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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3147529 No.3147529 [Reply] [Original]

>Explain to dad what cancer is and causes of it
>He assumes everything is dangerous and takes irrational precautions like putting vinegar in a room and saying it takes out the cancer and an onion in the room takes out the cancer.
>Tells him that he has no reasoning and that they do nothing to decrease anyone's chances of cancer.
>He yells at me for hours about how stupid I am
>Facepalm when I see a bag of onions in the bathroom
>Dad has stuffy nose and headache.
>Tells him it's because of the pollen, which is high today.
>Explain what pollen is
>Dad wants me to wash his car because there's pollen on it.
>Decides to just wash it because I just can't ever win

Why can't certain people understand science?!

>> No.3147544

It's not that they can't, they are just too stubborn.
Basically the "mature" equivalent of running around with your fingers stuffed in your ears screaming LALALALALA because you refuse to listen to anything that challenges your own beliefs.

>> No.3147553

>walk outside
>lick finger
>stick finger up into the wind
>"the pollens high today"

>> No.3147571

OP I had a long running argument like this with my dad. Then he died.
True story.
Give itup and just be a good kid.

>> No.3147581

tell him cash makes you impotent, and he should give it to you to hold

>> No.3147626

OP is a pretentious jack ass who uses a tone that says "I'm right and you couldn't be more wrong" l2charisma.

>> No.3147632

I had this with my mother
>This earthquake in Japan was probably global warming
>Well earthquakes are caused by the heat of the earth
>Uhh...well global warming doesn't heat up the inside of the earth
>DUHH, It's called GLOBAL warmin, how stupid are you?
The worst part is most of the time there's a really tiny bit of truth in there, so whenever I used to show her a book proving my point, she'll pretend she ONLY said the bits of her argument which we're based on truth.
So that argument would go from
>Global warming causes earthquakes
>All I was saying was that the crust only moves because of the earth's heat

>> No.3147654

It must suck to have stupid parents.

>> No.3147681
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My dad used to take Zeitgeist seriously. Then I calmly explained its long list of bullshit, fear tactics, and manipulation of half-truths. By the end of an hour or so conversation he finally agreed with me and has been much more skeptical and rational since.

>> No.3147703
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Kill your father


>> No.3148039

my parents have never said anything retarded. if they don't know something they don't start speculating wildly, and if they hear a bit about something they don't use that as the basis for a whole new crazy belief system. are you guys' parents honestly that irrational?

>> No.3148077

And it's not with "science", in most cases it is with basic logic. Which is even worse.

>> No.3148094
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I lol'd pretty hard. I am thankful, Anon.

>> No.3148126


Stop feeding him half-truths you twat.

>> No.3148135


You're either a Phd in seismology or a know it all underage faggot.

>> No.3148139
File: 8 KB, 409x258, Rage_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have Chinese parents
>they think traditional medicine are as scientifically derived as modern medicine because "there are scientists studyan them!"
>explain the religious/mythological/pseudoscientific history and rationale behind traditional medicine
>get called a traitor to the West

>> No.3148199

>underageb& knowitallfagserrywhere