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3191425 No.3191425 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when smart means no gf

>> No.3191429
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stephen hawking is immobile and incontinent and yet he still managed to get a wife

step it up nigga

>> No.3191432

>that feel when complete lack of charm and social skills mean no gf

>> No.3191436


I know that feel bro.

>> No.3191437

Didn't he get married before his ALS fully kicked in?

>> No.3191441

no actually being an unlikable borderline-autistic asshole who thinks he's smarter than the people around him with no social skills makes it hard to get a girlfriend

newsflash: girls like guys who are smart, but they dont like it as much as they dislike condescending know-it-all dorks

>> No.3191444

>That feel when smart means no gf
intelligence and sex aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.3191446
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>> No.3191450

> thinks he's smarter than the people around him
Nigger, I know I am smarter than the people around me.

>> No.3191452
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>that feel when im an honours physics student with a hot girlfriend that my friends are jealous of

>> No.3191463
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Mfw this is not true

mfw when this is true, and I have a GIRL FRIEND not 'gf' because I don't act like this

>> No.3191464

Women want you to be smart; they just don't want you showing that your smart around them. It's like how women want a guy who looks athletic, but look down on men who spend a lot of time at the gym. You have to have the skills, but not look like you're working for them.

This is why I'll never get a GF. That, and I'm ugly.

>> No.3191465


>That feel when you are 80 years old
>That feel when your gf is also 80
>That feel when noone younger then 80 finds her hot

>> No.3191470

They don't care about your smarts either way.
They care more about your wallet, your social power, and your body, in roughly decreasing order.

I'll admit that I don't really give two shits either if my partner doesn't thoroughly understand electronic circuits or software engineering or any of the shit I do.

However, if she's into new age homeopath what the bleep quantum mystic bullshit then she can fuck right off and I would very rudely, abruptly cut off contact with her and make it very obvious that is the reason why.

>> No.3191471
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>that feel when you're gay so you don't have to sacrifice intelligence for sex

>> No.3191473


at least she's less likely to cheat on you

>> No.3191475

>definitely forever alone

>> No.3191482

would honestly rather be forever alone than have a trophy wife/partner just to keep up appearances

>> No.3191488

Do old vaginas still produce lubricant? Or do they just have dust/powder?

>> No.3191819


I'll test your mom's tomorrow and get back to you.

>> No.3191821

>implying intelligence can't cheat you

>> No.3191833

I think you're confusing correlation with causation.

No girlfriend (for whatever reason) gives you a shitload of time to think and study, developing your cognitive abilities while the jocks (tooltip: alpha males) get shitfaced and fuck girls.

But believe me, those of our type tend to have the more fulfilling life.

>> No.3191868
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>yfw i'm top 0.2% IQ, have a girlfriend, and a line of women waiting to date me if the gf doesn't work out
>and you could be doing just as well if you weren't so self-absorbed and narcissistic

>> No.3191874


>that feel when smart in the U.S means no gf


>> No.3191903


He was afflicted before he met his second wife, who was his personal nurse while he was married to the first wife.

>> No.3193372
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>not having more than one gf