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3180361 No.3180361 [Reply] [Original]

Deep in the South American rainforests, the trees grow so thick and tall that sunlight never reaches the ground. It's like an eternal night, with the only source of light being GLOW-IN-THE-DARK MUSHROOMS.

Now. The biochemical phenomenon we know as "bioluminescence" is very well understood. There's just no problem. The mechanism of bioluminescence is rather complicated, and there isn't actually any reason for a mushroom to have it. Mushrooms don't benefit in any way from being glow-in-the-dark. It has nothing to do with attracting a mate, because mushrooms don't mate. It has nothing to do with attracting prey, because mushrooms aren't an animal. It has nothing to do with attracting pollinators, because mushrooms don't pollinate. That rules out every reason bioluminescence might have "evolved."

So... Basically we have mushrooms that just glow in the dark, and there isn't really any obvious reason for it. Except it's kinda cool that they happen to live in a place that's always dark. Pretty convenient, right? Heh. If you still believe in evolution after reading this, I've got a bridge to sell ya.

>> No.3180388 [DELETED] 

I bet it serves a similar purpose to yellow on a snake.

"Danger: poisonous"

>> No.3180387

Troll thread.

>> No.3180393

I enjoyed your story, thank you miss Rarity.

>> No.3180412

Sad sad man. Evolution isn't directed by god, so affects of evolution don't need to be extremely positive, they just need no real negative repercussions to expression of a trait.

Also, I don't eat glowing things, so that'd certainly help them from being destroyed.

>> No.3180451 [DELETED] 


>> No.3181606

>Deep in the South American rainforests, the trees grow so thick and tall that sunlight never reaches the ground. It's like an eternal night, with the only source of light being GLOW-IN-THE-DARK MUSHROOMS.

is this true?

>> No.3181622

>>It has nothing to do with attracting prey, because mushrooms aren't an animal.

actually I think they'd be pretty happy if animals attracted by the bioluminesence could hang out for a while and die there

>> No.3181634


It's an exaggeration. It's true that light is extremely limited in the rainforest floor, calling it "like night" is stretching it a bit.

It's certainly little enough light to prevent all but the most determined plant species to grow, but it's still light enough for us to see in.

>> No.3181656

>>...nothing to do with attracting prey, because mushrooms aren't an animal...

certain rain forest plants attract prey.

or are you a-trollin'?

>> No.3181666

>bioluminescent shrooms attract curious prey animals
>prey eviscerated by predator
>remains fertilize shrooms, bioluminescent mushroom variants overtake non-luminescent variants

probably a long stretch, but it's not completely implausible

>> No.3181684
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>666 get on /sci/ board

haha take that christfags

>> No.3181707

>It has nothing to do with attracting prey, because mushrooms aren't an animal.

Troll thread but just because mushrooms are not an animal doesn't mean they don't prey on things.

You don't have to be dead either. They'll grow on your body, in your brain, and mind control you into infecting others.

>> No.3181725
File: 202 KB, 1536x1024, Cordyceps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, how would a fungus ever prey on other animals

>> No.3181729

Just a guess, but a blind mole who searches by sense of smell with little eyesight wouldn't be dissuaded by orange or othr bright 'deadly' colors, so a glowing green would likely be dissuaded

>> No.3181762

Perhaps the animals benefit from their light and so decide not to eat their light bulbs. I rarely eat mine, even when I'm out of food. Boom. Evolution.

>> No.3181803

so explain to me the appendix? it serves no discernible purpose but to explode and kill me. does this seem like a good design to you? how about a jaw that cannot fit all of your teeth? Don't even get me started on the prostate...

>> No.3181832

>if god hates gays so much, why did he put the prostate so that it can be stimulated thru the ass
its a test, god works in mysterious ways! really!

>> No.3181945 [DELETED] 


I know you're young kiddo, but do you have any idea how shoddy a piece of work that organ is? Thirty fucking things could go wrong with it BEFORE your balls drop, and it's almost guaranteed that you will develop one kind of embarrassing or horrifying problems, probably more.

>> No.3181976

So that animals can be attracted to them and spread their spores. Fucking idiot.

>> No.3182081

It's probably the light is too useful to dispose of simply for food. Or it might be to warn that the mushroom is poisonous so that nothing eats it. Also the appendix could be useful you're not a fucking doctor. Or it could be vestigal. TL:DR You are a dumbass OP debate evolution when you prove that you are as smart as or smarter than Darwin. Jackass. TL;DR Op is gay and needs to STFU.