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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 110 KB, 500x375, science library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3164161 No.3164161 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a school thread going.

Be honest and don't let any chucklefuck that's all "lol third-tier turd fuck off CCfag", you're anon.

<- Junior, CSE

>> No.3164176
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>Junior engineering

saged and reported for homosexual CP

>> No.3164189

What? You just learn how to suck balls? But not the actual penis head?

>> No.3164194
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OP is a engineering junior in college. He learns to suck dicks just like the other engineers.

>> No.3164200

This was a bad idea, OP.

Delete thread and kill yourself.

>> No.3164216

Nobody on /sci/ goes to school. You're a minority.

>> No.3164241
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>> No.3164284

>Not Princeton
girls laughing.jpg

>> No.3164312
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M.Sc. candidate

>> No.3164323
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>3.9 instead of 4.0
>Number 8 in top student in class
>going to state school
>everyone else in the top 10 is going to yale, princeton, university of chicago

We read out of the same books and our teachers have the same Ph.D, so why pay 40,000 a year more than me?

also, chemical engineering

>> No.3164335

UCLA, computer science & engineering
good times

>> No.3164337

>paying to go to school

What kind of shit tier school do you go to? I have a 3.8 weighted GPA and all my tuition is waved.

>> No.3164342

Better chance at a top grad school and getting recruited by well-known companies

>> No.3164347


There are so many things wrong with this post.
>3.8 GPA, but can't look at the picture of the post he replied to and doesn't think about it when writing the question
>calling another person's college shitty, but no good college will give you a free ride

>> No.3164355

I don't see either of those being worth an extra quarter million dollars. Maybe in the long run, but my father had to pay off college loans for 15 years and told me it wasn't worth the money he used to make.

>> No.3164361

You want to get recruited by top companies? As an engineer? Well, I suppose you could. But you'll just be a line engineer working on one small portion of a small portion of a problem. As a graduate, my advice is to look for a small company to sign up with. They give you real responsibility, and broad control over projects to manage and develop, or at least some tangible component thereof. When I graduated I ended up working at an engineering consulting firm. Research, publications, relaxed hours, relaxed culture, high pay. Sure as hell beats reservoir modeling or whatever the fuck I'd be doing at a major firm.

>> No.3164374

Honestly, if a person has to pay that much because they can't get merit scholarships, they probably won't put the brand name of top tier schools to good use. It's better for them not to go to those kinds of schools anyway. I'm only speaking for engineering majors.

>> No.3164386
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I don't think I've lol'd so much in the last month or so as I did when I saw the first few posts in this thread.

Thanks /sci/. Love you.

>> No.3164398
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Mathematics, University of Cambridge

>> No.3164409


Also, astrophysics at the University of Oslo in Norway.

>> No.3164420

caltech, undeclared

>> No.3164431
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I go to USA (University of South Alabama).

>> No.3164445


I feel you, bro. My sis went there (over GA Tech, will never understand WHY.)

CAPTCHA: Wherre from

>> No.3164460


>> No.3164468
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grad student

>> No.3164472

>not Cambridge

>> No.3164476

Perimeter Institute, Waterloo university, getting a master in theoretical physics.

>> No.3164484

>mfw the only truthful person ITT is the South Alabama kid.

>> No.3164499

>University of Calgary
>Implying I would chose that to lie

>> No.3164503

Weird question but the people ITT seem to like making snap judgments.

I'm a lawfag (finished 1st year) and I'm in something of a bind. A girl I know (friendzoned her because I'm dating another girl right now) has been laying it on pretty thick, I'm almost dead certain she wants to do me. Here's the thing: she's a physics PhD student that does her work in particle physics at the LHC about 3 months of the year.
So: philosophy degree that works for an import company or physics PhD student? Both are about dead on even in looks. Both are tolerable.

>> No.3164515


>implying what they study matters

I've had the following as girlfriends:

A dental nurse
A journalist
Two design students
A biology student
A history student
Some crazy bitch who worked as a dancer in a metal club.

And I ended up marrying an interior designer. If I want intellectual conversation, I'll go talk to a man.

>> No.3164526
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> If I want intellectual conversation, I'll go talk to a man.

Wow, you're so manly!


Also, an "intelligent conversation" requires two intelligent people. You're not intelligent. Therefore you will never be a part of an "intelligent conversation", faggot.

>> No.3164528

Bowling Green State University.

yeah shitty as fuck school, but the travel opportunities are UNBELIEVABLE. Last year i went on the appalachian trail, and this year i'm spending a semester touring national parks. Year after that i'm going to programs in britan and france. Getting credit for it all, and it's all incredibly cheap since it's through the school.

>> No.3164534


Well that hit a nerve.


Chances are whatever comes out of your partner's cunt won't be yours anyway.

It's pretty much common knowledge that women are shit at serious conversation. Thanks for playing though, maybe those girls you're nice to all the time will let you fuck them one day.

>> No.3164538

Electrical Engineering undergrad, University of Delaware. sucking a big ol' chode right now, thankyouverymuch

>> No.3164540

Whichever one is more tolerable of course.

>> No.3164545
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>> No.3164546


I have a hard time believing that you're married with that attitude. Your wife must be a lucky gal. Another married guy here, how do you live with someone that you clearly don't respect? Is it because you don't respect yourself, or what?

>> No.3164550
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>> No.3164551

Boston University here

>> No.3164556

They might get along with one another and they both seem open minded. I'm going to double down on this bet and try for a threesome.

I'm terrible at poker, but I normally win when I partake in "gambling" that doesn't involve a table and cards.

>> No.3164566
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Biochem, just doing it for the bursary, doubt I'll get a job after it.

>> No.3164567

UGA, Bioengineering
I don't have to suck dick. The faculty is so scared of losing students to Tech that they'll suck mine. Already became co-author on a publication and rocking a paid internship. I'm not even a sophomore.

Too bad I'm transferring to Tech anyway

>> No.3164573


>how do you live with someone that you clearly don't respect?

I do.

I just don't view discussing academia as important. She isn't that academic, so why bother? She's a lovely woman and I enjoy being with her. My point is that if you're going after a girl because you view her as academically successful then you're doing it for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.3164572

Damn spoiler tags

>> No.3164585


Butthurt femanon or whatever bullshit ugly girls on 4chan call themselves or woman sympathizer.

Just ignore.

>> No.3164601
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Adventure Therapy

I'm not really one of you, science is just fascinating to me.

>> No.3164612

This man speaks truth.

>> No.3164614
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Fuck yeah, paid internships. Kudos to you for getting one freshman year. I just snagged one for the summer. Good experience and a dickton of money.

>> No.3164618

Everyone's entitled to their own view of what marriage is, so I'm not going to talk shit on the arrangement that works for you.

To me, marriage is a business partnership. Two humans agree to enter into a partnership to become more successful and profitable together than they could be alone. This partnership happens to have a sexual and (if they choose) reproductive element as well.
The reproduction, if the partners choose to do it, is especially important. The goal of these two united humans is to crank out the highest quality product they possibly can. The catch is that this product is a human being and the "manufacturing/refining process" is far from easy. To make a good reproductive product, one must carefully judge one's partner. If the reproduction is traditional (man-woman couple), then the chosen partner must be carefully screened for desirable traits. This partner must be intellectually capable, genetically fit, and emotionally stable in order to maximize the chances that the offspring will be similarly fit.
Adventure Therapy? Let's say I have a lot of money and I want to waste it on adventures... is that something which someone in your line of study can do?

Cage-free Great White diving [ ]
Fly a fighter jet [ ]
Hang out with Russian mobsters in St. Petersburg [x]
Cage free dive with bullsharks [x]
VFR pilot's license [x]
Cave diving certification and vacation to dive mexican cenotes [x]

Can you help me with my dreams or is Adventure Therapy nothing what it sounds like?

>> No.3164624
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just another benefit of studying engineering. We pay our interns pretty nicely.

>> No.3164640

Fuck yeah. I did mine in pharmaceuticals after my freshman year. It was going to be an actual science-related internship but I got snatched up to handle a marketing/PR slot because I speak fluent German and passable French... FUCK YEAH.

Is it bad that I thoroughly enjoyed wearing a tailored suit to work, eating lunch with my HS friend who interned at state republican party HQ, and laughing at the kids with shit-tier internships?

>> No.3164663

University of Pacific.

Possibly transferring to Ohio State if I can afford it. :l

>> No.3164675

*University of the Pacific

>> No.3164700

>laughing at people with 'shit-tier internships'

Yeah, it's pretty bad. You sound a bit like a stuck up asshole.

>> No.3164709


Why on earth would you want to transfer to that shithole?

>> No.3164713

Well because my major is electrical engineering, and that schoo's better than my current one. :l And it's either that or Texas Tech(another shithole as I'm told)

>> No.3164721

Yeah, that's my worry. I might well turn into a complete asshole. My post-graduation work in pharmaceuticals took me from the lab to the conference room. I've noticed that I'm a much bigger jerk when I'm not doing actual science work... this worries me.

>hey, at least I realize it

>> No.3164726
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Northwestern for undergrad going to Stanford for grad school.

>go to /sci/ looking for intellectual conversation
>realize there is none to be found
>look at the schools people are going to
>No surprises here

And no, I'm not stupid enough to incur 100k+ student debts from going to private schools. The only reason I didn't go to Stanford for undergrad is because they tried to cheat me on the aide. I'll be walking out with a grad degree without owing a cent.

I respect those of you ITT that turned down bigger name schools to get a free education. I made the same choice.

>> No.3164727

I dunno what your GPA is, but I'm sure you can do better than Ohio. Try UMich or UIUC

>> No.3164736

This. My aid at pacific is really great.

Yeah, it's not good at all. Because I was screwing around the first year and a half. FWIW, It's a 2.65 ;__;

>> No.3164737


Fellow Beaver here, Mechanical Engineer. I may know you...

>> No.3164738

Yeah, that's cool that you do realize it. I mean, hell, it may happen to me too. I have an internship at a top-tier company, and once I'm in I may just be like "well everyone else doesn't even compare".

Whatever. Keep it to yourself if you can, I guess.

>> No.3164743
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Junior Freshman, Engineering
Trinity College, University of Dublin

>> No.3164748

One of the few highlights of being a poorfag is that I can go to a private school (CMU) without paying a cent.

>> No.3164758

Yeah. The best thing I've found is to not get too involved in corporate culture. Be friendly with people from work, but don't let them become your only friends. Stick to your sciences/engineering, the pure work will keep you pure, as it does for me. The more your job involves being a jerk in a suit, the more you'll be a jerk in a suit. If your job entails being a geek in a labcoat, you'll lean more towards being a geek in a lab coat.

Law school has generally been a bad development for my "dick" factor. However, I find myself pining for the relative simplicity of the lab. Viruses are so much simpler than humans.

>> No.3164760
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Are we in San Fransisco?

TAKE YOUR SHIT to /y/ or /cm/!

>> No.3164769


Hey /sci/! It's the person who makes unfunny gay engineering jokes and samefags threads so people think he isn't the only one laughing at his dumb jokes.

This is an example of a tremendous faggot.

>> No.3164777

It is shitty and generally unfunny, but it's amazing if that's true.

One person doggedly samefagging until a meme develops is a herculean display of neckbeardery.

>> No.3164785


I am now going to use the term "neckbeardery" as often as possible. You are truly awesome.

>> No.3164795
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>> No.3164801
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>> No.3164809

I guess nobody on /sci/ actually majors in math

>> No.3164818

Mechanical Engineering

Ohio State.

Don't give a fuck about what anyone says about your school. If you need your school's name behind you it means you don't stand out enough on your own as it is.

>> No.3164821

I got accepted as a transfer student for the autumn quarter. Is it really a "shit-hole"?

>> No.3164823


That, and undergraduate education is pretty much the same across the board.

>> No.3164828
File: 413 KB, 724x261, purdue-campus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second year Master's (defending this summer)
Mechanical Engineering

>> No.3164832


What's your research area?

>> No.3164850


Honestly I love it here. It's ohio so the weather is fuckin shitty, but there's just so much to do. I came into ME not knowing what I wanted to do, and found a student group that has set me up in a good position to get a job designing amusement rides/roller coasters. Not many people can say they do that as a career.

Also the engineering here is ranked fairly high in Ohio, and the fact that networking is a huge part of finding a job in a tough economy makes the huge alumni base important (especially with how many business degrees we put out)

>> No.3164866

Yeah the engineering's pretty good there which is why I'd like to attend. But the financial aid just isn't working out for me.

>> No.3164895


Bummer. Out of state tuition is pretty high. I'm in state so the loans are more manageable.

>> No.3164900

Yeah it's quite unfortunate. I'm thinking maybe I should just go there for my grad school and continue to stay at pacific just becuase of the aid.

>> No.3164924

Solid advice sir, thanks.

>> No.3164929


Not a terrible idea. Seeing as this coming year is our last on quarters before we switch to semesters. I don't plan on going to grad school but if I can't find a job I just might.

>> No.3164951

Yeah, I'm not too sure what the job outlook is for B.S. engineers.

And another thing that is swaying me is that because of the different curricula, I'll have to take a few extra courses to catch up.

>> No.3164978

I always loved the picture of that library but never knew where it was. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.3164981


Honestly I don't think the outlook is that bad. Things have been picking up (it seems), and an engineering degree is diverse enough that even though you may not get a job that explicitly requires engineering, you'll still be able to settle for something that isn't too terrible. The most important thing to do is diversify yourself and network relentlessly. Want a job in, say, robotics? Go to conventions, meet the people who would hire you. Don't rely on what is readily available to everyone else, because then there is no incentive for a company to pick you over someone else.