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3168265 No.3168265 [Reply] [Original]

I made this thread the other day but I didn't see any responses.

I'm taking E&M Physics this summer at a community college to get it out of the way (didn't takee AP in high school), and was looking over the textbook for the class.

There is a lot of stuff about line and surface integrals, things that were not covered in my Calc II class I took last semester. Is it ok if I don't know about those things before taking this course? Are other physics courses setup like that?

Picture unrelated

>> No.3168275

Why you have the time before taking the class... why not try to learn how to do those equations?

>> No.3168279


Where do I start? Surely there is a lot of stuff that leads up to surfance and line integrals that must be learned.

>> No.3168312

yes pretty much all of calc III up to those topics OP. Look up Stewart's Calculus on a torrent site, or watch some lecture videos on MIT Open course ware. You will need to learn vector valued functions, and basic vector calculus, partial derivatives and the gradient, review piecewise functions for line integrals, and then multiple integration and functions of several variables. Good luck bro

>> No.3168319


Christ...why are Calc I & II the only prereqs for Physics when there is so much multivariable calc.

>> No.3168643
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Prerequirements my university:

Real Analysis 1
Real Analysis 2
Complex Analysis
Differential Equations

>MFW when students from foreign universities think that they are good physicists because they only did Calculus I & II.