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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3158500 No.3158500 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a man who has just written a 2000 word paper on the fall of Western Civilisation and how capitalism will basically fall the fuck apart in one sitting with nothing but a bottle of Powerade in what can only be described as literary diarrheoa...

And I'm not even high. Man I have to piss...

mfw I turned on word count for the first time and already had 2087 words

>> No.3158531

are u a communist?

>> No.3158544

No, I just had to bash capitalism for a grade..

>> No.3158556

What does this have to do with either science or maths?

>> No.3158564

Too bad it's a load of bullshit.

>> No.3158569

oh shit, this isn't /int/.. sorry

>> No.3158581

it's /unint/