, maybe the entire process spanned the course of... seven days. What is a day to God, anyway? He isn't bound by the same temporal constraints as we are.

Long story short, I see us as a part of God's marvelous construct. Except the construct is not his physical work, but more akin to a program, with us as the ongoing results. And given the sheer scale of the universe, it's doubtful that we are the only fruit of His venture. The progress of scientific endeavors serves to help us recognize the boundaries and parameters that helped to define us, and where we can choose to proceed. Religion and science go hand in hand.

tl;dr God's a programmer, universe is his simulation, we're the results.

>> No.3197908

didn't you get the memo, god doesn't exist.

>> No.3197909
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cool story bro.

>> No.3197926

This isn't what the Bible says, and that's where you god the idea of god from.

>> No.3197927

>it's doubtful that we are the only fruit of His venture
It means he doen't talk about the christian god, he is deist and all his claims are perfectly in accordance with actual science, though:
>Religion and science go hand in hand.
this doesn't make any sense. By your definition religions are clearly just superstition.

>> No.3197936

Theists? On /sci/?

go back to /x/.

>> No.3197942


Interesting proposal.

Now, in this chain of speculation, who do you think created god?

Is it gods all the way down?

>> No.3197954

>Is it gods all the way down?
In some universe, abiogenesis occurred without 'divine' intervention.
The question is: this universe, or one above it?

>> No.3197968


Unfortunately, this doesn't give us a coherent ontology of what 'God' is so all this is a waste of time.

>> No.3198038 [DELETED] 

Sounds like that movie "the thirdteenth floor".

>> No.3198044

Sounds like that movie "the thirteenth floor".

>> No.3198066

More likely than you think!

>> No.3198098

If God's a programmer, and the universe is his simulation, it needs updating. It's full of bugs. I hate bugs!

>> No.3198122


The problem is that once you start applying human properties to "God," i.e., He's a programmer, then you have a religion. Our "creation" stems from the properties of matter and the laws of physics. To speculate about how these got here, i.e., the Big Bang theory, Intelligent Design, the Alien Creation theory (my favorite) and/or evolution, is (in my opinion) a waste of time. We should be looking at where we are and how we can improve our lot in the future, not wasting time dwelling on the past.

Personally I like the concept that the universe has no beginning or end. These are properties of human life (birth and death) that we seem to need to apply to everything. Instead, maybe this reality is a loop of some sort. There's a programming analogy for ya.

>> No.3198148


To learn the secrets of the universe and to work to better mankind are one and the same. With each discovery we grow wiser and more powerful as a species.

>> No.3198167

As man is God once was, as God is man may become.
-Brigham Young

Mormons are pretty cool shit. Not only do they neatly explain the origins of Gods but we'll become one someday.

Fuck yes.

>> No.3198194

PSeudosciene dogmatic shit.

Go preach to the idiots on /v/, or on /lit/, they might entertain you.