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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3175929 No.3175929 [Reply] [Original]

How do you study math? I've never really ad to study until this year and finals are coming up so this is new territory.

>> No.3175939

If you weren't such a summerfag, you would know this already.

I'd presume that you do know, you just don't have the balls to actually do it.

Get the fuck off my /sci/ forever asshole.

>> No.3175952

Umm ok. Howabout you contribute instead of resorting to childish ad hominem attacks over the internet. /sci/ is always very mature and docile. You're obviously the summerfag. Go back to /b/. Anyway, right now I tend to re-read the chapters and do practice problems. However, this might prove to be difficult for a final that covers everything. Should I just man up and go through the whole book?

>> No.3175957

>get a textbook
>read theory
>solve problems
>check answers

>> No.3175969

Probably man up. Don't know how much you really need to study, but you'll probably need to know the stuff in some other later class so might as well master it all now.

>> No.3176018

Ok..Thanks. An actual answer. Cooliosis.

>> No.3176033
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>umm ok
>over the internet

confirmed for summer

>> No.3176050

Try not to study as much as you can, if that makes sense. Don't memorize 5,000 "special cases," remember how to derive them so you don't get confused with sign errors. e.g. d/dx tan(x) = sec(x)^2; don't memorize that if you have a hard time remembering it, only memorize the derivatives of sin(x) and cos(x) and then derive sin(x)/cos(x) using the quotient rule.

If you have a hard time remembering the definitions of limit, derivative, or integral, think about the graphs mathematically and what is happening as whatever approaches 0.

Those were obviously two Calculus examples but they apply to all areas of math.

If it's a proof based course, you pretty much need to know your definitions inside out so you can use them in proving theorems.. not much working around that.

What's the class? Maybe we could help more specially.