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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3189121 No.3189121 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /sci/.

How do you feel about psychiatry helping cure disorders such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, or other learning disabilities? Do you believe in these disorders?

>> No.3189126

Yes, I believe you can "cure" them and they do exist.

I wanted to be a psychiatrist but fuck medical school. 8years of shit just to prescribe crazy motherfuckers pills.

>> No.3189131

Sure. As long as they can show the pathology of the condition, it's considered a 'real' disease.
And knowing what's causing the disease state is half the battle.

>> No.3189136

I think 90% of psychological disorders are a form of collective hypochondria.

>> No.3189142

Things like ADHD and autism will only be cured when we unlock the brain. Simple drugs aren't going to do much other than subside the conditions.

>> No.3189143

Everything needs to be labeled by someone. You're not identifying the "perceived illness", you're just labeling that person.

>> No.3189147

I think that learning disablities are bullshit because most of them didn't exist 50 years ago.

We need to shake up the education system, its been feminine for too long now. (Notice how before when males outperformed females feminists were all ZOMG SOMETHINGS WRONG SCHOOLS ARENT SERVING GIRLS THEYRE SEXIST but now its swung the other way after all the reforms, its just "Ohh well girls must just be better then theres nothing wrong here").

>> No.3189154

Unlock the brain, using what? Our brains?
That's like formatting your hard drive while logged in.
That's like opening a safe that has a piece of paper with the combination on it locked inside.
Keep trying I guess.

>> No.3189163

oh boy here we go.jpg

>> No.3189225




>> No.3189265

I think labelling a child's personality as "diseased" does a huge amount of damage to their self-esteem, which actually in many cases destroys a child's chances of overcoming whatever initial disadvantage they have. Not only that, but they can just blame their "disease" for not trying and thus actually the diagnosis makes them worse than they would have been without it. I guess a really thourough cost:benifit analysis should be done before diagnosing a child with a mental/learning disability.

It's really sad because many of these traits are actually benificial in low amounts and needed by society to advance and the envelope of how bad you need to be to qualify for a diagnosis is being continuously pushed by parents who want an exucse for the fact that their kids are underachieving in school/not fitting in as well as they'd like.

I'm pretty sure 90% of 4chan could have been diagnosed with adhd, ocd or aspergers had they been children nowadays with the wrong parents in the wrong country- Where i live we have public health and ritalin is rarely prescribed. I have friends from countries that rely much more on private health. Doctor's being paid to deliver the good. Everyone's on that shit.

Would these people let their kids do coke?
Probably not, but ritalin is pretty much the same just longer lasting. I wonder what sort of long-term consequenses it has on dopamine levels in the brain? I used to snort it back in college before heading (and with a little booster during the night). Amazing times but the comedown was killer. An 8yo doesn't understand what a comedown is?
People give out about this sort of shit being done to animals.

>> No.3189280

A lot of psychological orders (anorexia, bulimia depression, etc.) are generally caused by the media and other influences from society. So many people these days are fucking depressed, or have an eating disorder or whatever.

Depression in particular is just a specialised form of hypochondria. Instead of stressing yourself out from the fear of having some real disease, you end up stressing yourself out from the fear of having this make believe disease. It's a negative feedback loop and no one seems to say anything about it. Magazines, news, health care professionals continually give affirmation of people who think they have this particular "disease", so it's just gotten out of control.

For some reason 99% of people are too brainwashed to admit it though.

>> No.3189294

Or maybe people are depressed because they can't get laid and have no friends and don't even have anything serious to focus their time on except undeniably stupid shit like wow and 4chan and you're fucking retarded for thinking this has anything to do with hypochondria.

>> No.3189308

Sorry, what?

>> No.3189311

I'm talking about "clinical depression" by the way.

>> No.3189317

It's kinda hard to tell the people who have these disorders that they're fake. If someone tried to tell me that ADHD wasn't a real disorder in real life, I would probably slap his shit.

>> No.3189323


ADDfag here

"diagnosed" in 4th grade. Instead of getting pills, I attended a weird session with my psychologist where she just had me solve puzzles and things. She gave me gold stars and shit. After these sessions I started actually doing my homework in school. Once I got to highschool I realized the purpose behind her work. Although doing meaningless schoolwork in elementary and middle school, I learned a lot in highschool because I actually did the work. 4.0 graduate, 3rd year college student currently working on my B.S. in mathematics.

>> No.3189331


I still cannot do a couple of things, though. I can't read fiction. All of the book reports I have ever done were from reading summaries and book analyses .

I read non-fiction, however. Currently reading "Is God a mathematician?" by Mario Livio.

>> No.3189342


You have a slight case of ADD then, because there are millions who can't function without a form of medication. I'm glad you figured out what worked for you though, but you're case doesn't apply for a lot of others.

>> No.3189352



>> No.3189825


>> No.3189884

I love these threads. Half of /sci/ claims that psychology is bullshit and psychological disorders are made up, a fourth claims they're real but that psychology is bullshit, and the last fourth actually understands that mental disorders are real problems and psychology studies them.

But no, it's "not a real science" and so everyone tears it down to push themselves up.

>> No.3189944

It's funny how ADD/ADHD only seem to affect americans, isn't it?
Also for mental 'diseases' it's hard to say whether it's a disease or not. Psychologists' need to classify brought to the creation of many 'diseases' that one could simply say are different ways of behaving. It's hard to define what behaviour is right and what is wrong. We're still evolving, the kind of minds that work better will triumph. Will it be the ocd or the adhd? time will tell.
Btw, i think most of these 'disease' derive more from experience than from dna.

>> No.3189983

I remember the day the psychologist diagnosed me with A.D.D. I was happy. He did a bunch of tests, and I did well above average on all except the one where you need to remember the order of some numbers. I like having A.D.D. It makes me think in a different way

>> No.3190006

I believe proper education in the study of the flow of energy through one's body, a la Tai Chi and acupuncture, can solve most psychological issues.

I guess it's realising your relation to the rest of the cosmos.

>> No.3190039

I dont believe in ADD or ADHD at all. Autism i do at some levels. People claiming to have "highly functional autism" are seriosuly just awkward losers making up excuses. However, i have met kids with real autism that have to wear helmets because they'll use their heads to close doors and such.

Now, ADD and ADHD, are total bullshit. Both of these "diseases" are most commonly noticed in school. (which i believe is the first red flag). Kids will be kids, and ADD is basically something where a kid cant focus on his boring geometry test but is able to focus on a video game for 5 hours straight and complete it in one sitting.

Jusr a bunch of excuses

>> No.3190055


Let me rephrase what you just said.

You were very young, and didn't want to do homework or schoolwork because it didn't interest you. Being forced to do work with your psychiatrist you began to understand what you were doing and why, you were finally learning.

By high school you didn't do anything special. You matured and became aware of the real world and yourself. You went through the same journey as everyone else but you wasted your time with a psychiatrist, sorry

>> No.3190496
