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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 328x246, law-of-attraction[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3178094 No.3178094 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/
A friend of mine told me to read this book and that it works but I'm finding it hard to get past the 4th page

"All things within the Universe are made up of sub-atomic particles that are pure energy, in its simplest form. All energy vibrates continuously at unique frequencies. It is this vibration of energy that allows the Law to work. Quantum physics has proven that what we think of as physical things are actually different wave lengths of energy, capable of responding to our thoughts."

Would you be so kind as to shine some light on this?

>capable of responding to our thoughts
sounds like pure bullshit to me

>> No.3178108


there is nothing to shine some light on, it's all dicks

>> No.3178119

>sounds like pure bullshit to me

It is.

Quantum phenomena throughout the universe don't give a fuck what some hominids are thinking.

>> No.3178121

>sounds like pure bullshit to me
It is, it's called quantum mysticism.

Your bullshit detector is in working order.

>> No.3178126

>capable of responding to our thoughts
I suspect bullshit at this point.
Nothing responds to your thoughts because your thougts are virtual meta level representation of your particles.
I could be wrong, what is the book about? Name, writer style, summary...

>> No.3178134

> it works
Double-blind test that shit. No, it does NOT work, or more specifically, it is just the placebo effect.

>> No.3178142


>> No.3178145


If you actually have the book do some 3rd grade science and burn it.

>> No.3178153
File: 163 KB, 400x400, 1304215804303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, just come from a thread in /b/ talking about coincidences and reccomended a book on the same subject.


I dont beleive in coincidences anymore, have been resarching this alot, think about how your heart gives out electromagnetic signal 10x stronger than the mind.
'your hearts desire and follow your heart' phrases make sense no?

think about things and they happen.


>> No.3178154

It's bullshit magical thinking. I mean, just read the past iterations of the same topic. This is just wrapping it in a new abuse of jargon.

>> No.3178157

Can't tell if troll or just very stupid

Nah, given the pic you're just trolling.

>> No.3178167

Yes, it's total bullshit:

"The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical New Thought belief that "like attracts like", that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results, respectively."

>> No.3178170

Thanks i knew there would be a name for the sort of Pseudoscience shit it masked it's pointless belief system in

>> No.3178178

Yeah. But the quantum stuff is just the superficial veneer, really. The idea of "thoughts control reality" has been around for a long time - this is just the newest iteration of selling it to people.

>> No.3178190

It stems from an abuse of the Copenhagen interpretation which is commonly stated as "measurement causes the wave function collapse into an eigenstate." Most people in popular media take measurement to mean "recorded by a conscious entity" when what the Copenhagen interpretation means is an interaction with a macroscopic system that can't exist in a superposition for any meaningful time period causes wave function collapse because the measuring device is part of the system and doesn't allow for superpositions and so the particles can only be in eigenstates.

>> No.3178196

It is rubbish sort of shit hip people think is cool
the way i understood it was you write down what you want to happen. believe that it will and then it does
So i asked someone to write down that they wanted to grow wings and fly.
Who can guess the response i got?
>you can't ask for things that are imposable
yes because you can only ask for things that could happen another way than the law of attraction so that it can never be tested. The law is a troll

>> No.3178209

hes serious, i came from the same thread he was talking about and he kept asking dumb shit.

inb4 samefag

>> No.3178752

Being serious I'm from that thread too
here's link

>> No.3178794

The book is definitely BS..

However, in case anyone is interested, I think the part about quantum mechanics that the author of that book is confused about is the wavefunction collapse.
It is unknown what causes this, some speculate that it is a "conscious observer" that causes the wavefunction to collapse.. Keep in mind that:
1) This is still completely different from "capable of responding to our thoughts"
2) Just one of many other possibilities.

>> No.3178839

These kind of ideas only deserve mockery and laughs.
