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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3171603 No.3171603 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we humans so stupid to spend nearly all of our resources on military and only a small fraction on science? Why are we so scared of each other that it blinds us from seeing that we're really digging a hole for ourselves?

If we spent all the money that goes into just "preparing" for war on science and exploration, the world and the lives of everyone on Earth would benefit immeasurably. New discoveries might lead to unimaginable things and perhaps one day we could even inhabit other worlds and prove to ourselves and to the universe what we're made of. Why are we doing the exact opposite?

What's wrong with us?

>> No.3171610

Well to start off with your first comment, you need to learn to appreciate the Armed Forces and what they do for your country. Secondly, I'm not sure what alternate dimension you're living in but most human beings deal with other human beings on a daily basis and get through the day with one another. Yes we our consuming resources at an alarming rate but eventually laws will be made to regulate even that. The whole inhabiting of other planets won't be seen in any of our lifetimes but it is a viable option down the road. The technology is almost there. But other than that I find this to be atrocious.

>> No.3171614

As long as different races and cultures exist, it's impossible to achieve peace and understanding.

Hitler had the right idea, thank America and the Soviets for fucking it up.

>> No.3171620

....? I hope you aren't serious. How will genocide help us reach any worldwide goal?

>> No.3171622

Maybe he had a good idea, but it's execution was wrong and against every human moral standard in the book.

>> No.3171619

1) you can't buy genius
2) but if you could, look at DoD research program

>> No.3171626

Once cultural unity is achieved, there is no more need for war and violence.

I would expect the scientifically minded people of /sci/ not to cling to reactionary and religious concepts such as morals.

>> No.3171630
File: 40 KB, 400x178, awkward close talker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just posted on /k/, of all places

>> No.3171639

Morals aren't a religious concept. Your theory is interesting but it relies on an assumption that culture differences are what cause wars. How do you explain civil wars then? Or the occasional fight in the bar. Your reasoning is clearly based on propaganda and not facts.

>> No.3171655

No, Hitler praised Northern Europeans which have accomplished fuck all in science and culture compared to everyone else.

>> No.3171663

Hitler was a HUGE sinophile and weeaboo plus allied himself with the japs. What different races are you on about?

Here's a quote direct from Hitler himself

>"I promise you I am quite free from all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding has never produced good results. Its desire to remain racially pure is a proof of the vitality and good health of a race. Pride in one's own race -- and that does not imply contempt for other races -- is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them."

If this is what you want, then I regret the Americans did not nuke Germany and the Soviets not rape millions more German women.

>> No.3171666

>As long as different races and cultures exist, it's impossible to achieve peace and understanding.

mfw he actually believes this.

>> No.3171673


It may not be impossible, but cultural and racial differences are a major cause of conflicts. I do think there would be less wars if there was less diversity in humanity.

>> No.3171678
File: 30 KB, 498x535, black nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler liked black people, a lot. Here's a picture of a black nazi.

He was just butthurt with filthy kikes.

>> No.3171686

Yes, the single "white master race" in yurop fought each other for thousands of years in the most fucked up and evil wars mankind has ever known. There's something wrong with Europeans and it's because they're savages.

>> No.3171690

>implying white is a race

Are you really that stupid? Europe is made up of several different races.

>> No.3171707

Are we redefining race again or are Europeans really this stupid?

>> No.3171711


Not anymore. Their culture got homogenized, and they do not fight now. Currently, different African tribes and cultures fight each other, they are the savages of present age.

>> No.3171712

Are you saying Slavs, Greeks, Spaniards, Germans and Scandinavians are all the same race?

Maybe you spent too long around niggers to notice the finer differences between the more evolved races.

>> No.3171716


Yes, they are the same race, you ignoramus.


>> No.3171717

Everyone has different definitions of races, just ignore it.

>> No.3171721

>including Turks and sandniggers as well

It's like it was written by some scumbag muslim-lover.

>> No.3171723

>As long as hierachical values still exist in the hearts and minds of people, it's impossible to achieve peace and understanding.


>> No.3171724

Europeans are retarded. Why would you ignore the people who created civilization or the roots of Indo language and culture?

>> No.3171725

Because they are inferior.

Also, Arabic and Turkish are not Indo-European languages, so I don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.3171726
File: 233 KB, 800x577, eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europeans don't fight each other


The EU is a massive success in troll history in that it's a massive disaster waiting to happen. Eastern Europe is a gasoline soaked rag too.

>> No.3171728

You know exactly what I meant. You can't just redefine race because they aren't up to your standards.

>> No.3171732

Wow, you are dumb...

>> No.3171736

OP here, why are you all just proving my point arguing each other and no one is answering the questions I posed?

>> No.3171737

Why are people always looking to segregate themselves from another type of culture. All you do is breed hatred.

Look, all you whiny fucking Eurofags, you are all caucasian - deal with it.
You are not the master race, there is no master race. You might like to think there is, but on a larger time scale, none of these petty little arguements about the colour of your skin will fucking matter.
Grow the fuck up so we can focus on advancing our civilisation further. OUR civilisation. Not yours, not your neighbours, but everyone, us- fucking humanity.

>> No.3171739

Because people have been guilt-tripped into thinking that genocide is wrong, and refuse to aknowledge it is the solution to every problem.

>> No.3171740

>Spend money on SCIENCE! instead of war
>Get conquered by barbarians

Stay naive, libfags.

>> No.3171744


Eastern European here. What? There is peace here, and I dont see any potential for conflicts, except those pesky gypsies or muslims down in the south.

>> No.3171749

Military science is STILL science.


>> No.3171750

> Law 15
>Crush your Enemy Totally
>All great leaders since Moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completely. (Sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) If one ember is left alight, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover, and will seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but in spirit.


>> No.3171757

>Spend money on WAR!! instead of things that actually help people and make their lives more comfortable
>Everyone kills everyone else, massacres, nuclear holocaust, regress as a moral species, everyone becomes like a typical useless flag-fucking nationilst nazi with twenty-seven firearms in his house.

Stay awsome, conservofag

>> No.3171763

What we mean is, we western Europeans want to see you burn. You're only good for scrubbing our toilets and doing our plumbing.

>> No.3171766

Are you honestly ignoring the fact that most spending is actually for defense and the military did not make achievements which made the life of men easier? Get off the internet.

>> No.3171768

>implying Slav girls don't make the best prostitutes

>> No.3171771

Care to provide proof of your claims? Preferably pics or videos?

... What!?

>> No.3171775

Not >>3171757, but perhaps it would be smart to assume in the near feature that we've outgrown the need for that. Just perhaps.

Unity would come from realizing that we're much more similar than we are different. My best idea is make a law that everyone on earth needs to consume a bit of LSD once a month.

>> No.3171782

Oh, come on, you need proof?

They have pretty faces, are fairly cheap and sometimes are underage as well, or at least they look like they are (as opposed to those dirty africans, who look like they are old hags when they are 15). Who could ask for more?

>> No.3171785

I'm not saying military and defense spending has given us no technological advancements. What i'm saying is that you have enough pretty little guns and bombs nowadays then you know what to do with.
When you create weapons, it means you intend to use them at some point or another.
>"No but it's for defense you idiot".
So where do you stop? You want to keep going until every country has a nuclear missle pointed at every other country? Cool story bro.

Why don't we stop this brutish and unneccessary facade and get on with doing something more useful. Stop building weapons and start building something we can all benefit from.

>> No.3171795

There's quite a bit of benefit in war, actually.

>> No.3171803
File: 20 KB, 300x450, algore(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


THIS is exactly why North America is way better than Europe.

You sure as fuck aren't going to find bands of fucking gypsies all over the place around here.

I think some napalm is in order

OP, it's because of the sand niggers mostly

>> No.3171807

Maybe a war that actually makes sense, or that you're doing for the sole purpose of saving an entire populace.

>> No.3171808

lol gypsies are the worst scum on earth but don't rub it in.

>> No.3171809

>Oh, come on, you need proof?
Yes, preferably pics.

>> No.3172087
File: 25 KB, 281x291, albert-einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put amount of money spent on military into SCIENCE
>put amount of money spend on SCIENCE into military
>SCIENCE causes ultra accurate superpowered lasers to be invented which have the ability of blasting artillery, planes and missiles out of the air, as well as option of ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL to blast navy vessels and ground troops
>Can't have SCIENCE without a low-orbit ion cannon

Of course it shouldn't be done exactly like that but I'm sure if you took a more scientific approach to defending your country and its citizenry it would likely end up better than 'Muslim extremists blew up our tower, let's spend 2 trillion and hundreds of thousands of troops in a nation halfway around the world.'