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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3159541 No.3159541 [Reply] [Original]

so what percentage of posters on this board don't know the difference between psychology and psychiatry

>> No.3159559

so what percentage of posters on this board don't know the difference between a vagina and their own hand

>> No.3159560

What percentage of a self-selected sample don't know the difference between psychology and psychiatry?

>> No.3159569
File: 21 KB, 336x269, 1306950821388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /sci/ posters bitch about psychiatry being pseudo science

>> No.3159570

Psychiatrists can hook you up with the good stuff.

>> No.3159575

47.39%, obviously.

>> No.3159577

Most Psych's I've met are basically this. MD's who realized they could make drug money the legal way and never have to be on call ever again.

>> No.3159581

One can prescribe drugs that they can barely understand. The other just talks to you.

>> No.3159584

>One can prescribe drugs that they can barely understand.

the brain is a complex organ man

hearts and shit are tinker toys compared to the brain

>> No.3159588
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They don't have to know what the drugs do, they just have to know how to cash those Big Pharma checks.

>> No.3159605
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Why do so many people think that mental illnesses aren't real.

Really... just think about it for a moment.

Our thoughts and feelings can change depending on our brain chemistry.

And just like with the rest of the body, the brain's chemistry can get fucked up.

Obviously, that will affect a person's behavior.

Mental illness isn't an easy thing to deal with, and it sickens me that people think that these problems are made up.

And why do they think that? Do they believe that the brain is a perfect organ, totally immune from all defects and diseases?

>> No.3159606

Get over here kids, we need to drug you up with ritalin.

>> No.3159614
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like just the other day I heard someone say that depression isn't really an illness because it's "just a feeling"

well no fucking shit it's a feeling

and guess what's responsible for our feelings? chemicals and shit

guess what can happen when those chemicals get all out of whack?

seriously there is not a worse thing you can do to someone with a mental illness than telling them that their problems aren't real

>> No.3159619
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I think you are witnessing a whiplash effect from people reacting to the over-prescribing of psychiatric/psychoactive drugs.

pic unrelated

>> No.3159621
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Except that the first thing being done about this problems is medicating people. Honestly, what good is the use of so many drugs? Most of the drugs being given have very little long-term research being done, and most don't even know the extent to which it affects the brain.

I know if I had a mental disability I would not take any pills without doing some serious research and looking for the safest method - sadly, this is not what happens. People get medicated every day as if they are being given candy.

>> No.3159631

The problem is, psychiatrists have been throwing this "chemical imbalance" talk around WITHOUT IDENTIFYING THE CHEMICALS IN IMBALANCE.

Science is more than making up plausible-sounding explanations.

If you're going to pose as an authority, and say with apparent confidence that something is caused by a chemical imbalance, you had better damn well be ready to measure that chemical imbalance and consistently recognize it in blind studies, or you're a pseudoscientific quack who needs to be dragged out in the street and shot for lying about something so serious and ruining lives while collecting big paychecks.

>> No.3159638

>Most of the drugs being given have very little long-term research being done, and most don't even know the extent to which it affects the brain.

well no shit, because scientists barely know anything about how the brain functions

and what good is doing your own research when an MD is telling you that you need some drugs

are you supposed to learn more about the drugs than they know?

I have mental illness problems and I know firsthand about the issues drugs can cause, but I shudder to think about what kind of state I'd be in unmediated

>> No.3159640
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This guy knows where the fuck it's at.

>> No.3159651

> well no shit, because scientists barely know anything about how the brain functions
Yeah, that was implied by default. Try harder next time, buddy.

>> No.3159672


You know what happens when people with serious mental illnesses are prescribed drugs that scientists don't understand very well for diseases that they don't understand at all?

They get more fucked up. Yes, mental illnesses are real. Yes, they can be serious. But the fact that psychiatrists jump to medicate patients based on nothing more than vague symptoms, and can use any number of misunderstood chemicals without understanding of their long term consequences...

That isn't helping them, that's seriously hurting them.

Psychiatry is the only field where "doctors" diagnose not based on testing for and finding diseases, but on assumptions of what diseases patients are afflicted with based on symptoms that they describe themselves.

>> No.3159675

The problem is, scientists aren't doing the research, drug dealers are.

>> No.3159679


This. "Chemical imbalance" is the most bullshit diagnostic term in existence. If you have a kid when a mental illness and the doctor suggests drugs because of a "chemical imbalance" you should walk the fuck out.

Therapy, proper diet and excersize, THESE are methods of treating mental illness.

>> No.3159695

depends on the problem

a boat load of diet and therapy wouldn't help me anywhere near as much as a couple tablets of estrogen

>> No.3159707


The things that estrogen treats aren't mental illnesses...

Are you high?

>> No.3159710

It's not that simple. Even if the mechanism isn't totally understood, drugs often affect *behavior* in reasonably consistent, positive ways that are supported by evidence.

Mental illness sometimes involves completely unacceptable behavior that can be reliably curbed by drugs. You can't reasonably say that drugs are always out of the question.

>> No.3159715

Also: the cure for a person who suddenly declares he is Napoleon is to surgically shorten him, give him a silly hat, and put him in charge of France.

>> No.3159716

Gender Identity Disorder is still listed in the current DSM

And will be in the DSM-V, though they loosened up the criteria a bit

>> No.3159726


Psychiatry: A field of medicine where thinking you're the wrong gender is a disease

And people call this a legitimate field?