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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3182133 No.3182133 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm a black guy and I come to this thread regularly to browse and contribute to like-minded, science indulged individuals.

however, on occasion, there are threads straight up insulting my race.

sure my race has it's people, but so do all races. Sure you could insult the criminal black people that do next to nothing but bad for society, but don't include hard working individuals like me.

there are many other black people like me as well. Sometimes you need to see the good in things.

>> No.3182139

herp derp some grammatical mistakes, ignore them please.

>> No.3182138

Vocal minorities, don't sweat it.

>> No.3182141

how about quit being a dirty nigger

>> No.3182142

>So I'm a black guy

No you're not, you're a white troll or a liberal

>> No.3182152

Sure. I'll bite.

So, it's not actually the genetics that give black people a bad rap, though something as obvious as dark skin does make them easy to target. The real problem is that most black people in the world are uneducated and poor. Even in developed nations, they tend to have a higher degree of poverty and lower income (and all the other socio-economic issues that go with that). This is not necessarily their fault, but it still creates the stereotypes that even educated, intelligent black people must then deal with.

>> No.3182153


You are attempting to reason with individuals who are extremely racist, regard our people with putridity and will do anything to tear down your mental state. After /new/ was destroyed, the refugees came over to /sci/ and /int/. Some went over to /sp/, but they always had a mildly racist userbase.

Also, 4chan has always had a racist overtone to it; ALWAYS. At first, it began as a joke; over time, however, the true/real racists came out of hiding.

>> No.3182151

OP here.

I'm of somali descent.

yes I am black in case you think i'm some white troll.

>> No.3182168

it was actually quite the opposite, with the real rascists being the first to vocalize where other anons (like 3182141) have parroted back racial slurs. also, they're usually trolls pretending to be rascists

>> No.3182178

I've been on 4chan for about 6 years and it's always been racist, I'd even say that now it's less racist since it's mainstream... unless you were referring to before 2005, that I don't know

>> No.3182196

Listen, if you don't like it here, you can always go to /somali sci/ and discuss black holes with khat stoners.

>> No.3182211

Nope, just racist.
I've been on here many a year, and I can safely say there has always been racism.

>> No.3182252 [DELETED] 
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>sure my race has it's people

the problem is, your race has more than it's fair share of criminals...

...and the welfare moms...

The way we have to simplify education for your people sucks.Now we all have to suffer for your lack of ability. I also blame you for the Joos who rub our faces in multiculturalism like your shitty lazy motherfucking study skills are everyones responsibility except the person who should be studying..

>> No.3182264

You know what pisses me off a lot? Minority scholarships

>> No.3182273

i agree with OP. Some blacks have contributed a lot to humanity even if not as much as perhaps other races.

I also think while blacks seem to have a lower IQ in general, they still follow the gaussian distribution of IQ and especially mixed individuals can be very smart.

Furthermore I think that while the black people commiting crimes stereotype is true, I do not believe it is because of their race but a failure by society to educate them, give them perspective and give them jobs, I mean real jobs, not some shitty wal mart greater or mcdonalds fryer. A career where they can progress.

that being said I think we need to be able to accept race differences if convincing scientific evidence is presented and not dwell on white guilt.

>> No.3182282

ok white racist and niggers alike.

Prove who is smarter by solving this limit to a exact solution.

Show your work too.

the limit of (x^2+x-2)/(x^5-1) as x approaches 1

I have the answer and will post it when its solved


>> No.3182280 [DELETED] 

I know, right? If you won't do the coursework, and they have to shlep your grades just to keep you there, then you're making your race look bad.

If they have to dumb-down your education just so you can pass, then education for EVERYONE suffers.

>> No.3182287

Do your own homework or use wolframalpha next time, you faggot

>> No.3182288

l'hopital's rule
(2x + 1)/(5x^4)
answer is 3/5 when x = 1

am white

>> No.3182290 [DELETED] 

>a failure by society to educate them
Some decisions you have to make for yourself, and education, social position or wealth improves things little to not at all for the statistics.

>> No.3182295

I just straight up hate black people.

>> No.3182296


Seriously learn hospitals.

>> No.3182297

I think the idea of giving them jobs is inherently flawed. What we really need to do is encourage them to make their own jobs. However, the question of how to do this without discriminating against other races remains an issue.

Personally, my favorite is poverty-based programs. If we target people based on their socio-economic backgrounds instead of their race, we elevate those who are willing to work hard of all races, including black people.

>> No.3182304

without L-hospital rule faggot.

I know you will never get it so here is the answer






cancel the (x-1) and plug and chug

I'm mexican btw

>> No.3182306

lol white fags got told by a mexican

>> No.3182308


>L-Hospital rule
No shit, spic.

>> No.3182309

ITT: Confusing trolling with racism

Whatever gets a reaction out of you is fair game for trolling. I am >>3182295. Few people on 4chan actually have prejudice against certain races more than others, and I say this because everyone is racist to some degree, as racism is generalization taken with false logic and/or with logic but taken to extremes.

So I don't think you should get all butthurt because you or your people were called nigger.

After all, it was your dirty, mindless, and wasteful people who came up with the term "u mad", so start applying the lessons it teaches.

You nigger.

>> No.3182313

you fit the stereotypical mexican that works hard for very little reward; you should have used the more efficient way

>> No.3182324
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Bitch you aren't suppose to use L'hospitals rule for this problem. I should have stated that in my original post.

>> No.3182329 [DELETED] 
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>Few people on 4chan actually have prejudice against certain races

Having to dumb down the education system because some Joos say we have to be multicultural makes me pretty goddamn angry.

At the Joos, and at the people we have to destroy education for.

>> No.3182336



To keep this /sci/ related, you should visit the links above to see the entitlement and the persecution complex of the blacks there, it's sickening to read how they think they deserve affirmative action.

>> No.3182337

yes you should have you dumb spic
oh well what am I mad about, you'll get a full-ride minority scholorship just for knowing l'hopital's rule

>> No.3182339


Thank you for underpinning my point.

>> No.3182346


1) You're a fucking retard for not using L'Hopital's
2) That is the most idiotic way I've ever seen to evaluate this expression.

<span class="math">\displaystyle \lim_{x\to1} \frac{(x+2)(x-1)}{(x-1)(x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1)}[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\displaystyle \lim_{x\to1} \frac{(x+2)}{(x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1)}[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\displaystyle L = \frac{3}{5}[/spoiler]

>> No.3182349 [DELETED] 

stfu white faggot. I fucked like ten women from your race in high school. I punched 1 in the stomach when you claimed to be pregnant. nothing came out so i guess the bitch was lying

>> No.3182359

occassionally a place called str0mfr­0nt raids 4ch with propaganda. a good % here are just trolling, and others are just remnants of /ne­w/, who were disproportionately racist.
i don't mind a civil discussion about racial differences and appropriate policy, it's just people tend to exaggerate every facet of it. it really shouldn't be as big of a deal as people make it to be.

>> No.3182367

cool story brah

now do this one without l'hospitals

limit of (4-sqrt(16+h))/h as h approaches 0

I realize wolfram will give you the alternate form of this but try and do it on your own.


>implying you didn't use wolfram to find your expression

>> No.3182370 [DELETED] 
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>my point

But... you see... hating the way education has been ruined... is racist.

>> No.3182373

also how is getting the correct answer idiotic? oh thats right your a storm faggot. AKA EDGY WHITE FAG WHO IS A CLOSETED HOMO

>> No.3182407

>how is getting the correct answer idiotic?
1+1=x ...find x

>> No.3182410

ITT: whities who think they're good at academics, LOL

Ban affirmative action and legacy status, and watch white admission rates VANISH in every top college, save for some joos.

Inbefore "we invented the world herp", that's great, and I really appreciate it, but before parroting racist shit on an anonymous imageboard, please make sure you know proper English, as it is probably your only language, and not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're" will make you look like an illiterate moron, not a member of some master race.

>> No.3182412

Those people do not speak for the majority of /sci/.
They're just assholes and trolls

>> No.3182418

my answer takes creativity. yours is a cookie cutter formula you probably learned in algebra 2.

so fuck off white fag

Mexican-American Master Race here

>> No.3182428


And you are a troll who posts with MLP. I know you secretly love jews just as much as whites, blacks, mexicans, and all the other retarded races.

>> No.3182430



whites bitch and moan about affirmative action, but have no idea how much they benefit from it, both on the books and off the books.

>> No.3182432 [DELETED] 
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>assholes and trolls
>Baw, they mean
Minority scholarship degree detected.

Your opinion might be valid if you earned your education.

BTW, I'm your dean, NlGGER!

>> No.3182438


being white is the equivalent of a fifty point SAT increase in comparison with a kim or a kumar.

baw daw I'm so discriminatered against, please shut it, faggot

>> No.3182440


No, no my love, I adore MLP and all the followers, I'm just calling you out on trolling as an anti-Semite/whatever you like.

>> No.3182435 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3182445

The only whites who benefit from affirmitive action are the ones as stupid and lazy as blacks.

>> No.3182447

haha, make me laugh some more faggot. Take away AA and all blacks are replaces by asians.

>> No.3182449 [DELETED] 
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Whites benefit by having to work harder to earn their education, while Leroy gets his papers without being able to read them.

>> No.3182457


and the whites.

brown did a run for PLME without any affirmative action, and white people constituted only 15% of the admits. And all of those were jewish.

15% were indian, the rest was CHING CHONG TING LONG LONG

look up texas A&M repealing AA as well.

>> No.3182462


uh lolno wrong racial group, you're confused with asians.

whites benefit from being the majority, without a niche anywhere.

spics nigs and natives benefit from liberal affirmative action.

>> No.3182467 [DELETED] 
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>call ouy out
Because I'm raging at the way people actually do things.

I think -you- need to apologize for letting our education system get crippled.

>> No.3182479

Except in South Africa

>> No.3182480

The u.s. should adopt a new policy. Any white person should be allowed to benefit from AA, as long as they undergo surgery to have their skin permanently darkened.

AA should also be directly based on skin tone, not baww I'm 1/16 black so disadvantaged

>> No.3182490
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i know everyone holds this common believe that education and intelligence is rapidly getting worse but its just not actually i would say its better now then it has ever been before

>> No.3182499



not sure if trolling or typical american grammer skills

>> No.3182500

I'm >>3182407
I'm not >>3182346
I was just showing you what a complete dolt you are.
>my answer takes creativity
That's cute, keep thinking you're special...because you are.

As for OP, I am a white male living in South-Africa. I consider most of my black friends I met in my ChemE class more intelligent(and more cultured) than most of my white friends. The problem is people develop prejudices against black people because of the actions of a few, especially Nigerian immigrants(I don't know if you've heard about the fucked up things they're doing aver here), people like Julius Malema(he's a disgrace to the entire continent really) also don't help your case. The affirmative action here is also really bad...one of my friends(white obviously) didn't get into med school with near perfect grades while black kids with 70-80% averages got in. But yeah anyway I think it's unfair that people judge an entire race based on a few retards...but at the end of the day you can't do much against stupidity(from both races).

>> No.3182508


I'm sorry my dear, but either you misquoted me, or you haven't reviewed your post well enough.

Please don't stop trolling though, I would hate to imagine you frolicking in any other manner.

Or would I? (dirty girl)

>> No.3182511

Let me ask a seerious queestion. How come blacks hate whites so much? When was the last time blacks did something to help whites (after slavery was repealed, of course)? Why is there no AA for whites in Africa? We all know blacks hate whites because they always try to hurt whites and never help whites.

>> No.3182512

nice to know that in the future aren't gonna be any whiteys like the whiteys we have nowadays

>> No.3182514


hahahahahahahaha FAGGOT

>> No.3182517

Don't confuse intelligence with knowledge. We know more stuff because we have access to resources lie Wikipedia but it doesn't mean we're actually smarter.

>> No.3182520

blacks like whites for the most part. those that don't like whites generally don't like most anyone else regardless of race. and there are the occasional vocal few who hate whites exclusively.

>> No.3182518


>he thinks he'll get respect by mindlessly adhering to unpopular, forced memes

>> No.3182523 [DELETED] 
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You're half correct. People are just as intelligent as they were before, but education in America is VERY fucking shitty, ESPECIALLY after Bush created the "no child left behind" program, forcing schools to pass EVERYONE, no matter how bad their grades are. Now you can't fail if you do nothing.

>> No.3182524


>he thinks he's gods gift to man cause he's an engiqueer

>> No.3182527


intelligence doesn't mean much.

knowledge and hard work is what actually matters, unless you are retarded.

>> No.3182531
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You humans and your silly notions of "race."

>> No.3182535

engineers serve our country more than the troops.
god bless the engineers

>> No.3182537
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> Thinks incorrect grammar on the internet matters

>> No.3182538


>blacks like whites

You realize that would make black people racist, right?

Liking someone simply because of the color of their skin?

It should be "blacks form bonds with whites in the same way that they form bonds with other blacks"

>> No.3182545
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>this is what engiqueers actually believe

>> No.3182542


>implying I'm not :3

>> No.3182540

>beign /sci/ and considering the concept of different human races as valid and not some forced upon cultural/propagandistic constructo

>> No.3182547

it would only make them racist if they treated the whites differently than the blacks

>> No.3182553


You must be one of those racist blacks the poster you quoted was talking about.

You need help!

>> No.3182559

>4chan is discriminating
WHAT?! I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF SUCH INSOLENCE! You better teach those bastards!

>> No.3182561


I'd let a pony choke on my dick, so long as it had straightened, purple/red hair and a heart tattoo on its flank.

>> No.3182564

Wasn't me
But I sincerely hope you don't discredit engineering as a career path just because of a meme on /sci/. You do know that, that 'meme' started when /b/-tards used raided /sci/ with "engineers are gay" threads.(in case you haven't noticed /sci/ is something like 80% engineers). It only became a meme after newfags picked it up and started spamming it.

>> No.3182571 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3182580

Because when 90% of people on here are talking about niggers, niggers =/= black people.

Its like saying rednecks you don't mean all white people.

>> No.3182594
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Any idiot who needs WRA to evaluate a simple division of a perfect square nth term needs to get the fuck out (i.e, you).

I can't help but realize that you are incapable of posting Latex-formatted equations which just furthers the point that you are an undergrad (probably first year) calc student who thinks he knows anything at all.

You're giving a math major (junior year) problems that you think are actually difficult.

The whole point of selecting a problem for someone to solve is to construct it in a manner where WRA won't help them at all. You have failed to do so. Cheer up emo kid.

Yet again, you're posting simple math.

<span class="math">\displaystyle \lim_{h\to0} \frac{(4 - \sqrt{16+h})}{h}[/spoiler]

You want me to solve a simple problem that involves multiplying by the conjugate of <span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{4 + \sqrt{16 + h}}{4 + \sqrt{16 + h}}[/spoiler]?

Good lawd put some thought into your questions beforehand. None of this is hard.

Fucking higher school kiddies...

Now how about I tear you a new asshole:

We start with a tank containing 50 gallons of salt water with the salt concentration being 3 lb/gal. Salt water with a salt concentration of 4 lb/gal is then poured into the top of the tank at the rate of 6 gal/min and salt water is at the same time drained from the bottom of the tank at the rate of 4 gal/min. We will consider the water and salt mixture in the tank to be well-stirred and at all times to have a uniform concentration of salt. Find the function S(t) that gives the amount of salt in the tank as a function of time (t) since we began pouring in salt water at the top and simultaneously draining salt water from the bottom of the tank. How long before there will be 120 pounds of salt in the tank?

Good luck plugging that into WRA. =)

>> No.3182602


Because that's the most roundabout method to do this problem. It's not correct. If you were given this on a timed test, you would waste time using your method where you could just learn to factor out the (x-1) by simple division.

Not closeted at all BTW and am in my early twenties.

>> No.3182607

Stop being a faggot, OP. If you take the internet seriously, then you deserve to be called a nigger.

>> No.3182615

We start with a tank containing 50 gallons of salt water with the salt concentration being 3 lb/gal. Salt water with a salt concentration of 4 lb/gal is then poured into the top of the tank at the rate of 6 gal/min and salt water is at the same time drained from the bottom of the tank at the rate of 4 gal/min. We will consider the water and salt mixture in the tank to be well-stirred and at all times to have a uniform concentration of salt. Find the function S(t) that gives the amount of salt in the tank as a function of time (t) since we began pouring in salt water at the top and simultaneously draining salt water from the bottom of the tank. How long before there will be 120 pounds of salt in the tank?

As much as I agree with you (on the HURR LOOK A LIMIT GO FIND IT CUZ THEN YOU GOOD AT MATHZ!), this is just a stereotype diff. eq. WRA won't solve it, but maple / matlab will ;o

Also, honestly, all the maths suggested here so far can be EASILY computated without any skill. Since they can be computated without any skill involved, or even knowing what you're doing, they're hardly a referance...

>> No.3182644 [DELETED] 


It is but requires more critical thinking. You aren't just applying limits willy nilly, not understanding what they mean.

For this problem, you need to know how to set up the equations and understand Leibniz notation. You need to know what to integrate with respect to. You need to identify <span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} - q(x)cos(y) = p(x)y[/spoiler] which enables you to use the integrating factor since it's in the form <span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} + P(x)y = Q(x)[/spoiler].

You also need to be aware of your constants and rewrite and rename them as you condense both sides. It's not just simple plug and chug.

>> No.3182649


>how long before 120 lbs of salt

it starts out with 150 lbs of salt and only increases.

>> No.3182651


It is but requires more critical thinking. You aren't just applying limits willy nilly, not understanding what they mean.

For this problem, you need to know how to set up the equations and understand Leibniz notation. You need to know what to integrate with respect to. You need to identify <span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} - Q(x)y = P(x)[/spoiler] which enables you to use the integrating factor since it's in the form <span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} + P(x)y = Q(x)[/spoiler] such that <span class="math">\displaystyle u = e^{P(x)dt}[/spoiler]

You also need to be aware of your constants and rewrite and rename them as you condense both sides. It's not just simple plug and chug.

>> No.3182654


lol white people can't into trolling.

>> No.3182658


Yes...the rates are the same. It should have been this:

We start with a tank containing 50 gallons of salt water with the salt concentration being 2 lb/gal. Salt water with a salt concentration of 3 lb/gal is then poured into the top of the tank at the rate of 3 gal/min and salt water is at the same time drained from the bottom of the tank at the rate of 3 gal/min. We will consider the water and salt mixture in the tank to be well-stirred and at all times to have a uniform concentration of salt. Find the function S(t) that gives the amount of salt in the tank as a function of time (t) since we began pouring in salt water at the top and simultaneously draining salt water from the bottom of the tank. How long before there will be 120 pounds of salt in the tank?

>> No.3182666

Alternatively, try this one:

Laplace Transform:

<span class="math">\displaystyle y'' - 6y' + 9y = 6t^2e^{3t},\; IC\;y(0) = 0, \; y'(0) = 0[/spoiler]

None of this is hard. Just trying to put the undergrad in his place.

>> No.3182674


6.66 min.

black here

>> No.3182679


also that problem was retardedly simple, props for making a stupid mistake in the original post of it.

>> No.3182681


Implying that limits are hard in any way.

>> No.3182686
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>> No.3182691
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