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3171520 No.3171520 [Reply] [Original]

/sci9k/, is there a type of drug or chemical you could use to make a woman want to sleep with you? Not Rohypnol or any date rape drug, I do want something I could slip in her drink or such, but something that just causes or elicits arousal in her; nothing knocking her out or against her will.

>> No.3171522


>> No.3171524
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Captcha-tan said so as well.

>> No.3171529
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>> No.3171528


>> No.3171530

PROTIP: If her feelings of arousal are only caused by you drugging her then it is still against her will and rape.

>> No.3171532

Not if she still wants to have sex with you. We're not looking to impair, otherwise we would be suggesting liquor.

>> No.3171533

your 12 inch penis

>> No.3171534

If she still consents to it, nope.

>> No.3171538

You don't understand.
She doesn't want to fuck you. You drug her without her knowledge, then for a short time she does want to fuck you.
It's still against her will and rape.

>> No.3171539

>If her feelings of arousal are only caused by you drugging her then it is still against her will

>and rape
No, it's not unless she's put into a state where she can't functionally make a proper decision.

>> No.3171540


Technically, I would say that you changed her will against her will.

I'm not sure we have a law against that...

>> No.3171545

She only consents to it because she's been drugged against her will.
Therefore she is in no state of mind to consent.
It would only be consensual if she knew she was being drugged and allowed it

>> No.3171546

That's actually a matter of opinion and local laws.

Take Sweden, for example. She could withdraw her consent after the act has taken place, and it would retroactively make it rape.

>> No.3171548

>In most parts of the world, whether or not a drug was used is irrelevant to the issue of whether a particular incident is rape or not. The legal definition of rape in countries such as the United States also covers a lack of consent when the victim is unable to say "no" to intercourse, whether the effect is due to drugging or simply alcohol consumption
If she's still agreeing to it, and isn't impaired doing so, then it's perfectly legal.

>> No.3171551


Looking for something like that too.
Dating a girl for 3 Months (!) - no sex.

>> No.3171552

She is fucking the entire football team behind your back.

>> No.3171554

>when the victim is unable to say "no" to intercourse
Like for instance if she's drugged, causing her to be horny enough that she'd fuck a 4channer.

>> No.3171557

>She only consents to it because she's been drugged against her will.
It doesn't work like that, you need to put her in state where she can't make a proper decision or isn't in a right state of mind, which would need to be an impairment. But if you're just giving her an aphrodisiac, like chocolates are natural aphrodisiacs, than it's perfectly since she's still can actively consent or not consent. You're not making her do anything.

>> No.3171558

>causing her to be horny enough that she'd fuck a 4channer
It's not, since she can still say "no" in such states.

>> No.3171560
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>> No.3171563

You are making her do things if you drug her without her knowledge.
WITHOUT HER KNOWLEDGE - this is the key.
It's perfectly fine if she knows about it, but drugging her secretly is tantamount to rape.

>> No.3171564

>Technically, I would say that you changed her will against her will.
Yes, but the thing is there's no such thing as "changing one's will against their one," nor is it possible to achieve such acts with a sentient creature, it's still her will.

>> No.3171568
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>> No.3171569

You ever been so horny that you couldn't stop yourself from jacking off, no matter how hard you tried?

>> No.3171570

Than giving her chocolates is rape then. Than giving her a simple drink is rape then. Both these, and other aphrodisiacs, elicits and enhances sexual arousal in women, without their knowledge or awareness of such. Simply giving them such consumables would be rape under your presented definitions and logic.

>> No.3171572

Even if it wasn't considered rape you would still be drugging them, which is quite illegal and immoral by itself.

>> No.3171573

Sorry but it's true, you can't turn a will on itself or it's host, it's still their will. The only exceptions would be a mental illness, but even then you're still not turning such a function against or on itself.

>> No.3171574
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>Dating a girl for 3 Months - no sex.

>> No.3171576

FFS, are you even listening to me?
They don't count as rape because she ingests them willingly and knows the effects of doing such.

>> No.3171577


Ok i'll give you the benefit of the doubt here.

Perhaps I should have said:

You are changing her will without her consent.

>> No.3171579

>which is quite illegal
As long as it doesn't impair them in a way they can't function properly, it's perfectly fine under a legal perspective. Drugging people depends on the drug itself.

>and immoral
That depends on the society, culture, and individual.

>> No.3171584

>Girl is drugged by extremely ugly guy.
>She isn't in her right mind and fucks extremely ugly guy.
>Wakes up the next day, realise what she has done.
>Is so horrified and ashamed that she kills herself
Try and put yourself in her shoes

>> No.3171585

>You are changing her will without her consent.
Still can't happen, nobody can make anybody do anything. You can't even brainwash people because of how highly temporary it is. You can condition somebody to such an act, but they're still acting on their own accord.

Most people don't the affects of natural aphrodisiacs like chocolates, thus they aren't willingly ingesting the aphrodisiac part of it since they aren't aware of it.

>> No.3171589
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Ok, confirmed for full retard.


>> No.3171592
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>come to /sci/ for first time this year
>read this thread

>> No.3171593

Chocolate isn't even a strong aphrodisiac. Stop using it as an example.
OP is talking about something a million times stronger.
Besides, the effects of chocolate is common knowledge.

>> No.3171590

That's mostly her cross to bare. Almost everybody has had sex with somebody they end up regretting doing so.

>> No.3171595


>> No.3171599

>/sci9k/, is there a type of drug or chemical you could use to make a woman want to sleep with you?

It's called ALCOHOL.

>> No.3171600

Sorry, but it's just plain wrong and not how the law or chemicals of such substances work, nor how the body and it's ability to handle such consummations. The person will still be in a mindset where they have complete control over themselves, they can still easily not participate in such acts with the person and go on to someone or something else.

>> No.3171601

>*I personally have had sex with someone with whom I regret having sex

>> No.3171605

>OP is talking about something a million times stronger.
Now that's just a primacy and anchoring effect, he said nothing about the strength of such drugs or chemicals, just what are ones that do have such effects, nothing about how efficient they are or aren't. The power of such drugs has so little significance it's barely relevant here. And no, chocolate isn't common knowledge, but common knowledge has no standard way of being measured.

>> No.3171606

spoken like a true rapist, sir

>> No.3171609

Again, just an anchoring effect and argumentum ad hominem.

>> No.3171612

It disgusts me that people like you exist, OP.

>> No.3171616

just for clarification I'm not the guy you're arguing with, I'm just a guy who thinks you think like a rapist

>> No.3171618

as long as she can still choose not to fuck the guy, I don't see /sci/'s problem here. there's just the problem that if the person who does might end up leading to harder drugs like ruffies, but that just depends on the person

>> No.3171623


>> No.3171625

No, these are just how the law and chemistry works, nothing about rape or sexual. It's not a problem unless the person really can't get out of it or say no. Enhancing arousal isn't that, slipping her in-and-out of consciousness is, putting her in a state where she can't form a coherent thought or stand up straight is.

>> No.3171629

Yes that is a problem, but it's the same as people who start getting high off of mild drugs end up going to harder stuff, there's always that problem but it's up to the individual.

>> No.3171627

>Has never been so horny that you can't think rationally

>> No.3171632

If she can still choose to have sex with someone and choose a partner, she can still form rational thoughts.

>> No.3171634

If she could think rationally she sure as hell wouldn't sleep with OP.
=> If she would sleep with OP she isn't able to think rationally

>> No.3171635

I don't think there are any chemicals or drugs that would make a person so horny they would fuck the first thing they see. But you can still use something like an afrodesiac (spelling?) and just flirt with her until she either wants to or not. It shouldn't be any different than giving somebody a drink so they can lighten up.

>> No.3171637

That's her and OP's issue then.

>> No.3171638
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>> No.3171641

It's not rape if she's crawling all over you telling you how good rubbing your fingers on her skin feels...

>> No.3171647

does it really do that? because I've never gotten horny or aroused, nor do I know anybody that has, off of it. just really emotional.

>> No.3171650

It's not rape if she's still alive afterwards.

>> No.3171652

Is it bad that the single, most surprising thing about I find about this thread is that OP called us "/sci9k/" without anybody yelling at him?

>> No.3171658

>is there a type of drug or chemical you could use to make a woman want to sleep with you?

I believe it's called a "6-figure paycheck".

>> No.3171659

okay, so it will be rape. Now what's the drug?

This "real" aphrodisiac.

>> No.3171660

You should mix that drug with "six-pack abs" as well.

>> No.3171662

/sci/ is really creepy

>> No.3171665
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I only just noticed that.

>> No.3171681

Because it becomes /sci9k/ each and every summer and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.

>> No.3171685

>Because it becomes /sci9k/ each and every summer
Has /sci/ even been around for more than one summer?