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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 250x250, thatfagfromthatshow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3167390 No.3167390 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: words, phrases, or pictures that instantly destroy your opinion of the person posting them.

Pic very related.

inb4 poniz.

>> No.3167395
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>> No.3167402
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>> No.3167405


> socioeconomic
> equality
> race is a social construct
> race is simply the color of one's skin
> communism/socialism has never been tried
> communism/socialism can work
> capitalism is evil

>> No.3167414
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"I enjoy Star Wars"

>> No.3167417
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>> No.3167421

Carl Sagan
recommending khanacademy for anyone
telling people to buy/read Rudin for analysis
militant atheists

>> No.3167435


>> No.3167437

Recommending Khan academy instead of a motherfucking textbook.

>> No.3167439



>> No.3167456

Quantum consciousness, pseudo-skeptic, allopathy, ancient Chinese medicine/wisdom, sheeple, "... causes autism!", big pharma, "You're just a hater." and "Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten."

>> No.3167461



>> No.3167465

"my iPad"

>> No.3167466

pretty much everything that /sci/ collectively does on a daily basis.

>> No.3167467


>> No.3167478

>>Objectivist anything
>>"Communism has never been tried"
>>"Overpopulation is a threat"
>>Libertarian anything
>>"All religious people are stupid/ignorant/sheep/etc."
>>"The AK-47 is a better assault rifle than the M-16"
>>"IOPS is spindle speed plus spindle count"

>> No.3167483

Don't be a hater bra.

Sent from my iPad by relaying it through my iPhone and my Crapbook Pro

>> No.3167486

>Religion/Philosphy on /sci/
Seriously I don't care what creed you are religious/atheist take it somewhere else.

>> No.3167489
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You're just a hater. You shouldn't be mad at those pseudo-skeptic people who believe in quantum consciousness, allopathy, ancient Chinese medicine/wisdom, etc. You should try to help them. At least they mostly agree that big pharma isn't that the thing that causes autism!

"Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten." And you shouldn't build a wall between you and those who need your help.

>> No.3167492

rating trolls without saging, and misunderstanding the meaning of sage

>> No.3167505

Khan Academy - obviously useful to everyone.

Austrian School - it sucks.

Buy gold!


>> No.3167507

Yeah, forgot about that one. It's *always* followed by a contrived straw man that wasn't implied in any way whatsoever.

>implying you're you're not just jelly of my awesome list of things that annoy me

>> No.3167510
File: 50 KB, 679x516, argument pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most posts on /sci/. Pic related.

>> No.3167515


>implying I didn't purposely use all of the things that annoy you in a context that you might not find objectionable just to show you that certain words are not indicative of intent and even meaning

>> No.3167516

> but keynes said
> economics is not a science
> the state is needed
> positive rights
> huur derp guns should be banned
> the free market caused this
> the national socialist german workers party supported capitalism

>> No.3167519

>implying you are not a Holocaust-denying pedophile

>> No.3167524

Sure is same /new/fag in here.

>> No.3167587

>using 'liberal' in a derogatory manner
>edgy teenagers trying to discredit their opponents by calling them edgy teenagers
>using the word 'feminazi' and still expecting to be taken seriously
>boasting about one's IQ on the internets

>> No.3167589
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people destroying the opininion of something by a picture
also recursion

>> No.3167598

This plus

people who think agnosticism is not atheism
people who think nihilism is an unavoidable consequence of atheism

>> No.3167602

"Edgy teenagers" is another one. Or just "edgy" in a sarcastic way in general.

>> No.3167609

I do agree with your point, by the way. It's not the words, it's the context.

>> No.3167612

I unplug my computer if I even see the word 'zeitgeist'.

>> No.3167616

> "femanon here..."
> "i'm a christian but..."

>> No.3167621

> i voted for obama
> the rich people should be taxed more
> the middle class is vanishing
> the rich are getting richer

>> No.3167625

>resource-based economy
>money is evil
>communism has never been tried
>big pharma
>animals are people too

>> No.3167626

> the rich people should be taxed more
But they should... even Warren Buffet agrees. I mean, he pays a lower tax rate than this secretary without even trying.

>> No.3167628

Someone feels threatened by that label.

>> No.3167634

I don't like hipsters, but too many people (especially among anonymous) are labelled as a hipster when they're not.

Similar to a few years ago when people thought just being sad or depressed made you emo.

>> No.3167637


>one guy who agrees

If you suggested taxing Warren Buffet to the eyeballs whilst he was making all his money then he would have told you to get fucked.

Now that he's all rich and stable he can say whatever bullshit he likes. Same with Bill Gates. Ruthless when making their own money, but once they've got all the money they want they suddenly want taxes to go up for everyone else trying to do the same.

Fuck Warren Buffet and fuck all the other champagne socialists.

>> No.3167645

but the rich should be taxed more (because they earn more)

>> No.3167646

Soooo.... you don't agree with him?
Your hatred is getting in the way of your goals.

>> No.3167650

but the rich should be taxed more (because they earn more). The wealth does not 'trickle down'

>> No.3167651

>animu reaction images
>alpha/beta pop psychology
>/r9k/-style foreveralone whining

>> No.3167655

/sci/ in a nutshell:

>Christians are evil but Muslims are good people

>Rich people need to be taxed but MATHS PHD 300K A YEAR STARTING

>> No.3167664


No, I don't think people should have money taken off them simply because they earned more of it.

Mainly because it pushes everyone down a slippery slope where someone in government power gets to decide who deserves what, but also because I enjoy having a decent job.

>> No.3167669

What kind of label is a sarcastic "edgy" exactly? It's just a bullshit ad hominem.

>> No.3167670

Hoo boy.

But look at the facts, here: The taxes aren't even FLAT in Warren Buffet's case. They're fucking REGRESSIVE.

>> No.3167673

>Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten
wtf is this?

>> No.3167677


I don't give a shit.

>> No.3167681

And yet it bothers you so much. Why is that?

Besides, it's not an ad hominem if you're simply mocking people. Ad hominem is a fallacy about refuting arguments.

>> No.3167685

Then go fuck yourself.

>> No.3167686

Name-calling that isn't in any way constructive.
Whining about smileys or the way someone writes :S
Whining about the current level of board's discussion.
Using capslock in the middle of the sentence to EMPHASIZE something.
Being radical about pretty much anything, as in person not able to see any another way to the issue.

>> No.3167702

>And yet it bothers you so much. Why is that?
You're asking me why I'm bothered by fallacious lines of reasoning?

>Besides, it's not an ad hominem if you're simply mocking people.
And it's never an actual argument in either case. If you're mocking your opponent, then it's an appeal to ridicule. That's not any better, or less fallacious.

>> No.3167719

>It's true for me.

>> No.3167724
File: 182 KB, 800x1200, trixmus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ponies are the shit.

>> No.3167727

No, you don't get it.

Not everyone is debating all the time. When a stand-up comedian mocks someone, it's not a "fallacy". They're admittedly not arguing at all.

>> No.3167731


Let him pay more then.


Good to see you are against progressive taxation.


Welcome to state created loopholes. Let me guess, the state can fix it?

>> No.3167734


>implying progressive taxation ever happens

Why would the people who write the tax laws end up paying more taxes?

>> No.3167735
File: 176 KB, 775x418, FEELSGOODBeingSuperior-Rarity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3167736


>> No.3167741

>Good to see you are against progressive taxation.

I didn't even imply that.

>> No.3167743

>"diversity is good"
>"capitalism works because communism doesn't" (or vice versa)
>"The USSR failed, therefore communism doesn't work"
>"atheism/deism is a religion"
>when people defend their weltanschauung when challenged by the atrocities of the past by saying "that's not communism/capitalism"
>bringing morality into scientific discussion
>using the "big lie" quote from mein kampf out of context
>"if you want to lose weight, you should only do cardio and not anaerobic exercises"
>"God exists because love exists"
>"Hitler was an atheist"
>"race is only skin-deep"
>"If you don't like America/the west, why don't you get out"
>differentiating between patriotism and nationalism
too long?

>> No.3167752

Don't worry, I do get it. You're contriving situations where my point doesn't apply, which is fine and all, but doesn't really affect my position in the context of this thread. If someone starts with the "lol u so edgy teenager" bullshit in an actual discussion, then it's my cue to give up on the person.

>> No.3167760

>obviously not studying firsthand tracts yet speaking passionately about the idiocy of their authors, "I've never read Das Capital because it is communist bullshit, but I've read about it from the misis institute" "I've never read Mein Kampf because it is evil, nazi, racist gibberish with no literary value" "I've never read Atlas Strugged because it is exploitative capitalist drivel written by that bitch I read about on revleft"

>> No.3167766

No one ever says that, though. You just assume that whoever criticizes those works hasn't actually read them.

Atlas Shrugged is an abysmal book, by the way.

>> No.3167767

And I thought I was the only /sci/ brony.

>> No.3167771


>> No.3167777

aye, but, it's very obvious when this happens ie. they come out with common misconceptions people have about the book that are clearly disproved by reading the books.
And as for Atlas strugged i agree, also, Das Capital was a bad example because of it's length and the fact you don't need to read it to have a clear understanding of Marx's theory.

>> No.3167792


Don't forget that the people who support said works have rarely read them either. They follow whatever version has reached them by osmosis.

So in any case, when arguing over an issue, it is better to get a description of the opponents position (assuming they are being honest actors), and then argue that position. Arguing against a communist on the basis of your critique of Das Kapital may not be fruitful, since the opponent may not hold to it 100%, or even at all.

>> No.3167804
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This thread

>> No.3167805
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is now about

>> No.3167806
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>> No.3167817


>> No.3168648

Interestingly, there is a section on the tax form where you can volunteer to pay more. If Warren Buffet wants to pay more, he can.

Also, if him paying low taxes is such a bad thing (per him) why does he *still* employ 3 full-time tax lawyers and 2 full-time accountants just to reduce his tax burden? Maybe you are buying into a PR stunt?

>> No.3169493

>gotta get down on friday
>which seat should I take

>> No.3169532

but you are probably the only ponifag on /sci/

>> No.3169539
File: 53 KB, 450x439, 130573713506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news for you:
He's not the only one.
I once got banned on /g/ for posting ponies.
I never watched the movie but I post them for trolling purposes.
Just liek I post religious troll threads on /sci/.

>> No.3169543
File: 198 KB, 580x393, 130604657800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true, brony here

>> No.3169552
File: 51 KB, 350x208, 130415474597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't watch ponies
>posts ponies for trolling purposes
Why would you do this?

>> No.3169561
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>> No.3169569
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>> No.3169580

>might be possible
>as far as we know

>> No.3169583

Emma Watson.

I just love her, and seeing people post her feels like betrayal, you know? As if she agrees with my opponent. ;_;

>> No.3169588

>pic very related

>> No.3169590

If I post the picture you wont respect my opinion on the picture, and me posting it would be worthless.


wot do?

>> No.3169598



>> No.3169603

this is the honest undeniable truth about ponie.s;

the show is funny as well done

the fanbase is huge furry infested fanfiction writing shipping shitpile

watch the show, have a laugh, lol at ponie.s, but never ever ever associate yourself with the fans

and the worst part? the fanbase was very mature and entertaining back in october and november, when we recognized all the shitty aspects of other fandoms and avoided them. then everyone adopted this "everypon.y loved" policy, and the threads are now furry porn dumps and ship-fag central. all of my fucking hate

>> No.3169608 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3169614 [DELETED] 

come on, I know you wanna post pony porn

>> No.3169616 [DELETED] 

Just saying, pretty much everyone agrees that rich people should be taxed more than poor people. Even Milton Friedman does. It's a requirement for some form of welfare system to ensure equal opportunity. But should rich people be taxed more than they already are? That's the debate.

>> No.3169653 [DELETED] 


>praising hitler
>talking about inborn nonphysical traits of various races of people
>using the word aryan outside of a context where it refers to the people of iran and india
>saying we were meant to eat meat
>saying we were meant to be vegetarians
>arguing that something is "unnatural"
>saying anything about IQ in general

>> No.3169655 [DELETED] 

Clearly, we need friendship-based economy.


>> No.3169666 [DELETED] 

Why ponies? I mean, I love ponies, but why here?

>> No.3169676
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>doesn't like the term 'subhuman'
You should spend a few days among gypsies in Eastern Europe.

>inborn nonphysical traits of various races of people
Yeah, like mental retardation due to centuries of intense inbreeding? Surely doesn't exist.

Ignorant liberal detected. Please adopt a gypsy family of ~20... and try to survive.

>> No.3169683

Fly paper for the sort of taste vacuums who write fanfiction and draw fan art.

>> No.3169691

telling people to "wake up!"
aka telling people that they arnt seeing that x is controlling our x and that x is corrupt.
i dont even really have a reason, something about it makes me extremely angry.

>> No.3169700

1. native English speakers overdoing the "educated" persona, who insist on using subjective case pronouns in the objective context, e.g. "this photo of Marlene and I.."

2. "but ___ wasn't a true communist country!" or Che poster/shirt

3. scientist are researching medicinal value of traditional remedies => traditional remedies therefore have the same scientific backing as modern medicine

>> No.3169714
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>x is controlling our x and that x is corrupt

You're doing it wrong.
I guess you meant "x controlling y".

>> No.3169734

I know, I know. I really try to be nice but I tend to get a bit angry.

Especially when people see one single youtube-video of 10 minutes and tell others to 'wake up' and ask them 'how they can't see X"

Kinda glad that shit has kinda stopped for the We-Haven't-been-on-the-moon-conspiracy