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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3142886 No.3142886 [Reply] [Original]

How is it possible to be aware of one's own existence?
If my brain is just regular matter, does it mean existence is possible to define by a symbolic logic interpreting other symbolic logic?
Or is there quantum shit in my brain that causes an infinite loop through time which diverges into self-awareness?

>> No.3142897

>regular matter
as opposed to irregular matter?
Dude, there is nothing complicated about self awareness theres no deep meaning to it. Either you recognize that you exist or you're just a dumb animal that attempts survival without knowledge of its own existance.

>> No.3142903

Does that mean that a computer program using simple logic could be self-aware? And by computer program I don't mean quantum computer.
The point of this is that is infinite divergence/convergence needed for self-awareness; i.e. does self-awareness prove that time travel is possible?

>> No.3142904

I can program a computer to recognize its own existence. Does that make it self-aware?

>> No.3142909

From the wiki:
>Self-awareness describes the condition of being aware of one's awareness. It is the awareness that one exists as an individual being. Without self-awareness the self perceives and accepts the thoughts that are occurring to be who the self is. Self-awareness gives one the option or choice to choose thoughts being thought rather than simply thinking the thoughts that are stimulated from the accumulative events leading up to the circumstances of the moment.

>> No.3142911

OP here. No, if it is just:
program.exe: if exists program.exe printf("lol i am self aware")

I mean the ability for it to recognize that the computer program IS the thing that is doing that stuff.

>> No.3142913

Yes I know how to read Wikipedia too, thank you very much. I was reading that article and became curious, which is why I posted this thread.

>> No.3142916

>The point of this is that is infinite divergence/convergence needed for self-awareness; i.e. does self-awareness prove that time travel is possible?

dude are you high

>> No.3142920

Yes. But unless you program it in such a way that it finds self-awareness profound, it will not feel the same way about being self-aware that you do.

>> No.3142925

Stop spamming my thread faggot, that's not even what I am talking about.

yea xD smoke weed errrrrrrrrday
Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.3142929


Wikipedia has a page about wikipedia. I don't see how having information about yourself in your mind is any more magical.

>> No.3142932

It's a nonsequitur though. How the fuck do you get from a recursive definition to time travel?

>> No.3142933

Does the Wikipedia page recognize it is a Wikipedia page?

>> No.3142936

>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

>> No.3142938

No. It is not the Wikipedia page that recognizes it, but the humans who read and interpret that sentence.

I'm asking how can something interpret its own self?

>> No.3142945

So you are saying something can just define itself? Why don't we have creatures popping up everywhere that exist because they want to exist?
The reason I am thinking time travel is because I do not think simple symbolic logic, by itself, Turing-complete or not, define itself.
However, when infinity is applied, all sorts of funky things can happen, such as divergence or self-causality.

>> No.3142948

Easily. This is a well-understood topic in computer science. In computability theory they've found that when you encode a Turing machine as data, you can use that as input for another Turing machine. You can even run a Turing machine with its self as input. There's other neat facts too. A computer virus is capable of reproducing and executing its own code, for example.

>> No.3142950


>> No.3142954

but the nested turing machines and the virus have to be run by someone within some intricate apparatus. complexity doesn't automatically lead to self-awareness.

>> No.3142956


I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with this. There are neural circuits in your brain that model everything you encounter, based on sensory data. This model distinguishes between you, the organism and accompanying neural circuits doing the modeling, and the rest of everything else. Maybe you find this profound because you think you're special or something, but you're just another piece of the universe, nothing special.

>> No.3142958

And human beings have to be given birth to by other human beings. What's your point? Everything in the universe begins from something else.

>> No.3142960

But I think the reason I was born is not because my parents fucked.
I think my parents fucked because I was born.
That's the difference in our thinking.

>> No.3142962

Of course I am special. I am the only self-aware being in existence. Or at least that's what it seems like.

>> No.3142964

>>3142938 can something interpret its own self?

The ability of humans to do this is rather poor. We didn't even realise our brains were the source of our consciousness until a few centuries ago. Before that it was the heart, or some magical soul, spirit type thing. Humans are also quite often deluded about themselves.

>> No.3142965

It's the same thing.

>> No.3142971

holy shit, you just blew my mind


You are saying that a computer virus could be programmed that way BECAUSE the computer system interprets it that way? Not the other way around?


No wait, that's illogical. Mind no longer blown. It's definitely not the same thing. Bacteria have adapted to my body, but I have not adapted into anything; the universe adapted to me.

>> No.3142976

No, you're just confused about what words mean.

Computer virus is programmed X way. Therefore, computer system interprets computer virus X way.

Computer system interprets computer virus X way. Therefore, computer virus is programmed X way.

Both of these statements are true because of causality.

>> No.3142982

Maybe you should read up on the Anthropic Principle. The only reason you think you're the only self-aware being in the universe is that you are unable of detecting others' self-awareness to the extent that you can detect your own.

Try taking some psychedelic drugs and experiencing what they call "ego death." That is what I would imagine it would feel like if your neural circuitry didn't have such a silly bias on what is "you" and what is "everything else in the universe."

>> No.3142985
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This guy is spewing gibberish.

Because he's still getting responses.

>> No.3142990

No, you see, up to this day I thought I was being "run" by something, like the universe, God, laws of physics, whatever. Now I realized it's all just me! I am the universe that defined itself!

Yes I want psychedelic drugs and also I want egolessness.
Neither are available to me at the moment, though. Perhaps in the distant future, but I doubt I have the willpower to work so hard.

>> No.3142996


This guy is spewing gibberish.

Because he didn't faze me for one nanosecond.

>> No.3143000

It's okay to respond to trolls with questions like this. What if there are other people reading this board who actually don't understand these things? Discussion is not completely useless here.


Why is thinking that you're part of the universe that defines itself mutually exclusive to being ruled by physics, etc?

>> No.3143001
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>'strange loop'

/sci/ I am disappoint.

OP there's a book called "I am a Strange Loop" it explains consciousness in detail, and self-awareness.

Essentially, your neural connections refer upon themselves.

And yes, it is technically possible to describe your neural activity via symbolic logic, but not incredibly feasible. It's likely take billions and billions of books.

>> No.3142998

Sounds like you're just having an existential crisis dude. It happens to most teenagers.

>> No.3143007

Sounds like a pretty good book

>> No.3143023
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>quantum shit in my brain that causes an infinite loop through time which diverges into self-awareness

That doesn't even make any sense, nor does it mean anything. You kinda just threw words together randomly.

>> No.3143026

Does not follow

>> No.3143036

Does anything make any sense, or mean anything? Isn't everything just the sum of random things thrown together?

>> No.3143048
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This is exactly the type of 8th grade pseudo-philosophy that pisses me off, and makes everyone else think philosophy is some herp a derp field.

Yes things make sense, because humans made the word sense to describe things that they understand, and there are things that humans understand, so some things make sense.

Your trolling is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.3143056

>quantum shit in my brain
This explains everything!

>> No.3143067

Consciousness is the summation of all sensory phenomena. Self awareness is this by extension. It is simply a complex method to perceive patterns and order in all-encompassing randomness and chaos. It's all merely a further threshold in expanding the efficiency of gene propagation.

>> No.3143070

It's not trolling when it's youthful ignorance and naivety. By contrast, trolls are smart.