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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3185423 No.3185423 [Reply] [Original]

>using j instead of i for the imaginary unit

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185431

I do what I want.

>> No.3185437

>engineers use j

>> No.3185445

I use i, j, AND k for my imaginary unitS.

I've got three of them. They're all different, and they all square to -1.

Suck on that, minimum-imaginationfag.

>> No.3185446
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who is girl!?! so pretteh

>> No.3185451

God I hated this in my EE class. Also, putting it in front of the number bothered me as well.

>> No.3185455


>electrical engineers use j


>> No.3185479
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>not knowing who lena is

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185490


Engineers use j as in KY Jelly.

>> No.3185506

srsly who is it?

>> No.3185520
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>> No.3185521
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>not using quaternions
I seriously hope you just still don't do this

>> No.3185523


>> No.3185533
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>honestly answer a question on /sci/
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3185547

EE here. What should I do then, use j for current? Keep using i for current? No-one will understand WTF I'm writing either way.

>> No.3185551

Use I for current

>> No.3185554


I think you misspelled EK

>> No.3185553

I use t

>> No.3185550

watching the eurovision song contest

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185562
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you get trolled too easily. pic related.

>> No.3185569


It's just a name, I can call it whatever the fuck I want.

It's not like a serious mathematician will ever look at my work ;_;

>> No.3185571


>Thinking OP's post qualifies for trolling

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3185572

>using exp(+ikx) instead of exp(-ikx) for the Fourier transform kernel
>not using (2 pi)^(D/2) for the Fourier transform normalization

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185574


Nice double post Josef you massive faggot.

>> No.3185581

I see no double post
- Josef <3

>> No.3185584

I use -ikx, but fuck normalising it. I'm not a babby child I don't need shit to be symmetric

>> No.3185589

I is used for DC or large signal current, while i is used for small signal current.

>> No.3185592
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>using i instead of j for arrays

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185606

>Writing hats over operators
>Writing the differential at the end of the integral
>Using mu for 0...3 and i for 1...3

I hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185605
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Let's check this.

>> No.3185614

>starting your loops at 1 instead of 0

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185615

(I shouldn't have thrown away my handwritten my-notation-is-best-notation sheet. Anyway, matrices have parentheses, screw braces.)

>Writing the Lagrangian as L instead of \mathcal L

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185616

If the convention is i for current and j for imaginary unit, start everything you write with

k := j;
j:= i;
i := k;

>> No.3185617

>Checking for doubles

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185618

>Using units where c != hbar != 1

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185619

Lagrangian density?

>> No.3185620

"Lagrangian" is short for "I'm lazy and finding out which one's meant is left to the reader". (They don't occur much together anyway, it's usually clear if you ask me. Anyway, I was talking about the density.)

>> No.3185623
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>not using GO TO

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185625

>using \epsilon instead of \varepsilon
>using \phi instead of \varphi
>using \rho instead of \varrho

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185627

>going over i, j and k several times with a pen for boldface vectors
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185628

>Trying to figure what the fuck all this shit thread means because I'm iliterate

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185629

Go To Statement Considered Harmful.

>Using mu for 0...3 and i for 1...3
mu is for a specific coordinate system, i,j,k are for abstract indices. But really:
>using index notation all over the place
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185630

>Including 0 in the natural numbers

I hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185636

>writing exp(x) instead of e^x

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185642

>assume AC
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185643

Why would you use exp(-ikx)?

>> No.3185645

> using tau instead of pi for the circumference of a circle

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185646

>writing π instead of 3.14159265358979323846....
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185647

>>3185629 mu is for a specific coordinate system, i,j,k are for abstract indices
Worked with the following today:
- a, ...: tetrad (Minkowski) frame, 1..3
- i, ...: tetrad frame, 0..3
- <span class="math">\alpha[/spoiler], ...: coordinate frame, 1..3
- <span class="math">\mu[/spoiler], ...: coordinate frame, 0..3
- r, ...: general bundle, 1...
- R, ...: Lie bundle, 1...
There was another one but I can't remember it. Oh, and of course I really hope nobody else has to do this. Seriously.

Oh, and >writing exp(x) instead of e^x
exp(x) is the function you're defining, then you prove that exp(1)=e and exp(x)=<span class="math">(exp(1))^x[/spoiler]=<span class="math">e^x[/spoiler]. It's not the same. Your comment was off-topic, it wasn't silly notation! Shame on you, SHAME!

>> No.3185649

>using log instead of ln
>using curved brackets for matrices
>using velocity instead of rapidity
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3185653

are you trolling or something? my prof just used exp(whatever) for when the exponent had lots of variables in it

>> No.3185654 [DELETED] 

I have no idea why that's done in physics, it's a pretty retarded convention if you ask me. Not only is it confusing, but <span class="math">e^{\mathrm i\omega t}[/spoiler] is considered to have positive frequency in physics, leading to factors having an inded "+" in QFT. Seriously, who invented that

>> No.3185655

>thinks there's only one way to define the exponential function

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185660

Didn't say that. <span class="math">e^z[/spoiler] is only notation after all, I doubt other definitions differ from what I've written. (I'd like to be corrected on this if possible, by the way.)

>> No.3185659

>engineer or cs detected

not sure exp was ever used in my maths degree, maybe it's a uk thing.

>> No.3185663

>>3185643 Why use e^(i omega t)
I have no idea why that's done in physics, it's a pretty retarded convention if you ask me. Not only is it confusing, but <span class="math">e^{-\mathrm i\omega t}[/spoiler] is considered to have positive frequency in physics, leading to factors having an inded "+" in QFT. Seriously, who invented that

>> No.3185671

Looks quite horrid. What are you even doing? since there isn't a world sheet index in there I assume it aint string theory.

>> No.3185673

>referring to rest mass as "mass"; claiming you understand relativity
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3185674


>> No.3185675

> excluding zero from the natural numbers, including zero in "positive integers"

I seriously hope you don't do that

>> No.3185676

But rest mass is the only unambigiously defined type of mass. :'(

>> No.3185679


one way is first you define the number e = lim n->oo (1 + 1/n)^n and (after you've done a shit load of work on what a real number raised to a real number means) work from there.

>> No.3185685

>writing <span class="math">\frac{\mathrm dk}k[/spoiler] instead of <span class="math">\frac1k\mathrm dk[/spoiler]

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

(I'm running out of ideas, yes)

>> No.3185690

You're studying LQG?

Question: I'm two years from finishing undergrad. If I wanted to study LQG, what would I have to do?

>> No.3185692

>>3185679 shit load of work on what a real number raised to a real number means
That would be what then? Is there a general approach or has this to be done on a per-exponential-definition-basis?

>> No.3185700

no, first you define ln (sic) from integral 1/x and then solve ln(a) = 1

>> No.3185699

Ah, of course. I read a short intro paper by Rovelli dealing with LQG and spinfoams, but sadly didn't understand much, besides that the idea of combinatorial spinnetworks and emergent geometry is cool.

>> No.3185696

> loop quantum gravity

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185694

So is the proportionality constant between momentum and velocity.

>> No.3185693

OP- is that Lena Meyer Landrut, she looks familiar.

>> No.3185704

>Dirac notation
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3185707

>>3185690 If I wanted to study LQG, what would I have to do
Find someone who can teach you :-)
I'm just in a seminar anyway (well, it's running for almost a year now), there aren't many people doing LQG anyway around the world, so you better hope there's somebody at your department somewhere or ... well, bad luck.

>> No.3185713

>+--- instead of -+++

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185715

I've found a few Unis that have LQG departments (e.g. Penn State)...how competitive do you think it would be to get in for a graduate program?

>> No.3185718

real exponents come via continuity from principle root rational exponents.

this is where real analysis becomes a dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's exercise. (yes pedants of /sci/ apostrophes are used for plurals of letters)

>> No.3185724

No idea, I don't live in the US so I have no experience in fighting my way to some university at all
Science-wise it's not different from any other speculative field in physics I guess, so if you're looking for something like that LQG isn't the only way you could go.

>> No.3185734

I stand corrected then. I think.

>> No.3185733

>using E instead of \mathcal{E} for the electric field
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. Also

>not being ass-pained by other people's reasonable alternatives to your notation
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3185737

Didn't you say you were going to Reuters?

>> No.3185741

>>3185733 Using electric field instead of field strength tensor instead of vector potential instead of connection in a principal bundle

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185748

His name is George Constanza.

>> No.3185751

>admitting I didn't understand what you wrote
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3185763

>using i++ instead of ++i

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3185784

oh you did not just go there you ignorant slut

>> No.3185786

>not doing all you work in your head for nothing but intellectual satisfaction, eliminating the need for notation at all

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3185792

> using for(...; i < n; ...) instead of for(...; i == n; ...)

I seriously hope you guys don't still do this

>> No.3186343

>>3185792 Using for(i=0; i<arr.length; i++) instead of for(i=arr.length;i--;)

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3186363

Out of bound index and skips the 0th element.
I really hope you don't do this.

>> No.3186380

++i is more efficient than i++ in some cases


>> No.3186386

>Seriously hoping you guys don't do this.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3186393

Also avoids a tricky C programming mistake.

>> No.3186396

No it doesn't

>making statement without checking first
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3186400


it bothered me so much

>> No.3186406

>>not saging this troll thread
hope guys you do don't this seriously I

>> No.3186426

>Saging a relatively funny thread with /sci/ content.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3188457

>Not laughing about some epic troll posts.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>not bumping a troll thread

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3188470
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>> No.3188471

i isn't real

>> No.3188478

>lame puns

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3188490

I was actually referring to myself — huge, spiritual rebirth experience just occurred, you see.