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3192370 No.3192370 [Reply] [Original]

I've been growing quite a belly lately. So what would happen if I had my diet consisting of pretty much white rice (and other foods that go well with it) throughout this entire summer?

/fit/ banned me for asking this question.

>> No.3192376

brown rice is better, but just eat non-processed, natural food that are well balanced and it should do some good.

>> No.3192378

Try /ck/ maybe? We don't know about this, this isn't science.

>> No.3192380

Understand how and what foods affect the human body isn't science?

>> No.3192383


>> No.3192387

Oh, okay then...

>> No.3192389
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but brown rice tastes just so... brown...

>> No.3192394

i eat rice potatoes and pasta.
no belly

>> No.3192397

Stop eating white rice or stop eating everything that's not white rice.

I cut white rice from my diet beginning of the school year to oatmeal but I lost 15 lbs in a month. (The more rice you drop, the more meat and fats you should consume to replace the lost calories).

I switched back to white rice once I realized it's cheap, and one of the most filling foods I can eat. Previously I couldn't go 4 hours without having to snack. After I got rice back in my diet, I can go 6-8 hours without getting hungry.

>> No.3192406


very little meat in diet + white rice = good
meat is primary meal + little to no white rice = good
meat + white rice = obesity

The western diet has alternatives in potatoes and pasta, but they're less versatile / less easy to prepare than rice.

>> No.3192417

Is everyone ITT Asian or something? You all eat so much rice that changing it has a big effect on your carbohydrate intake?

>> No.3192419
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>less versatile

>> No.3192423

Use this calculator:

And count your calories. Yes, snacks count. So does dessert. Everything counts.

Ideally you'll be aiming for the nutrient balance described at the bottom of the page, but what really matters for weight loss is your caloric intake. It's a basic fact of thermodynamics that if you consume less energy than you expend you will lose weight. By the same token, if you consume more energy than you expend you will gain weight. Don't let any proponents of bullshit fad diets tell you otherwise.

>> No.3192436

you've clearly never lived in asia. you have no fucking idea how versatile rice is until you've eaten it 3 times a day for a year

>> No.3192447

read the sticky in /fit/ when your ban expires, also if you want to lose weight you will have to be at a caloric defficit.
Start doing physical activities and read up on the glycemic index
cliffs on the GI: don't eat white rice, eat brown rice

>> No.3192456

My vietnamese roommate eats a bowl of white rice for morning, lunch, and dinner. The only time when he doesn't eat white rice is for the occasional pho, or other noodles. He doesn't touch bread, cookies, biscuits, baked goods or else.

Potatoes you have to peel and cook for some time until softened.
Pasta is versatile, no lie. But you can't put noodles w/o a sauce on top of a porkchop and call it a meal.

>> No.3192457





>> No.3192469


Alright, let me try and explain it better.

If you want to lose 'weight', you just eat less. Spend a week and find out how many calories you eat each day (it shouldn't be that hard, you're a /sci/entist of your own body now), Then decrease that amount by 500 calories a day. This will leave you with a bit of flab however, but it's nothing to worry about.

If you want to lose fat, eat the same amount of food you currently do and do exercise. If you're after something gradual and simple try a program called Couch to 5K. It's an interval based running program that is highly satisfying and popular. If you want to get more serious, try out a starting strength program, if you want more details just reply in the thread. This will leave you with sexy sexy muscle

If you want to gain weight (muscle), eat more and do a starting strength program. You'll end up well swole.

>> No.3192474
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>But you can't put noodles w/o a sauce on top of a porkchop and call it a meal.


>> No.3192475

best advice in the thread. OP won't take it because he is afraid of exercise.

>> No.3192509

Don't eat rice thats not food fit for human consumption. Humans are designed to eat rich high quality easily digestible food grains do not fall anywhere near that spectrum. Eat meat (liver, heart and kidney is ideal food but most of us don't like them), tubers and roots (potato, sweet potato, carrots, etc), Fruit, seafood, dairy products, eggs and nuts. Avoid grains, legumes (soybeans, lentils, etc...) and leafy things (you are not a cow people are not meant to eat leaves that includes things like lettuce).

Most importantly though exercise every day especially if your job isn't very physically active.

I've been eating this way for a little over 2 years now and I'm 80lbs lighter than when I started.

>> No.3192519

breakfast: tuna or salmon on flaxseed bread
lunch: small portion of whatever meat you'd like (takeout does not count) and rice
dinner: skinless chicken stir fry

avoid pasta, avoid potatoes and go for a walk

>> No.3192548

>I've been eating this way for a little over 2 years now and I'm 80lbs lighter than when I started.
you could say that about any diet where you reduce your calorie intake. that doesn't mean legumes and leafy vegetables are unhealthy.

>> No.3192559

>That doesn't mean legumes and leafy vegetables are unhealthy.
You are right it doesn't I'm just telling OP what I have found out in my research which is that some foods are not quite as good as others for humans. Leafy vegetables are not unhealthy per se they are just rather weak nutritionally and put a strain on your digestive system. Legumes and grains on the other hand are toxic to humans and should be avoided.

>> No.3192677


Even if he's afraid of excerise, he can just eat fucking 500 less calories a day.

Also it's going to hurt. deal with it. there is no magical painless easy cure.