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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3164578 No.3164578 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ believe in ghosts?

>> No.3164583


>> No.3164662

Ghost are nothing more than 1 of 4 things in which act abnormal. Gases, Liquids, Plasma's & Solids. With Gases and Plasma's being at the top of the chart for such events when abnormal


>> No.3164677

I do, but I'm unusual in /sci/

>> No.3164691

No but I have a fetish for ghost porn

>> No.3164699

Ghosts aren't real, but you're retarded.

>> No.3165412

no, sorry for the buzkill

>> No.3165425

No, ghosts are just an artifact of the way we do compute scattering amplitudes in gauge theory. They don't correspond to any physical state.

>> No.3165496

Remember when we thought the heliocentric theory was a batshit fairytale?

>> No.3165499

remember when we came up with evidence to prove heliocentricity?

>> No.3165524

I'd prefer not to believe in them, but my current house turns out to be haunted... so yeah.

>> No.3165547

>Does /sci/ believe in ghosts?
>/sci/ believe in
>believe in

This board isn't for believing anything. It's for scientific and mathematical discussion, which of those two categories, ghosts fall into neither.

>> No.3165557
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Remember how long that took?

>> No.3165565


If we have no proof of ghosts existing or having any impact whatsoever on the world, then what exactly is the point in believing in them?

>> No.3165580

whats the point in believing we arn't the center of the solar system?

>> No.3165616

because we have proof that we aren't the center of the solar system and it affects our world

your logic makes no sense. SUMMERLOGIC

>> No.3165625

somewhere Johannes Kepler is rolling in his grave.


>> No.3165643

Right, so name the last situation you were in that you brought up the heliocentric non-belief and it helped you avoid some earth shattering problem.

>> No.3165655

Everything we know about solar systems, the universe, and even free body diagrams and high school physics would be turned upside down if the earth really were the center of the solar system.

Stop being an idiot.

>> No.3165674

Yeah, and imagine if my blue wasn't really your blue and my green wasn't your green?

Knowledge is specific with times, but some things are almost bulletproof.

>> No.3165676

I have personally encountered a ghost several times in my house, while sober and well rested. That seems reason enough for me to accept their existence.

Excuse me if I don't have detailed photographic evidence, and a comprehensive interview with her/it fact checked against historical records, but I can't exactly compel the ethereal bitch to pose for a photoshoot. Still, I have stronger evidence for ghosts existing, through personal experience alone, than I do for many of the scientific principles we accept unquestioningly.

>> No.3165685


>> No.3165688


Gravity, my friend, gravity. If the sun orbited the earth, a lot of the cool maths we do in astrophysics would be meaningless. You do understand that we send satellites into orbit and GASP even people up into space, too, right?

>> No.3165692

Schizophrenics hears things too. Isn't convenient that people are almost always alone to see things? Ghost are shy that we can see through them, so they only appear in front of small groups at night? And they always wear victorian clothes.

>> No.3165697


inb4 psychosis, hallucinations, power of suggestion, I WANT TO BELIEVE, go back to /x/, U got no proof motherfucker. I've been trolled

>> No.3165713
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Yes, I am a very gullibe person, with no critical thinking skills (christian). Like most chirstians I am very superstitious.

>> No.3165715

we don't accept scientific principles unquestioningly, otherwise they are not scientific principles. Science is about asking questions and repeatedly testing what we know --- it is NOT blind faith.

>> No.3165725

lol ghost dont real

>> No.3165727

>scientific principles
>accept unquestionably

you don't get how science works do you?

>> No.3165732

I have schizophrenia. Shit's fun.
I love staying up for days on amphetamines until I get psychosis from it then do heroin.

>> No.3165739

So Anonymous is the same 3 guys copy-pasted dozens of times? How appropiate.

>> No.3165740

Unless you've experimentally verified every scientific and mathematic principle personally, you're taking it on faith.

Reading an account of someone else's experiment in a textbook doesn't count. How do you know it isn't a well crafted fraud? There are plenty of books claiming to present the truth, often with compelling logical arguments, that are nonetheless false.

>> No.3165744


you are now aware that personal experience isn't the most powerful form of knowledge, and that science isn't simply consensus for the sake of maintaining some social order

you are now aware that your senses and thought processes are fallible, and in fact prone to malfunction

>> No.3165755


l2epistemology, scientific method, and peer review

science isn't just "lol it's in a book so it must be true"

>> No.3165823

Billions of people, over thousands of years, in every culture on Earth have accepted the existence of ghosts and the persistence of the soul after death. No evidence has been presented against ghosts, and sightings seem to continue at about the same rate they always have, despite advances in technology and a general decline in superstition.

If that isn't peer reviewed, I don't know what is.

>> No.3165838

>If that isn't peer reviewed, I have no idea what "peer review" means


>> No.3165876


People also believe in their religion and magical goings-on therein. People always sacrifice reason willfully.

Also, I submit as "evidence against ghosts" that there is no concrete evidence for ghosts.

Also you don't know what peer review is, you must be a child. Go back to Syfy channel.

>> No.3167280

no but i believe in infrasound


>> No.3167322


No, they taken on trust. Faith cannot be questioned, doubt is a sin or at best a weakness in the faithful and looking for an alternative answer is downright antithetical to them. By contrast, trust is earned, and having trust in someone's honesty and integrity does not mean you blindly ignore any evidence to the contrary, nor does it prevent you seeking out an alternative.