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3143975 No.3143975 [Reply] [Original]

What is so wrong about people believing in God? Without smart remarks please explain this to me. People are healed through Christ and if they are really into Christianity they even change for the better as a person. People who were once addicted to drugs can change, heck my former pastor was a skin head before finding Christ. So whether God is or is not real what is the big deal? Even if it is all in peoples heads if they are healing and being able to move forward what is so wrong about it? Yes there are hypocrits out there BUT there are hypocrits everywhere!

>> No.3144012 [DELETED] 

because god made it that way........?

>> No.3144013

yes, but dont forget. Its because made it that way.

>> No.3144030

I accidentally the sentence

>> No.3144113 [DELETED] 

God made it that way

>> No.3144204

I agree with you OP, i think religion makes human better for the reason of accountability to something higher than his or herself. And yes there are hypocrites and extremists who make our argument harder for others to swallow.
ex. the Declaration of Independence

>> No.3144232

Making a positive claim without a rational basis is always wrong.

>> No.3144247


>> No.3144279

Religion WAS useful back then, but not anymore. Religion has already fulfilled its purpose of making a lot of people think deeply about themselves so they could better their morals, values, and standards for living. We don't need books like the Bible anymore. There are certain things in the Bible that make it stand out as amoral and we now have better books that are moral, logical, and they don't contradict themselves in any way. Religion helped paved the way for humanity, and now it's time to let science lead humanity into the future.

>> No.3144298

Because then you couldn't affirmatively state that "Making a positive claim without a rational basis is always wrong"

>> No.3144304

I think it is best for us to face reality as it is, than through a filter of iron age fairy tales.

Being theistic is not necessarily bad in of itself (ignoring religious wars, but people start wars over any differences, don't they) but I would rather face things as they are, it feels dishonest to do otherwise.

Of course I know that the true religious don't think it's dishonest, though.

>> No.3144339

no one has answered the question lol

>> No.3144347

What is so wrong about people believing in Santa Clause?

>> No.3144352

What is so wrong about people believing in the Tooth Fair?

>> No.3144358

What is so wrong about people believing in Imaginary friends?

>> No.3144361

We all know that since God is known to exist because of arbitrary symbolism, His existence cannot be proven otherwise and therefore there no sufficient scientific explanation to do so.

>> No.3144378

haha, good point.
The thing is though if it makes a person(child in your cases) better morally. whats wrong?

>> No.3144396
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>better morally

So suicide bombers are better morally? Was Hitler better morally for being a christian? What about serial killers? (the majority are white protestants). Are they better morally? The KKK are they better morally?

If a grown ass adult can't make their own moral decisions, instead relaying on the words of imaginary characters, they should be fucking shot in the head. They are a discredit to humanity.

>> No.3144405
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>better morally


>> No.3144408

I'm sorry, we were saying earlier in the thread extremists and hypocrites aside.

>> No.3144413
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>better morally

>> No.3144415

Fascinating anon, in what other ways did God do it?

>> No.3144416

Nothing is wrong with believing, it's just that it limits your belief system to a specific religion. God in some sense probably does exist, but not being bound to the belief allows freedom of thought and opinion. Maybe Santa brought my childhood presents, but if told he didn't, it could have been something more incredible that I could have thought on my own.

>> No.3144430
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(Even not taking into account extremest)
What makes you think that people who believe in imaginary friends are better morally? You are just making up bullshit kid.

>> No.3144436

I, and many, do not share your beliefs, and are perfectly happy the way we are.


>> No.3144437

True, I don't care if someone believes that the earths mantle is filled with chicken pot pies, as long as that person is open minded enough to look at evidence

>> No.3144443
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>God doesn't exist

Fixed that for you

>> No.3144442
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Religion, belief in God, etc. are survival mechanisms for a large majority of humanity. People need simple explanations for the meaning of life, what happens after they die and so forth, so they aren't preoccupied with this stuff. We have an intrinsic need to believe everything is going to be OK. Simple minds need simple answers.

Personally, my religion is that life has no purpose, except for itself, and when I die all perceptions by my organism will cease. I base this on a scientific observation, having had all senses (including the sense of time) shut off during general anesthesia, a literal "near death" experience. Fade to black, wake up in the recovery room. No dreams, no time, etc. A profound "religious" experience.

After I die, another organism will become self aware (or something close). It isn't reincarnation, rather, it is more like recycling. The only connection is that I might do something in this life that affects the organisms that follow me. In this way, we are all responsible for creating "heaven" or "hell" right here and now.

The Bible and similar texts may contain great truths, but these ideas are misinterpreted, hidden in heavy symbolism.

>> No.3144455

Because OP
If we are to advance as a species, we must make a clear distinction between theories with a high chance of accuracy and made up facts that are completely absurd.

>> No.3144456
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Um, no.

>> No.3144457
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>as long as that person is open minded enough to look at evidence

Religious people are generally not open-minded. They will ignore facts, if it disagrees with the teachings of their imaginary friends.

>> No.3144466


Sorry, Catholic.


And for lulz, http://www.popeorhitler.com/

>> No.3144469

there's nothing wrong with belief in god. it's outside the scope of human knowledge. hence the word belief.

however, religious conservatism is bad for humankind because it prevents philosophical and scientific development and it serves as a platform for violence.

show me one person who has been helped by christianity and i will show you several who have lived more limited, meaningless lives for fear of following a path of their own creation and several more who've been murdered in that religion's name.

>> No.3144470

It's a known fact that many Atheists believe in Evolution and can't even prove where humans come from. Where is the logic in believing in something you don't even know has a solid foundation?

Christians know where they came from, and who created everything. You the Atheist, the Evolutionist may question their proof but many regard it as proof.

With that being said, you can't compare Religion with Evolution. Evolution is reason. No Faith required because science backs it up. Yet Evolution, let alone Science has no answer to how the universe was created or what humans evolved from.

How do you justify having logic and being reasonable when you have no foundation for the claims you make?

>> No.3144473
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1) Doesn't actually matter
2) You missed the whole point

He sure sounded christian

>> No.3144490


I see you two aren't Christians either.

>> No.3144507

lol and atheist are open minded.
the problem is people care too much about their own beliefs when anyone being stubborn helps nothing

>> No.3144511

Atheist don't "believe" in evolution. we accept it as a possible reason for human existence. Hence the term theory of evolution
if a better theory came along we would adjust scope. Having "faith" is debilitating and is impeding human advancement.

>> No.3144541


>limited, meaningless lives

According to you.

That's the problem with all you butthurt atheists: You can't fathom that you're not the centre of the universe. Everyday I'm confronted by your rampant arrogance in relation to your limited grasp of the Bible. Why spout on about something you're clearly not familiar with?

Do you appreciate it when people with no scientific training pretend to know something about it?

>> No.3144543

how does believing that divine being creating the universe in 7 days or that we slowly evolved from lower to higher forms of life over billions of years, really impeding human civilization. it really doesn't matter

>> No.3144544
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>How do you justify having logic and being reasonable

Cause it works by experimentation.....DURRRR.

If logic and reason didn't work, we wouldn't use them. If you are attempting to debate the validity of logic and reason, you have backed yourself into a corner, and you cannot win that argument (as you are dismissing the ability to argue in the first place.....LMFAO).

You lose, have gained no insight into anything, nor ever allowed yourself to participate in the discussion. You are putting your fingers in your ears going "LALALALALALALALAL", while people try and speak with you. (pic related)

U trollin?

>> No.3144551


Darwin himself stated there was no scientific basis for macroevolution, and to my knowledge, it still hasn't been supported experimentally.

>> No.3144565
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everybody leave this thread OP turned out to be cleverly disguised troll 5/10 sage in all fields

>> No.3144570

evolution does not equal experimentation
speciation in bacteria but not evolution

>> No.3144579

Funny how you completely ignored the argument.

Are you comparing Evolution to Religion?

>> No.3144584

you can't argue whether religion is limiting. limitation on decision-making is in the definition (of several religions). using the word meaningless was careless on my part. but what i meant with it was that to me the purpose of life is to find your own way through things, which (many) religions prevent.

>> No.3144586
File: 220 KB, 517x369, 1270858503424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bible

Tell me then, why are atheists more familiar with the bible (and religion in general) then christians (in general)? In fact most christans have never read the bible.

If they really believe it was the word of god, they would take the time to read the whole damm think, right? Yet, they don't? WTF? I'm thinking most christians know deep down that it is all bullshit. They are just going through the motions out of tradition.

>> No.3144593

i guess if u believe that god is something youve never met before...how could u believe what he said or did nearly as much as he meant it because it could be so personal. it as in gods "words". The big deal is "words" spread. for your third question what do you mean by "it"? Thank you for that, i am a hypocrit as well.

>> No.3144588

Because if we made a habit of believing even the most absurd sayings of the origin of life we will lose that drive to go out a discover the great mysteries of everything.
If people actually believed that the earth was made in 7 days, and accepted it as fact, we would not have half of the knowledge we do now.
And like i said, we don't "believe" anything.
That is exactly what i'm trying to say.

>> No.3144589

I love how these scientific atheists go quiet when the argument becomes scientific.