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3163228 No.3163228 [Reply] [Original]

What drives someone to profit from the misery of others?

>> No.3163234

They either don't believe or don't care that their actions cause misery.

It's usually much more of the former. The guys at Enron generally deluded themselves into believing they were doing a good job.

>> No.3163238
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>> No.3163239

The profit itself.

>> No.3163241

I wish I lived in one of those countries where they put up pictures of the Beloved Leader everywhere.

>> No.3163243

For what reason?

>> No.3163245

The people who are cruel are so because they think they're not being so. If you know your being cruel and don't care about it, you haven't understood what 'profit' means.

>> No.3163247

To escape the pain of thinking, specifically understanding sarcasm.

>> No.3163248


Profiting at the misery of others is only capable with the help of the state.

>> No.3163252

I generally agree, but would add that there are some truly sociopathic people in positions of power on occasion.

Actually, now that I think about it - did guys like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao... did they really think they were doing a good thing for their country? For their people? At first, maybe, but towards the end I just don't see it. Hitler ordered Germans to die defending Berlin even when it was hopeless and he committed suicide. Stalin slaughtered millions of his own people, as did Pol Pot. Mao was so egotistical that it took the starvation of millions for his Great Leap Forward to be acknowledge as a failure and be brought to and end.

>> No.3163254


>> No.3163256

If you wish to truly escape the pain of thought, your only real option is brain damage. Or death.

You can't will yourself into pure ignorance. Well, Orson Welles might have disagreed.

>> No.3163257

>If you know your being cruel and don't care about it, you haven't understood what 'profit' means.
What? Why?

>> No.3163259

I'll wait to hear back from Welles before I decide.

>> No.3163265

That's just pride. You're in too deep. need to save face

>> No.3163269

>Orson Welles
I think you mean George Orwell.

>> No.3163277

I think that's obvious.

>> No.3163287

I think he meant H.G. Wells.

>> No.3163292

>imploring you don't profit off the misery of others and simply don't use self deception to not realize it.

let me tell you the truth OP. We are all liars, we are all racists, and we are all selfish. There is not escaping this any attempt to alleviate it just creates a different form of selfishness, racism, and lying.

>> No.3163293

d'oh. Brain fart.

>> No.3163294

Anyway, I was definitely referring to George Orwell, author of 1984, which has intentional self-deception (doublethink) as a major theme.

>> No.3163295


>> No.3163298

Yes they did they all believed that the death of those people would create a better world for others, the same as any legislation. It is all misguided.

>> No.3163302
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>> No.3163307

sadism != Profit niggers.

>> No.3163309

>let me tell you the truth OP. We are all liars, we are all racists, and we are all selfish. There is not escaping this any attempt to alleviate it just creates a different form of selfishness, racism, and lying.
Boy, have YOU swallowed some bullshit.

There is a sliding scale of how much people value the wellbeing of others versus their own. You might complain "but people who do things for others only do it for personal mental benefits", but you're missing the point here.

Selfishness is heavily and *consciously* valuing self over others. There are people who genuinely do think about and desire the well-being of others. Calling that "another form of selfishness" is simply destroying the meaning of the word.

People who think of and consciously care for only their own well-being are selfish. And sure, maybe no one is a perfect altruist, but that is also irrelevant.

>> No.3163318
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Social Darwinism

It is a natural reaction with cunts and a harsh environment.

In finland say it is rare, but in the biggest cunt'ry in the world the USA it is endemic and full of cunts in government business and all around.

It is a symptom of inequality

>> No.3163328

That's contrived bullshit, though. There are situations where not engaging in cruelty would not lead to greater profit at all, like when holding someone hostage for ransom, or just directly torturing someone for information, or some other gain.

Being cruel on purpose without giving a shit is certainly not a sign that one doesn't understand the meaning of profit.

>> No.3163330
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Projecting own delusion.

Read the selfish gene, nice guys finish first.

Just because you have a shit life does not mean you have to or anyone else for that matter.

It is psychological or epigenetic, not genetic.

>> No.3163332

I think we should blow things out of proportion and look crazy to discredit whoever gorup it is we're claiming to be in this anonymous image board forum.

>> No.3163336

If you read the selfish gene then you would know that people cooperate out of selfishness because they benefit from it more than they would otherwise, just like capitalism.

>> No.3163337

If nice guys finish first then why to psychopaths do so well in corporations?

>> No.3163339
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It is because Neoliberalism disempowers and alienates humans from each other. Roody-poo's listened to too much Friedman or Keynes, and started viewing everyone as rational wealth maximizers not humans.

We need close societal social bonds to not be cunts. Neoliberalism replaced the community with the shopping mall. The trade union with the corporate rat race.

>> No.3163342

They simply don't care?

There usually isn't much more to it than that. Our culture likes to pretend that evil people are inherently flawed some way but the reality is they are often intelligent, know exactly what they are doing and they often live long happy lives.

>> No.3163345

You care for others because it benefits yourself selfishly.

>> No.3163344

>What drives someone to profit from the misery of others?

Tough one fuckface.

>> No.3163346

Not that guy, but I think I might see what underlies this discussion. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If we believe that the personal maximum wellbeing corresponds to the global wellbeing, then any shortsighted attempts to make "profit" by harming others is suboptimal.

The emergence of the middle class has transformed the modern world. When people are more equal in power and free to trade, wealth explodes. One man ruling a million destitute peasants was once called a king. But now we see the folly - educated, empowered, and property-owning people produce wealth above and beyond what is given to them. A subsistence farming can contribute nothing to the society. Basically a nonlinear feedback.

So what should we do, if we want to truly profit as much as possible? Give other people power, knowledge and wealth equal to your own. Not just handing out money - I mean helping everyone enter the middle class, or better. Strive for the global optimum.

However, here's the catch: You only live about 80 years, and short-term optimization may well indeed be a selfish one (if you only care about material wealth).

>> No.3163347
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I usually don't eat fast food but I went to starbucks the other day and enjoyed their coffee.


>> No.3163348
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With reproduction, not some memetic delusion. A nice guy will have more kids on average than a CEO. CEO's just have a dopamine/serontonin addiction through power. Happiness does not increase beyond 100k, above that it is memetic addiction to perceived niggery.

>> No.3163349

>happy lives

Really believe that?

>> No.3163351



>> No.3163352
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Yeah, because of the political neoliberalism.

>> No.3163353

Boy, did YOU fail to read my post. There is no such thing as unconscious selfishness. It's an abuse of the term "selfishness" that results in the term being meaningless.

>> No.3163361

>memetic addiction to perceived African Americany
Are those technical terms?

>> No.3163359

ITT: People who don't know what selfishness is.

>> No.3163357

im a greedy asshole who can i hurt?

>> No.3163362

Read the selfish gene roody poo

>> No.3163364

The Rock aint comin back no matter how good the p.r.
He should have stuck to comedy.

>> No.3163365

Right because unions aren't completely selfish and neither are communities Of course people like you define wealth as dollars but you forget what those dollars and those are happiness maximizing products.

>> No.3163369

>Happiness does not increase beyond 100k
This is truth.

>> No.3163373

What does it matter if its conscious or not, the effects are the same.

>> No.3163375

Yeah roy, 95% co operating, not 5% conspirin yo

Or Co operatives/ mutuals which are intrinsically unionized. Democracy in the private sector.

>> No.3163376

>If we believe that the personal maximum wellbeing corresponds to the global wellbeing, then any shortsighted attempts to make "profit" by harming others is suboptimal.
This may very well be the basis of that other guy's argument, but my point remains. Being deliberately cruel for the sole sake of profiteering doesn't mean one doesn't "get" profit. It may simply mean that one, as you've alluded to, prefers the surefire short-term gains over the vague, potential long-term ones.

I agree with your suggestion for improvement, by the way.

>> No.3163379

Hey guys lets steal the money rich people have and give it to ourselves, we are totally not selfish.

>> No.3163383
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>On /sci/
>Does not know memes

>> No.3163384

No. No they are fucking NOT.

This philosophy of abusing the term by saying "everyone is selfish" has a real effect on behavior, if believed. If you have deceived yourself into ignoring the difference between someone who consciously cares about other people and the person who consciously doesn't give a rats ass whether anyone else lives or dies, you have a powerful tool for rationalizing sociopathic behavior.

>> No.3163387

Tyranny of democracy, consensus ate the expense of the minority. Its just more selfishness.

>> No.3163389
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Reducing inequality by whatsoever means would reduce social darwinism hellalot.

Happiness does not increase over 75k, m


>> No.3163392
File: 35 KB, 707x700, lolpolitcal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u so crazy

>> No.3163394

You are wrong it is my best interest to cooperate with others this is selfishness, that's why people get jobs and that's why people pay their employees or why you exchange money for things.

>> No.3163397

Most people responsible for inflicting suffering on others are not considered criminals, for instance ex-dictator Suharto, even after falling from grace he lived in opulent splendor and succesfully sued time magazine for 100 million dollars. Maybe he was unhappy deep down or something but his material situation in his last years were certainly better than other elderly people's last years in Indonesia.

>> No.3163400


>> No.3163402

Remember the south, slavery and jim corw was enforced through democracy.

>> No.3163403

Alk the ruich ashould in a firew becasuse ineqwality and Farwin FTW 1000k meme gene

>> No.3163405

I agree that a selfish person (consciously values only himself) who believes that the personal optimum is the global optimum will have the same behavior as the fairly unselfish person. Which is obvious, because we just assumed that the personal and global optimums are the same.

But do you agree with this?
> If you have deceived yourself into ignoring the difference between someone who consciously cares about other people and the person who consciously doesn't give a rats ass whether anyone else lives or dies, you have a powerful tool for rationalizing sociopathic behavior.
There IS a difference between these two hypothetical people. Calling them both "selfish" just makes the term "selfish" meaningless.

>> No.3163408
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top 0.25% own 40% of wealth.
Happiness peaks and does not increase over 75k

12trn dollar economy.

12trn / 300000000 = 40k

So about 30-60% can be max happiness.

Only 5% are



>> No.3163411


>> No.3163414

>hurdurr zero sum game
Protip: The global GDP was much smaller, once upon a time. It has increased much faster than population. Huh, how about that. Maybe, just maybe, there's something going on here.

If you distribute wealth more equally, there will be a large surge in GDP once the transition is settled. Dirt farmers don't contribute to GDP.

>> No.3163413

You don't understand what wealth is. Wealth isn't money, money is worthless without things to buy on the shelves. Tell me about all these people dying in America because of our evil socially darwinistic capitalist system.

>> No.3163417

no both are selfish, they just go about it a different way. In the end we will see who benefits most.

>> No.3163420

Protip: anyone who uses the term "zero sum game" was until recently talking about Atlas Shrugged on /lit/.

>> No.3163421

Lets just print money until everyone has 75K I'm sure it will work out.

>> No.3163422

Then give me two terms for these different ways. You're raping the English language by using the same word for both.

I've made the distinction by saying "consciously selfish" and "consciously unselfish". Saying "they're all unconsciously selfish" is not even a point of contention, and is not worth mentioning.

>> No.3163424
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Thread has now reached trolling level

>> No.3163428

Did you even read my post? I'm not talking about money supply.
>Dirt farmers don't contribute to GDP.

>> No.3163430

profit drives them, duh

>> No.3163434
File: 190 KB, 650x478, repiblicunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u so rational wealth maximizer

Humanism ftw

>> No.3163435

And implying "we're all consciously selfish" is the point I'm vigorously rejecting.

>> No.3163431
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>they think there a finite number of tvs,corn, and tables

>> No.3163448

You can't do anything without being selfish, even suicide is a conscious decision to remove yourself from pain selfishly, the way in which you rationalize it is just a form of selfish self deceit. The only seemingly unselfish thing you can do is miscalculate your own selfish actions and being exploited in the process, but this is still selfishness.

>> No.3163450

Oh you're so frustrating.

>> No.3163451
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A good mix of greed, no conscience, a feeling of superiority over the "sheep" and hate for other people.

I know what I'm talking about. Economics major here.

>> No.3163452

Version without the music - it's nice but too loud to understand him in parts.

But DAMN is this a moving speech.

>> No.3163458

reported for stupidity

>> No.3163459


>Happiness peaks and does not increase over 75k

Yeah ok.

>> No.3163469


Yeah roy, source ITT

Hard to know with all of this neoliberalism around

>> No.3163471

You're really not getting this conscious/unconscious distinction.

Have you never done something for someone else, just for the joy of sharing their joy? THAT is what is meant by unselfishness. You say "oh but you're doing it for the good feelings". Fuck that, don't you understand what I'm saying? That point is true but IRRELEVANT! Wanting happiness is not what separates the selfish from the unselfish! Everyone wants happiness! The difference is WHERE you seek it!

And if you say that having joy in the joy of others is the same "selfishness" as having joy in the food you stole from starving person, then your meaning for "selfish" truly is empty.