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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 480x360, weirdest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3163804 No.3163804 [Reply] [Original]

Can /sci/ scientifically explain this shit?
(not work safe)

Pic may be related for some of you.

>> No.3163825

Liberal arts majors have a much higher than average incidence of brain damage.

>> No.3163833

> higher than average incidence of brain damage.
And attention whoring.

Ever seen Interior Semiotics?

>> No.3163850

It's what passes for "art" nowadays. When art required some skill, it discriminated against the incompetent artists. This is much more fair.

>> No.3163857

sage may be related for some of you

>> No.3163859

I think I've got the weirdest boner too, because normally it's pointing upwards and is hard. I think I've lost my mojo on that video.

>> No.3163932
File: 1.99 MB, 200x168, 1293221214680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



/cruise control

>> No.3163943

its called liberalism and if you dont think its art as good as michaelangelo's sistine chapel, then youre just a closed minded bigot

>> No.3163955

pic is very related. I may crank one out to this

>> No.3163956

You guys just don't 'get' 'it'.

And you think you're so smart.

>> No.3163961

Welcome to "modern" performance art.

And these retards wonder why the arts aren't respected like they used to be. They reject all the basic appeals to our human sense of beauty and inspiration, and then they're surprised when no one likes it?

And now it's devolved into shock value to get attention, because that's all that's left. Fuck them. They're pissing on the corpse of art.

>> No.3163965

BTW, I was referring to Interior Semiotics.

>> No.3163979

That's not liberal arts, that's just... Art... And in the "artfaggotry" sense.

>> No.3163999

You gotta hate the art majoring hipsters over at knowyourmeme. Apparently, art is defined as something that happens which people talk about.

>> No.3164005

Art - for people who can't do Science

The opposite is not true.

>> No.3164009

What are you referring to, in particular? If it's Interior Semiotics, that was actually the name of the performance art piece, not that I don't cringe at calling it "art".

>> No.3164012


>> No.3164014
File: 1.42 MB, 2403x3591, Mona_Lisa..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da vinci spent decades studying light, how humans perceive, optics, color, shadows, human anatomy, perspective, atmospheric haze, form, composition, etc.
>then spent 16 years applying that knowledge into a single piece
>her face when

damn hipsters! get off my planet!

>> No.3164018

Yeah I was talking about that. I thought it was obvious since it was the only other time knowyourmeme was mentioned ITT

>> No.3164025

It wasn't just a random video of "something that happened and people talk about". It was presented and intended as a performance art piece.

I agree that it's bullshit, but defining "art" is probably pointless anyway.

>> No.3164037

I know what it is. I was just laughing at the definition of art by the posers in the comment section. That's their definition, not mine.

>> No.3164040
File: 488 KB, 643x426, avant garde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 deep 4 yooooooooou

>> No.3164051

Oh, the comments section? Ah, THAT'S what you were referring to.

Oh damn, they said that? "Cause that's a fucking stupid definition. Although trying to define "art" is such a clusterfuck anyway...

>> No.3164055

no its not, liberals just made it that way on purpose. kind of like how they made defining 'race' a cluster fuck too

>> No.3164082

At the most basic level art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. (dictionary definition, not mine). This definition is interpreted to encompass everything that human beings do by the kind of people in the video.

Race was always a clusterfuck and has nothing to do with his topic.

>> No.3164109


I have to agree that technically this is art.

However, people must remember there is good art and bad art. Sometimes even terrible art.

This happens to be an example of terrible art.
Some dance & most acting is an example of good performance art. Also, comedians and such.

>> No.3164117

I can't do art. General ed humanities is harder for me than electrical engineering. Strange but true.

>> No.3164147
File: 105 KB, 500x703, foetuswombrc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ancient people called it art.
You call it science.

I come from a place where they are one in the same.