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File: 61 KB, 450x314, fukushima_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3163470 No.3163470 [Reply] [Original]

So it was a 100% core meltdown. What happens now?

>> No.3163476

>michio kaku

>> No.3163493
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>mfw everyone saying it would never meltdown like that were dead wrong

Yeah, I know it's bad news but I can't resist.

>> No.3163497

>Implying that changes the fact that they already said it was a 100% core meltdown

bad news is bad news, no matter who tells you it.

>> No.3163509


>> No.3163533

Is there a more credible source here?

Look what I found in the comments of a related story...

this is supposedly a prophecy from someone in my church back in 1850 in Serbia. I can’t confirm if its true. Lets just pretend its created by a fellow commenter that sizes up these times and says “what if it gets worse and worse”. Interesting things to note on the bellow page: sea, air, land is poisoned (that’s a tall order but with Fukushima its happening now), eat the food and you die (fukushima additives on food are deadly), only those in a mountain that fast will survive (density from radiation…and don’t eat the radioactive food). I’ve been reading and rereading this prophecy for years(and others…there’s more on this site that are easier to historically claim as being original translations) and want to know what you guys think:


>> No.3163535

but they are.
look at what happened to japan.
planet earth:1

>> No.3163542

>Is there a more credible source here?
>Look what I found in the comments of a related story...
>this is supposedly a prophecy from someone in my church back in 1850 in Serbia.

nigga u srs?

>> No.3163545

>triple core meltdown


>> No.3163558


skim the other comments, it's endless lulz


I have to say the michio kaku video and "retard central" comments section make me distrust enenews as a source of information

>> No.3163563
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mfw I read this.

This sucks, Germany has already vowed to shut down all nuclear power plants by 2022 because of this disaster. At this rate we'll be stuck on fossil fuels until our breaking point. Seriously Japan, wtf. Ruin nuclear energy for everyone, why don't you.

>> No.3163570

Ah, so I guess we should stop using planes, too. They're dangerous. Every so many months a plane falls, killing dozens of persons.

>> No.3163571

Well the actual video is from CNN
And I know it's not exactly the best news station, and it's Michio Kaku, but they're not going to fabricate something like this out of nowhere.

>> No.3163580

>Japan lies about meltdown
>blame the scientists for not knowing


>> No.3163591

FFS ppl please stop following whatever this retard Kaku is saying, he is just a attention hore.

>> No.3163599


It's not that it's an outright fabrication, it's the conclusions they draw and the spin they put on it that's a little bit excessive... other sources seem a bit more level headed.

>> No.3163607

>implying that would be a bad thing

Name one good thing that nuclear energy has given us.

>> No.3163611

umm... cheap energy ?

>> No.3163616

/x/ is thata way

>> No.3163617

Clean energy
If you're not buttfucking retarded like Japan or Russia, you don't get huge nuclear meltdowns.

>> No.3163623



IAEA statement regrding Fukushima.

>> No.3163626

>nuclear meltdown


>> No.3163630

Since this happened, I had the feeling to go there. I wanted to go in those abandoned towns and start a new life as a hunter.
Is something wrong with me?

>> No.3163631

get out of here STALKER

>> No.3163637
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>He thinks it "Destroyed da world"




>> No.3163638

>dozens of victims in chernobyl

Well, that's a nice way of putting it.

>> No.3163639
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that is all

>> No.3163748



>The handling of the Fukushima nuclear crisis was "exemplary," said a preliminary report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, and could eventually show "what can be achieved in responding to such extreme nuclear events."

No news of dripping uranium...

>> No.3163770

So EVEN in 3x 100% Melt downs using in 1959 GE tech...

>"Oh wow it's absolutely" nothing happened.

Great, lets green light nuclear. Nobody died and it took the 5th largest tectonic event in human history to occur.

Containment gonna contain.

>> No.3163785

ITT: right wing apologists

>> No.3163787

Nuclear energy is never going to replace more than a fraction of the fossil fuel energy sources. All it will do is sit there, countries and politicans and the public will sit on their hands about disposal until there is another huge accident. 100 of these exact same plants worldwide- at sea level. Global warming sea rise, anyone? Plus the nuclear fuel is converted into weaponizable material.

It really comes down to the fact that humanity's reach has exceeded its grasp. We are just killing the planet now, unfolding the inertia of the last hundred years' fossil fuels boom coupled with a suicidal urge.

You're in a burning house and all the doors are locked surrounded by zombies.

>> No.3163790

>nuclear power is political

>> No.3163794

> We are just killing the planet now
Good LORD, the conceit.

The PLANET is just fine. WE are an arguable degree of fucked.

>> No.3163805
File: 29 KB, 550x400, lG670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Fossil Fuels in 2045 run out/depleted (2030 astronomical rise in price) and consumers run back to nuclear like an Ecstasy addicted slut'

>> No.3163806

>predict 9.0 earthquake
sure, while we're at it, why haven't they learned to synthesize food from seawater yet?
fucking idiots!

>> No.3163819

The problem is that there will be a LOT of suffering involved if we let supply fall like a rock first. Nuclear power plants can't be built overnight.

>> No.3163851

At this point I'm fustrated by the political fixation on nuclear problems and LFTR "problems"

>Implying LFTR has ANY problems worth splitting hairs over.

Humans are more retarded than a toddler who puts his and on a hot stove coil. It's going to take geo political confrontation on depleted energy resources, before people look srsly to LFTR or the riskier uranium/plutonium breeders for countries who don't have thorium mines yet.

>> No.3163853

This is a lie.


Here are the IAEA reports on fukushima as of today.

no breaches, no catastrophe.
cleanup is behind schedule but proceeding at a steady pace.

>> No.3163855

My civil engineering professor knows a guy who helped design there. An earthquake like that was apparently a 1000-2000 year event. Shit like this is not going to happen for a very long time most likely (there's always that chance). Although, the next big quake is supposed to be in California so we'll see how that goes. But like someone else said, containers gonna contain.

>> No.3163861

Nuclear power is in no way incompatible with human life and anyone who says otherwise is a hurr.

>> No.3163886

It is in fact VERY compatible with human life.

We fucking need electricity, and unless we decide to burn coal and tires, we have no ther reliable way of getting it at the levels we need.

So, we have two choices.

1) Embrace nuclear and design better plants in safer areas.
2) ignore it and get shifted back to the pre-industrial era when we run out of ways to provide energy for our lifestyles and are forced to resort to shitting in holes in the ground and wiping our asses with corn husks, burning candles for light, and using iceboxes instead of refrigeration.

>> No.3163892

Reactor Containers gonna contain.

Not a single fuck

>> No.3163900

>So, we have two choices.


>> No.3163921

he's right. there's no practical alternative to nuclear power at present. renewables are expensive, unreliable, and they don't scale well.

>> No.3163928

I've got hopes for solar-thermal. But the energy storage mechanisms need work, as well as the power grid, and we'll need nuclear for at least the next 50 years.

>> No.3163929

pretty much, yes.

I don't think "conservation" is a viable choice, because nobody will fucking do it, and "green" energy is not viable for the majority of the world.

We don't all live in a wind swept plains, sun parched plains, or next to waterfalls.

>> No.3163963

conservation is retarded honestly. If the West doesn't burn fossil fuels, then every other developing country will (ESPECIALLY China). After all the complaining about going to war for oil or whatever, it would be quite ironic to go to war to make people stop using oil which is what it would take haha.

>> No.3163981

That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

"Everyone else is fucking shit up, why can't I help fuck it up faster?"

>> No.3164002

it would be cutting off your own leg so you starve slower.

America needs the energy to maintain power, if we conserve, china will gobble it all up and surpass us, then we'll ALL be without power and doomed anyway.

We need nuclear energy, or we need to start burning more coal and learn to live with the cetainty of radiation and toxins being released as a slow but constant rate instead of the probability that a plant might possibly go critical and maybe release an either large or small amount of radiation over a large or small area.

>> No.3164006
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>I'll change my writing style and they'll never know!

>> No.3164023

We now realize that it melted n percents more.

>> No.3164026

No it's more akin to taking off a heavy winter coat during the middle of summer. There is egregious overuse of energy where it doesn't benefit anyone at all and it could easily be removed from the system without any serious setback.

-Every public building with the AC set to 60F(15~C) so people basically have to wear sweaters inside.
-Street lighting that doesn't use LED and have twice as many lights as required.
-Extremely inefficient traffic control/design that causes millions of vehicles to idle hours every day.

>> No.3164049

>Extremely inefficient traffic control/design that causes millions of vehicles to idle hours every day.
how the hell would that be easily removed

>> No.3164054

Technology creates problems, technolgoy solves problems.

>Nuclear power plants create radiation for thousands of years

Who cares? Look what progress medicine did in the last 200 years, in another 200 years we will be most likely be able to cure cancer and heal genetic mutations, so living in an area with higher radiation is no problem.

Trust a little more in technology, folks. Technology creates problems, technolgoy solves problems.

>> No.3164067

Not removed, replaced.

How long do you think it would take people to start using public transit if the government up'd the fuel tax and made public transit free(including adding way more routes)?

It would take millions of the cars off the road that didn't need to be there and would only require a small paradigm shift on the part of people. Not to mention it's a lot easier to shift a bus fleet to electric in the future then individual vehicles. As a plus you'd probably saved multi-billions on money that would otherwise have to be spent on infrastructure.

>> No.3164093

Wow I thought you guys knew about science but then you hurp and derp about how great nuclear is.

>> No.3164096
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Not even trying.

>> No.3164119

Thats a population problem...

There are no alternatives (for now) except nuclear. Why can't we just build safer reactors?

The fact that developing countries are starting to build infrastructure for energy and are basically building the same as the West has it scares the hell out of me.

Thanks to India and China, conservation is useless. If you don't use this cheap (VERY cheap) oil than they will. Only option is to leave oil for them if they want it so bad and turn to better alternatives.

Right now, nuclear and fission is that alternative, sorry guys. And I would live next a reactor if I had to, so that we can get off the Arab's Oil dick.

>> No.3164128

electric cars

>> No.3165854

>>3163851 Implying LFTR has ANY problems worth splitting hairs over.

Decommissioning a small scale reactor is approaching 20 years. You're a stupid asshole.



>> No.3165893

Worst accident in the last 25 years : 1 casualty, maybe 10 in the end, and a lot of bullshit OMG 10 mSv/y WE CAN'T LIVE HERE FOR ONE BILLION YEARS

I definitely choose nuclear

>> No.3165975
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>yfw we're all robots that run on the sun by then

>> No.3165997
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First Chernobyl ruined research for thorium reactors so we're 30 years behind and can't even manage to keep the shit in capsules and now Fukushima shocks the public once again and only the crazy Chinese commies started research.

I also find it ironic how there are tens of thousands of nuclear ballistic missiles in silos all over the country and nobody worries about it.

>> No.3166036


That's not a LFTR reactor.

Also they let the fuel sit and fuck itself with decay products for 50 years without processing. Most reactors in use today would have fared far worse under such neglect.

LFTR does frequent fuel processing for a reason.

>> No.3166040
File: 2 KB, 126x95, batmancoffeecupwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unactive nuclear ballistic missles are safe nuclear ballistic missles, there is also the fact that they are in protected bunkers

>> No.3166058
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>protected bunkers
>containment vessels
you went full retard
never go full retard

>> No.3166097


>implying a missile silo is not contained

>> No.3166298
File: 18 KB, 385x383, 1302815327895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw murphy's law and human error don't exists in your universe you optimist faggot.

>> No.3166324
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>MFW murphy's law is physics

>> No.3166538
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>> No.3166572

These are the guys that quote coast to coast....


"You should have gotten a Nobel price in science" lol