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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3193802 No.3193802 [Reply] [Original]

Why do scientists just accept that the speed of light is the ultimate speed limit in the universe?
If the theory predicts very strange or unexplainable things over light speed, shouldn't the theory be corrected instead? Why assume it's just the way the universe is? Isn't it much more likely that our understanding is just incomplete?

>> No.3193806

Maybe you should first learn modern physics-theories before you question them. However, this will take a lot of time and requires some intelligence.

>> No.3193807

Do you have any idea of what you are talking about? seriously?

>> No.3193809

It's not a "speed limit", it's a fundamental construct of nature. Reality .. respect it.

>> No.3193818

>Why do scientists just accept that the speed of light is the ultimate speed limit in the universe?
Because the only theory capable of explaining certain phenomena predicts it.
>If the theory predicts very strange or unexplainable things over light speed, shouldn't the theory be corrected instead?
Of course.
>Why assume it's just the way the universe is?
Nobody "assumes" it. It's the *current* *best known* explanation of certain situations.
>Isn't it much more likely that our understanding is just incomplete?
Those propositions are orthogonal.

>> No.3193827

>Why do scientists just accept that the speed of light is the ultimate speed limit in the universe?
It falls right out of the theory as a fundamental prediction, and that theory has stood up to many tests that no other theory can so far. That's why we believe it.

>If the theory predicts very strange or unexplainable things over light speed, shouldn't the theory be corrected instead? Why assume it's just the way the universe is? Isn't it much more likely that our understanding is just incomplete?
No. You see, in science, we TEST theories. You don't just throw them out because they're unintuitice. Relativity is the simplest theory we've found that matches what actually happens. You know, in reality, as observed by experiment.

If you have a better theory that can replicate all the evidence that only relativity can account for so far, and then some, feel free to publish and collect your Nobel prize.

>> No.3193843


Everything is just a theory. In science, there is no absolute truth. The speed limit of light is a well established theory, and there is certainly some merit to it. That doesn't mean it has to be the whole story. The truly scientific mind must question everything.

>> No.3193848

>The truly scientific mind must question everything.
Sure. Of which OP's is not an example.

>> No.3193860

well obviously you have to understand a theory to be able to question it... without looking like a total retard

>> No.3193876

It's like the difference between a master jazz musician playing free jazz and a 2 year old mindlessly hitting notes on a piano.

>> No.3193880

That's... a really good metaphor.

>> No.3193907
File: 56 KB, 380x288, sadface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: hivemind

Groupthink and submission to authority like this is what holds real progress back. Think outside the box for once in your lives. Question everything.

>> No.3193934


>> No.3193942

I believe if you had actually read this thread and thought about what people where saying, you would have realized that the only post that claimed what you were proposing is impossible is this one >>3193809. Every other post has attempted to explain why we arrived at the theory we have, and why we use it, and that it's possible there are other theories. Your emotional antagonism makes me think that your mind is not analytical or studious enough to ever understand enough about relativity to be able to disprove it, or make any argument against it that isn't just an inane, illogical emotional outburst.

>> No.3193950


Wow, spoken like a true autist.

>> No.3193964

Now OP is going to go into "lol I was acting retarded on purpose to troll you" mode

>> No.3193967
File: 58 KB, 750x600, 18 times the speed of light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rejecting hivemind reality - substituting own

>> No.3193980

Tachyons, bitch. Learn to science fiction.

>> No.3193989
File: 107 KB, 292x299, 1273432400917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of the two ends of a branch, far apart, now bend the branch so the two ends are touching.

Yeah, I just blew your mind.

>> No.3193994


>> No.3194010


I'm pretty sure I said that.... let me check.
>Tachyons, bitch. Learn to science fiction.

yeah, I did.

>> No.3194024

Science fiction can be a fantastic source of inspiration. It might be hard for you to understand, but science involves a great deal of creative problem solving.

>> No.3194020


Not so fast Dr. Spock. Wouldn't the tidal forces squish me?

>> No.3194040


O RLY? Tell me moar!

>> No.3194042


Making your comment relevant because...?

>> No.3194043

people would probably have laughed their asses back in the day off if you had proposed that Jules Verne's "A trip to the moon" would become a reality.

>> No.3194050
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There's no water involved

>> No.3194058


R U SRS? 'theoretical particles that travel faster than the speed of light'? .......or do you live under a bridge and ask riddles??????

>> No.3194059

>natives on the moon

PROTIP: They still would.

>> No.3194064


Okay.. I'll do it! But I reserve the right to sue you if I get split into a good and evil twin set.

>> No.3194063



Gb2 /x/ or /lit/ if you can't understand the difference between science and fiction.

>> No.3194084
File: 39 KB, 292x451, spock1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you run into evil T'Pol tell her I can help with that pon farr issue

>> No.3194092



Troll somebody who doesn't know how to Google.

>> No.3194107

It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence.

before you question that the speed of light being the speed limit, find something that travels faster than the speed of light.

>> No.3194110

>It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence.

But there are plenty of theorists who work on things that we will probably never have the means to verify by experiment before they die of old age, if ever.

>> No.3194158

I don't question your claim that scientific hypothesis is first proven before taken as theory. But do you know a good website that proves Second law of thermodynamics? - I'll clarify what I mean by it (no troll-physics intended). Particularly I am interested in the proof of the "law" taking into account effects related to energy band diagrams.

>> No.3194178
File: 46 KB, 640x360, kaku_copy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name one

>> No.3194181

but... you can't prove a theory... just DISprove it.

>> No.3194187
File: 86 KB, 371x394, reed nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys clearly aren't taking the negative zone into consideration.

>> No.3194447

Or define the boundaries of that theory and show that reality is within this boundaries. When I was writing about the energy band diagrams what I meant is that I found there to be a seemingly way of violating the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

As an example first chose the relevant heat transfer phenomena which are: conduction, convection, radiation, electron emission, gravitational waves.

Conduction is obviously not getting to violate anything, neither will convection (the macro scale equation is nearly the same as conduction).

Radiation, well here are some nonlinearities involved but for a simple time invariant case it's pretty obvious from the very fundamental equations it will not violate anything either.

Gravitational is ridiculously weak so we just neglect it straight away.

So what happens to electron transfer?