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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3187081 No.3187081 [Reply] [Original]

We are a product of our environment, and the environment produces an ego within itself, so in essence environment changes itself, and we are simply a tool of the environment to change itself to reach the next destination.

How do you plan to use the power of science to further change the environment in the coming ages?

>> No.3187107

So uh, on what scale are we suppose to give a fuck?

Planck's or Grahms?

>> No.3187121


Well that doesn't answer the question. Just going to sit in your mothers basement and masturbate to guro hentai for the rest of your life when you could be focusing on THE POWER OF SCIENCE?


>> No.3187141

>Poe's Law
>Defined as the fractal boundary between man's sanity and insanity.
>Inversely correlated with atheism

>> No.3187154

Environment doesn't uses us as a tool for it doesn't have a conscience; it acts and merely "tries" to maintain an equilibrium.

Plus, science doesn't have any power; it describes phenomenons in order to understand them. What you do with this knowledge is where lies the "power".

And I plan to teach that knowledge eventually (after a carrier, but I find teaching a more valuable job if done correctly).

>> No.3187162


Silly boys never answering the question even when the environments spawned an ego for them to play with given previous ego spawned creations.

>> No.3187171


>Environment doesn't uses us as a tool for it doesn't have a conscience; it acts and merely "tries" to maintain an equilibrium.

Durrr should be implied since were on a science and math board

>lus, science doesn't have any power; it describes phenomenons in order to understand them. What you do with this knowledge is where lies the "power".

durr I dont understand that an ego can abstract with the information provided to abstract further within the given enviroment hurr

>And I plan to teach that knowledge eventually (after a carrier, but I find teaching a more valuable job if done correctly).

Good job mate, teachings a good choice.

>> No.3187180

>silly child who thinks it matters what scale his environment is
>thinks the environment isn't invariant to his creations

>> No.3187216


>silly infant thinks it's necessary to mention info the child is already aware of but doesn't understand the limitations of language and didn't go off the assumption and decided to display his lack of knowledge by speaking on behalf of it rather than answering the question

Well geez, for a science board y'all aren't to smart when you can't even answer the original question!

>> No.3187228

>maintain equilibrium

research shows that the environment is constantly moving away from equilibrium through consistent feedback loops of all of the Earth's cycles.

As we attempt to adapt to the changes in the environment the environment will attempt to adapt to changes we make, thus moving away from equilibrium to a higher organization of things.

after all the initial equilibrium of the planet was a fiery molten rock but the earth has changed far from that

>> No.3187236

we are not a tool of the environment just a piece of the puzzle

like bacteria lives in symbiosis with our bodies we (should) live in symbiosis with the gaia system

>> No.3187239


>research shows that the environment is constantly moving away from equilibrium through consistent feedback loops of all of the Earth's cycles.

Sir, I'm going to need to see some of the research

>> No.3187244


>we are not a tool of the environment just a piece of the puzzle

>he didn't go off the assumption that it was merely a play on words given our current environment being within a science and math board

>> No.3187272


work by Prigogine and Glansdorff in their theory of "dissipative structures"

Chapter 5 Fritjof Capra's (The Web of Life) pg 94
(capra talks about their work)

"One of the most striking lifelike properties of hypercycles is that they can evolve by passing through instabilities and creating successively higher levels of organization that are characterized by increasing diversity and richness of components and structures."

>> No.3187281

Of course the process are dynamic to maintain the equilibrium, just like in the man's body, but an ecosystem usually tends to maintain an equilibirum, is it with the old or the new state in which it is.

Or so I've read.

>> No.3187291

*high five*

looks like we're on the same page guy