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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 433x640, 1305937622235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3160082 No.3160082 [Reply] [Original]

This was response to an individual in the Eugenics thread before the thread was deleted (Mods on MY /sci/?)


>give blacks a fair chance despite there still being many straight up bigots.

No, their were many "straight up" bigots when Chiense and Jews were finally allowed to enter into traditionally western institutions and they rose to power quickly.

The history of Affirmative action never focused on countering bigotry and thus allowing blacks, or any other group, to obtain the positions they were held back from(hence why legislation moved onto affirmative action and didn't stop with anti-discrimination laws) it's always functioned to allow groups to obtain positions regardless of or by sacrificing merit.
>Police Drop Swimming Requirement - Effort to win more black recruits

(note I don't like to use faux news for a source for anything but the CNN article on the subject has vanished)


>School may drop advanced English class in diversity effort

>minorities sue due to inability to pass fire department entrance test


>blacks underscore on parts of SAT, bias assumed


>Blacks given 230 point advantage SAT (that is they get an extra 200 points just for being black)


>> No.3160090
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>faux news

Worthless. You have negated any fucking point you were trying to make. You gonna cite "the onion" as a new source next? LMFAO

>> No.3160093

yeah, mods dislike race discussion on /sci/...even if it is argued against and defended with science, and even though it is nowhere in the rules.
mfw logic isn't science

>> No.3160109

that article about dropping advanced english pissed me off

>> No.3160104


So I saw a Fox News article on the death of Bin Laden....YOU MEAN THE WHOLE THING WAS FAKE!!!!!!!

>> No.3160114
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>defended with science

>> No.3160118

Meh, the point still stands. They are merely almost as offensive as your casual dismissal of the story.

Not who you were replying to, by thew way.

>> No.3160119

>I hate black people

>> No.3160129


>straw man

>> No.3160130

If you need to protect people from their behavior and actions, then you ARE a bigot, even if you are trying to be nice about it.

>> No.3160134
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>> No.3160135


One source out of five and you declare the whole thing invalid?

reactionary much?

I think the record skipped inside the cultural consciousness of black america when MLK got shot. "The Man done keep me down" became a catch-all excuse for remaining indigent and has remained so regardless of examples to the contrary.

>> No.3160138

>heretic he hates christ

>> No.3160148
File: 764 KB, 2400x2400, shout_racist_2400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm sure msnbc is totally legit

>> No.3160152

>I really hate black people

>> No.3160159
File: 21 KB, 367x451, orsonwelles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! Look how much time OP has actually put into "researching" his pent up ideas about race. Looks like someone needs to find a hobby.

>> No.3160162

>mad jesus ain't white

>> No.3160173

>I prefer to cripple black people from learning how to educate and improve themselves for MY bigotry. I'm WAAAAAAAY more racist than the guy I'm implying is.

>> No.3160178

>Holy shit! Look how much time OP has actually put into "researching" his pent up ideas about race. Looks like someone needs to find a hobby.

sounds like a black guy to me

>> No.3160182

Holy shit! Look at how little effort it takes to hurt your precious baby feelings.

>> No.3160185

>Police Drop Swimming Requirement - Effort to win more black recruits
I'm going to need some evidence that supports your claim that Blacks can't swim, or are inferior swimmers to other races.

>> No.3160191
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msnbc = news source, can be used as a reference for an college report.

faux news = not a news source, they are "infotainment" by their own admission. Cannot be used as a source for a college paper.

I'm not saying msnbc is perfect, but at least it is an actual news source (unlike faux).

>> No.3160192


>ridicule as a means of debate or silencing dissent? Surly not on /sci/

You know it's funny many of you would make fine fundamentalist Christians

>> No.3160193


Who said that?

>> No.3160199


>Did you do your
homework? “Na, homework racis’.”
Why did you get an F on the test? “Test

>I was trying to teach a unit on British
philosophers and the first thing the students
noticed about Bentham, Hobbes,
and Locke was “Dey all white! Where da
black philosophers’?” I tried to explain
there were no blacks in eighteenth century
Britain. You can probably guess
what they said to that: “Dat racis’!”
One student accused me of deliberately
failing him on a test because I
didn’t like black people.

>> No.3160200


Butthurt samefag double posting

>> No.3160203

>I really really really hate black people

>> No.3160197

>I really really hate black people

>> No.3160210
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The best part is he isnt even addressing my main argument but is arguing about the history of affirmative action. I cant believe he made a new thread about it after the mods deleted it. I wasnt specifically trying to troll but wow he mad

>> No.3160211

>give me 200 extra points on the SAT or you're a racist

>> No.3160213
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>faux news


>> No.3160217
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>I really really really really hate black people

>> No.3160218

>Hate doesn't even approach my malevolent malice for black people, they must be crippled forever.

>> No.3160222
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>> No.3160231
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>> No.3160236

There ARE other sources for the same story, all fluffy and they even blame white people for their natural bigotry AND tolerance.

>> No.3160237
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>tests are racist to favor whites
>asians consistently do better than both blacks and whites

evil white people

>> No.3160243
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>> No.3160244

I really really really really really have low self esteem

>> No.3160269

Ah, a confession. Tell me why your low self esteem causes your malice to black people? Were you beat up by black kids on the bus? Did a black man rape your sister?

>> No.3160282



>> No.3160285
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>> No.3160287


>I really really really really really really really really hate black people

>> No.3160290


obesity among African Americans


>> No.3160294
File: 34 KB, 600x480, 1267363273015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u r racist.
I'm sure this isn't the first time you heard this shit. I am sure you have been racist for awhile now.


>> No.3160298
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>> No.3160295


LOL, wat

>> No.3160307

>butthurt confession, then denial and redirection

>> No.3160311
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>> No.3160316

So this is what summer on /sci/ looks like.

>> No.3160317

>tell truth
>get called racist

>> No.3160322

>I am sure you have been racist for awhile now.

Then the two of you have a lot in common!

Isn't that wonderful!

>> No.3160325
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>No one on the internet is fond of black people.

>> No.3160334
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ITT: OP called out for being racist

Yes, the OP is obviously racist. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS /SCI/ RELATED THOUGH?

Why did you even post such a shitty thread OP?

Saged and reported

>> No.3160338

At least we're white and tolerant about it.

The rest of the world would just fucking kill you, ESPECIALLY Africa.

>> No.3160343

>tell people I hate black people
>reiterate really 9 times
>get called racist

>> No.3160344

Considering that mods post the religion threads, this is a small drink.

>> No.3160346
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ITT: Black man stold OP boyfriend. He vents.

>> No.3160362
File: 19 KB, 449x336, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need the black cock?

>> No.3160363


What word is that supposed to be?

>> No.3160370

Sex and violence, while great fun, does nothing to affirm the strengths of your culture.

>> No.3160376



>> No.3160388

I'm not OP

>> No.3160389

either butthurt black guy or impersonating white kid

>> No.3160392
File: 64 KB, 785x421, 1298438334363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ebonics for "your dick is small, and your bf left you for a big black cock". Try not to cry yourself to sleep OP.

If you apologize they may be nice enough to let you watch them fuck.

>> No.3160398

Stole? Did they teach you ebonics in school, boy?

This is why I fucking hate "multicultural education". I can emotionally deal with the crime and rape, but the damage done to education is reprehensible and contemptible.

>> No.3160405
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>mfw OP misguided attempt at racism stems from the fact that he wishes to be black

>> No.3160409

WOOP WOOP mi niggah! You tel them /sci/shits.


>> No.3160416

Once a Jedi, always a Jedi.

Look at Mark Hamill.

>> No.3160421
File: 148 KB, 542x856, 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At my school all we do is fuck white women, and plan robberies. Never wonder why your babby is so dark?

>> No.3160431
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>> No.3160433

No, because I have a black boi-toi.

I like to ride him like a horse. Nobody can toss your salad like a black man on the down-low.

>> No.3160447
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Mission accomplished. Take that Al-Queda!

>> No.3160448

This is officially a /new/ invasion. I've recognized a lot of memes being used here from /new/--since I was trolling it the other day.

Just GTFO cunts.

>> No.3160459
File: 29 KB, 298x453, Oh Snap Runner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep him in my basement, chained to a wall.

He -LOVES- it, because now he has value.

>> No.3160489
File: 267 KB, 628x619, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a black bull for over 10 years. I'm 53y and he's 39y.

He wants to breed but i'm too old to give birth anymore. Now my bull has suggested that we offer our youngest (19y) daughter for breeding.

I love my bull very much and i'm willing to do everhing for him.

I will give my daughter to my bull for breeding.

>> No.3160503

Soooo, you're a Christian with a Jewish bull?

>> No.3160501
File: 298 KB, 808x542, SissyBoy21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why OP fears black men

>> No.3160517

You guys call people racists as if it was some kind of insult.

>> No.3160524

>be an angsty teenager
>fail at everything in life
>live on 4chan
>cling to notion of "above average intelligence" based on racial classification

this entire fucking thread

>> No.3160534

Old pasta is old.

>> No.3160535
File: 122 KB, 439x641, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The Bible says slavery is fine.

We treat our bull very well, he gets all the pussy and money he wants. He lives in our basement and even has friends. He is my master, and I am his cum whore. WORSHIP THE BLACK COCK (its in the bible too)

>> No.3160545
File: 25 KB, 296x350, 0060-0807-1220-5847_A_Beat_Up_Man_Waving_the_White_Flag_of_Surrender_clipart_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, nothing wrong with racism bro. The white men needs to be put in his place!

>> No.3160551
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>> No.3160554

I fucking KNEW the bible was written by Jewish `seeds.

No wonder the average retarded atheist can poke holes in it.

>> No.3160572
File: 32 KB, 381x480, blackjesusmontagecbarzoniartcom100557751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible was written by blackjews as a way of enslaving the white man.

>> No.3160578
File: 35 KB, 440x350, Lil-Wayne-bm09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jebus has returned. He will take your wife and impregnate your daughter.