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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3188086 No.3188086 [Reply] [Original]

So where do emotions, communication, ego and intelligence come from /sci/?

I think, they developed, because our ancestors were actually extremely weak, however we had a big brain.

So our survival was completely dependant on our horde. We had to work and live closely together, if we wanted to survive. And to make life in this horde easier and morre effiecient, we developed emotions and language and made them more and more complex. We were able to do so, because of our big brain. To secure our survival within the horde, the one who developed an ego had an advatage in reproduction, and were abel to spread their dna in the gene pool. Thats why we have an ego.

We started to use tools to even out our anatomic weakness. To be able to use very complex tools, we had to develop hands. They could not be used to walk on them anymore, so we started walking upstanding, which causes a lot of problems to our back bone even today. The use of tools was of course also only possible, because of our big brain.

The use of tools, communication, emotions, and our ego is what makes up the human intellect.

So, this how i think humans evolved. Do i have the basic things right, or am i completely wrong?


sorry for bad english

>> No.3188089
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1301842055104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in evolution

>> No.3188101
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>reaction image.

>> No.3188111

Why don't you read some books.

>> No.3188112


i have no time for such things.

>> No.3188116

Shockingly, I have no time to teach you biology!

>> No.3188122


But you can say if im completely wrong or not.

>> No.3188124


Yes. Utterly wrong.

>> No.3188126

I think you are wrong. You are describing emergent properties. If you search on the internet "emergent properties".
Basically to illustrate this the internet and Halo are emergent properties of computers. Computers were designed to be adding machines to solve mathematical problems not to play halo or browse porn.

>> No.3188127

>So where do emotions, communication, ego and intelligence come from /sci/?

Emotions and ego come from /sci/, but communication and intelligence do not.

>> No.3188156

we are not weak

look up persistence hunting. nothing can run longer than us. our legs are built like shock absorbers. which helped develop being able to hold on to a thought for a long periods of time. intelligence (run this antelope down for 9 hours)

as for communication, it is used for trading. look up the larynx evolution and neanderthals.

emotions probably developed through courtship and mating. hormones.

fuck ego