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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3140973 No.3140973 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to prove this guy is wrong.

>> No.3140978

But he isn't. He's perfectly correct.

>> No.3140984
File: 22 KB, 296x254, Thor God of Thunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what guy i only see a faggot

>> No.3140986

Apes didn't evolve into humans, we have a common ancestor. Humans and apes debranched from this ancestor from a differnet point in time, ergo, there became 2 different species: ape and human.

>> No.3140991

He's on facebook.

>how wrong you are.

>> No.3140992

> no commas separating the vocatives
> 'their'

His English is fucking appalling, his argument is entirely invalidated. He will also be targeted for termination when the Revolution comes.

>> No.3140994

So what about water bears and what they evolved into? Water bears have been around for millions of years.

>> No.3140995

But of course, from a certains tandpoint, we DID evolve from some kind of ape, but not from the ones we see today. We didn't come from the apes that are today.

>> No.3141000

If Man was created from dust, why is there still dust?

>> No.3141001

so when r we gonna evolve agin scientists....................I havent evolved yet so I dont think evolution exists, and I haven't seen any other animal evolve except pikchus from my pokemn

>> No.3141004

ITT: People who don't understand how evolution works.

>> No.3141009


what the fuck?

>> No.3141010

typical atheist, bet you haven't even read the bible

>> No.3141013

Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.3141014

I completely understand the argument for evolution. I mean, looking at DNA patterns and whatnot it seems pretty valid. But what causes an "evolution" to occur? Do I squeeze some gland in my body? Do I imagine my children having tails as I ejaculate semen into a female?

>> No.3141019

>Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person.
>Genesis 2:7


>> No.3141020

I never thought about it, but science actually agrees with the bible here. Even Dawkins. Man WAS created out of dust (basic life first out of dust, then man eventually)

>> No.3141022

obvious ignoramus is obvious

>> No.3141024

this is how evolution works you fucking underage retards

im so butthurt over summer /sci/ its unbelievable


>> No.3141026

Apes and humans shared a common ancestor. Humans didn't evolve from modern apes.

>> No.3141039

Answer this /sci/fags

>> No.3141045

Answer it, or evolution is a phantom you believe in just as probable as God.

>> No.3141049

If t-rex's vision was based on movement, why didn't it's prey evolve into trees?

>> No.3141053

It's not a fucking ladder, it's a tree.

>> No.3141057

I'll believe evolution when I see a banana turning into a dog.

>> No.3141096
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Read a book. That's a high-school level question, asking it just makes you look an ignoramus.

>> No.3141116

If its such an easy question to answer just tell me here, oh-smart-one. Where is the SCIENTIFIC PROOF of evolution. When has it been observed by a group of scientists in an experiment.

>> No.3141121

>SCIENTIFIC PROOF of evolution. When has it been observed by a group of scientists in an experiment.

Oh, here we go again.
Confirmed for 13 year old pseudo-hipster.

>> No.3141128
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>> No.3141134
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This thread look totally legit.

>> No.3141136

If a girl is born with 4 arms and 4 legs, why isn't everyone now born with 4 arms and 4 legs?

>> No.3141138

>I completely understand the argument for evolution.

No, you don't

>> No.3141139


Nothing 'causes' evolution. If anything, then it is the billions and billion of random events which mutate DNA.

These aimless changes are then subject to the principles of natural selection.

Evolution is the result of millions of years of aimless natural selection.

Keywords: aimless, pointless, undirected, random, entropy

>> No.3141142

There is no selective benefit in having 4 arms and legs.

>> No.3141153

If one person gets hit by a lightning, why isn't everyone hit by a lightning?

>> No.3141165

I know. It is a simple argument. what im saying is that "if we were born from apes why are there still apes?' i know why im an atheist through and through. However if there is a god why does a girl have 4 arms and 4 legs if she was designed to be perfect? why would her mum give birth to her if her mum was designed to be perfect?

>> No.3141175

Evolution doesn't have a goal where it guides a species to be perfect. It guides species in the way that they're the most capable in living and producing offspring in their enviroment.

>> No.3141180

My god... you're right.

What were we thinking?

It's so obvious now, thank you so much for steering me from such a stupid path. Your 2 sentences have completely dispelled 200 years of scientific mis-endeavour; and it's just common sense. What were we thinking?

I wasted my time, money and life for such a pathetic cause, from this day forward I will devote myself to the cause of the our Lord and Father, God in Heaven.

>> No.3141182

Your post makes no sense to me, I'm afraid.

There are no gods, I agree. So no one 'made' anything.

And we didn't evolve 'from' apes; humans and apes have a common genetic ancestor, which has long since died off.

>> No.3141185

read first. answer will magically be less stupid

>> No.3141186

That's just one way God tests her's and her mother's faith

>> No.3141194

It's sad that you really think the only choices are Evolution or Christianity. There might be an alternate explanation in the world of science and there are thousands of alternate choices to Christianity. You live in a tiny world and have a tiny mind.

>> No.3141198

Because a girl who is yet to be born needs her faith tested?

>> No.3141205

If you are descended from your parents, why do you still have parents?

>> No.3141206

apes didnt turn into humans, they share a common heritage

humans evolved from a more primitive primate that no longer exists

>> No.3141209

>still believing in evolution

>> No.3141210

One can never be too young for some faith testing

>> No.3141211

That is not even logically equivalent to the argument of OP's post. You might as well have said something as dumb as "If a man exhales CO2, why does CO2 exists" or some other rudimentary comment.

>> No.3141216

But that's not true - at least for science.

Science is always open to new explanations; that's what science is. If a better explanation comes along, then science is free to adopt it - indeed, it *must* adopt it.

Religion is, by definition, dogmatic. So it cannot keep revising itself. Constant revisions will lead to mockery, which is why religion is dying in the educated West (excepting America).

>> No.3141218

>We all evolved from a creature that is now extinct!

Okay. Just point to that exact creature in history and give scientific proof that it is the correct creature we evolved from and prove why this one is correct over any other. Evolution is so "simple" so someone on /sci/ should be able to help me out with this basic fundamental of their belief system. I want to believe in it too...but I need proof! Who would believe in something without proof, like God?

>> No.3141237

I don't understand science therefore science is stupid


>> No.3141243

>he thinks religious people are dogmatic but people of the scientific community aren't


>> No.3141247

The principle of evolution is not something that people 'believe in'. It is concrete science.

There is more evidence pointing to a common ancestor than not. Fossils and bones of Homo Neanderthalensis, Homo Erectus, Homo Australopithicus, etc have been found many, many times.

Our knowledge of our own fossil record and genetic heritage is sketchy (for now), but evolution as a whole is undoubtedly the best explanation we currently have.

I'm open to new evidence, like any good scientist, but I also accept what we have now.

>> No.3141252

It's naive to think scientist use the scientific method we were taught in elementary school for the science fair. DNA and evidence based off fossils is enough. Though now that we have this theory perhaps over the course of some hundred years we will be able to compare an animal from now with a future animal and have a more definite proof.

>> No.3141253
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Now you are arrogant atheists.
But after you died, God is gonna punish you in hell.

>> No.3141255

> has no idea how science works

>> No.3141257

>DNA evidence
>fossil rocks

You can only get DNA from bodily tissue. DNA from a rock, the fuck?

>> No.3141259

It most definitely is dying off in America, however, because of older views on Atheism people are afraid to "come out". For example I'm an atheist, but if i told that to my grandmother, it would break her heart. It is not sociably acceptable to be atheist YET, but that does not mean atheism isn't on the rise. There is this TED talk on militant atheism by Richard Dawkins. look it up

>> No.3141268 [DELETED] 

Op's pick is confusing anagenesis for cladogenesis


>> No.3141266

It works by 90% of the scientific community believing that something is true (i.e. The Earth Is the Center of the Universe!!!!) and then they insult everyone who says otherwise, until the minor 10% proves otherwise (i.e. The Sun Is The Center of Our Galaxy)

And then the 90% acts like they were never wrong. Because scientists are never, ever wrong....

People like Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Shrodinger, all challenged the 90% that dogmatically believed in certain scientific principles.

>> No.3141273

Don't be stupid, DNA from living things, DNA that shows that traits are passed down, DNA that can be different and account for small differences between the same species. DNA that can become very different from things like mutations,

>> No.3141276

OP's pick is confusing Cladogenesis for anagenesis


>> No.3141278

At first this troll thread was cute and funny now the post quality has degraded to the point I think that it is well past the bedtime of everyone feeding the trolls, lest they get the shit flogged out of them.

>> No.3141284

>I completely understand the argument for evolution
>asks question which shows he understands nothing about evolution.

I loled

>> No.3141285

So how come mutated people don't create mutant children? Midgets give birth to normal sized people.

>> No.3141287

The sun is the center of our galaxy?

>> No.3141289
File: 116 KB, 1000x749, Feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not sociably acceptable to be atheist YET
>mfw when most people in my country are not religious and nobody gives a fuck

>> No.3141290

>says "I loled" instead of actually trying to answer his question, proving that he knows absolutely nothing

>> No.3141293

Don't even go there. Einstein, Bohr, Schrodinger, etc. provided SCIENTIFIC theories that better explained available data than the old theories.

>> No.3141295

If evolution is real, why are boys born with a foreskin?

>> No.3141298

Scientists are wrong all the time - it's their job to eliminate possibilities and find the truth.

> people believed the Earth was the centre of the Universe
No, the Church did, and they burnt anyone who disagreed.

If someone appears tomorrow with *compelling evidence* that evolution is all rubbish, then science will thoroughly review that evidence and change. It must. It's science.

No evidence, no change. It's that simple.

>> No.3141307

How come you don't check your facts before coming here.
Achondroplasia is hereditary

>> No.3141308

That's the point. I do know "everything" about evolution, and I know that nobody has seen evolution occur in a scientific environment.

I like how when I point out flaws in the religion of the atheist, they ignore them, just like Christians ignore the flaws of the Bible. You aren't even scientists, you are atheists. You care less about the true nature of reality and more about disproving God out of an extended phase of teenage angst which human beings are supposed to mature out of, but you didn't.

Einstein was agnostic. You shouldn't be furiously trying to disprove a god or prove one if it doesn't make sense to.

>> No.3141311
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>> No.3141312

Genetics. How does it work?

Did you go to high school?

>> No.3141315


Shrodinger was very devout, and in creating the Schrodinger equation he basically the father of quantum physics.

"In the presentation of a scientific problem, the other player is the good Lord. He has not only set the problem but also has devised the rules of the game--but they are not completely known, half of them are left for you to discover or deduce.

I am very astonished that the scientific picture of the real world around me is very deficient. It gives a lot of factual information, puts all our experience in a magnificently consistent order, but is ghastly silent about all that is really near to our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us a word about red and blue, bitter and sweet, physical pain and physical delight; it knows nothing of beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these domains, but the answers are very often so silly that we are not inclined to take them seriously.

I shall quite briefly mention here the notorious atheism of science. The theists reproach it for this again and again. Unjustly. A personal God cannot be encountered in a world picture that becomes accessible only at the price that everything personal is excluded from it. We know that whenever God is experienced, it is an experience exactly as real as a direct sense impression, as real as one's own personality. As such He must be missing from the space-time picture. "I do not meet with God in space and time", so says the honest scientific thinker, and for that reason he is reproached by those in whose catechism it is nevertheless stated: "God is a Spirit."

Whence came I and whither go I? That is the great unfathomable question, the same for every one of us. Science has no answer for it." -Erwin Shrodinger

>> No.3141320

No shit son. Evolution-tards RIGHT IN THIS THREAD have been claiming that these "mutations" cause evolution, and yet even midgets cannot pass on their midget traits.

>> No.3141325

Evolution is real, dumbass. I know it because scientists say so. Creationists are retard and should be killed.

>> No.3141326

Instead of defending your belief system of evolution with logic and answering the attackers in this thread, you just call them "trolls". What a scientist you are! You can't even defend your own belief system.

>> No.3141332

> evolution
> 'belief system'

Fuck this thread.

>> No.3141339

Another religious fellow who cannot defend his religion.

>> No.3141341

>Studying the science of rhetoric, semantics and verbal diarrhea for 2000 years.

>> No.3141344

common ancestor
\ apes

>> No.3141345
File: 45 KB, 500x375, hurrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>belief system
Pic related.

>> No.3141346

>Realized that this thread is just a piss contest to see who can say the most retarded things
Fucking atheists thinking that the girl in OPs video needs to be wrong. Like it's something to be attacked

>> No.3141348

"if two people with achondroplasia have a child, there is a 25% chance of the child dying shortly after birth, a 50% chance the child will have achondroplasia, and a 25% chance the child will have an average phenotype"

>> No.3141352

Again. All you are doing is saying "this guy is wrong" and you honestly believe you are being TRICKED by rhetoric! I am using no rhetoric, all I ask is proof of evolution! Scientific proof! Your entire existence is hypocrisy if you cannot provide the basic column of support for your belief system.

>> No.3141355

It is dependent upon the form of dwarfism and some forms do have a ~50% chance of passing on the gene for dwarfism. Whether or not it is expressed is something different and I don't know the probabilities of that.

Now, a really good example of evolution is the development of the enzyme nylonase.

>> No.3141357

I have no time and patience for people who can't educate themselves in rudimentary biology. Your nescience is not of my concern, nor should it be of others, in fact I'd go so far and say that your views are the result of poor education and a community that values intellectual sloppiness.

I call you a troll because you have evoked butthurt responses from the scientifically knowledgeable here. Rather than debate points of scientific merit, you are attacking the results of science itself by asking questions which the theory in question already answers. So the point presents itself again: you lack education, and it is not our responsibility.

>> No.3141362

>define:belief system
>The basis on which beliefs are based. For example a religious belief system is based on faith and dogma whereas a scientific belief system is based on observation and reason

>1. The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods (or in Naturalism, the idea that the earth is one grand biological entity...or a god)
>2. Details of belief as taught or discussed.

>> No.3141365

Nice job using the word rudimentary after just learning it when >>3141211 posted it.

>> No.3141368
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>believing in evolution and atheism
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3141371

Note that all the evolution-fags lack proof of observation and lack reason. They are not proper scientists, but instead anti-theists set out of disproving god and nothing else (instead of understanding reality, the point of science)

>> No.3141373

god damn it! when are you people gonna realize that religious people are to dumb to use the internets! much less capable of finding 4chan and figuring out how to post on one of its boards!
all who claim to be religifags on 4chan are just fucking atheist trolls!!!!

>> No.3141376
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>> No.3141378

Wow. That's the longest ad hominem fallacy I've ever seen someone post.

>> No.3141383

>people calling me a troll: 10000000
>people actually defending evolution with evidence that it exists: 0

>> No.3141385

>A mental disorder characterized by insane beliefs incompatible with reality.

>> No.3141391

observed speciation events

>> No.3141394
File: 224 KB, 240x160, Evolution.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, evidence for evolution. It's even animooted.

>> No.3141398

>define:close-minded: not ready to receive to new ideas (such there being alternatives to Evolution and Creationism, both in science and religion)

>> No.3141401

Making fun of those who have no faith and feeling superior because of this is a sin.
I'll see you in hell good sir

>> No.3141403

>1. Not ready to receive to new ideas.
>2. (On the Internet) Not agreeing with me.

>> No.3141406


I was not arguing for anything (if I was, then it would be an ad hominem), merely stating why his efforts are futile, and troll-like.

>> No.3141432

>Formation of five new species of cichlid fishes which formed since they were isolated less than 4000 years ago from the parent stock, Lake Nagubago.

Typical 4000 year old piece of evidence used to defend evolution. There is practically no extensive biographical information about human beings 4000 years ago, so evolutionists trust that a certain fish was introduced 4000 years ago?

>> No.3141434


>> No.3141435

Have fun trying to prove the existence of your god, atheists. I'm going to eat some food now.

>> No.3141447

>One particularly striking adaption was the evolution of a strain of E. coli that was able to grow on citric acid in the growth media.

Wow, the experiment must have been so stagnant and lacking results that a scientist accidentally spilled orange juice on one of the specimens.

>> No.3141462
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>> No.3141471
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>> No.3141480

Fucking scientists, right?

>> No.3141485

Over 9000 trollohms? Seems plausible.

>> No.3141489

I once debated a guy like this; I told him we didn't evolve from apes but we shared a common ancestor and he refused to acknowledge it, he continued to ask me for proof that we evolved from apes.


>> No.3141495

How does that convert to butthertz?

>> No.3141498


>> No.3141523

OKAY ASH KETCHUM, THIS ISN'T POKEMON. we're not raichu and apes aren't pikachus.

>> No.3141627

But "scientists" actually believe people are like Pokémon.

>> No.3141643
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the guys on facebook .. someone give me theyr names and location i personally stone them to death...

>> No.3141671
File: 36 KB, 308x400, gwb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we evolved from apes, why is there still George Bush?

>> No.3141713

So this is how atheists convert people to their religion?

>> No.3141724
File: 26 KB, 370x278, obama-brain-leak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean obongo?

>> No.3141735

>>3141713 convert
They're born that way, you ignorant fuckwit.

>> No.3141744

Nope, we're born with Jesus' love, and Satan deceives atheists.

>> No.3141745


>implying Irreligious = Religious

>> No.3141748

if we CHOOSE to become atheists, then when did you CHOOSE to become religious??

>> No.3141761
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>> No.3141763

What is the default setting when it comes to religion? I think we would develop our own god, because face it, religion is in our DNA. Every civilization on Earth had a god or gods.

>> No.3141765


>every civilization had gods.


>> No.3141770


What civilization didn't?

>> No.3141772


If every civilization slaughtered 3 little girls every Thursday, does that mean its ok for every civilization henceforth to do it too?

>> No.3141776

Who is going to say otherwise?

>> No.3141777

To stop aging is the one thing that is going to almost totally kill religion.

The only religious people who will be left, are people who choosed to not participate in progress, like modern day amish people.

>> No.3141778


what the fuck are you talking about? You're taking it way out of context.

>> No.3141781


Umm Anasazi for one... But there are several of them. If youre too fucking ignorant to find them thats your problem. Stop bundling everything together because you cant figure out youre not special and no one fucking made you. hahahah

>> No.3141784


>Implying religions havent sacrificed multiple people.

>> No.3141787


Try people who actually understand how shit works and not people with pseudo answers for their problems. IE- Lets kill these virgins so the gods dont send more storms at us! ahhhhhh!

>> No.3141790

Ancestor worship is still religion.

>> No.3141796


The Kachina Religion, which incorporated some forms of sun worship.

Try again.

>> No.3141799

It's really late but...
Water bears are pretty much perfect organisms they're extremely successful as it is, besides they have like no alleles and float through existence as a genetic bottle neck

>> No.3141808


Did they admire the sun as a creator of the universe?

Also, religion has psychological reasons. As we proceed with science, the needs which used to be fulfilled by religion can be fulfilled differently, therefore religion is dying.

>> No.3141806 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 1378x681, 1277407144932-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the theory of evolution b/c after all it is you know.....right

>> No.3141825

>religion has psychological reasons

Derp, as well as psychological benefits, but hey if science eradicated modern day religion, whose to say that some new religion would pop up and encourage the development of new technology and science? Kind of like a religion based on science. In MY opinion, religion is going to die over night, it's going to be around for a pretty long time.

>> No.3141827


LOL - They worship the sun because that fucking thing ACTUALLY gives us life. Not some imaginary wizard. Big fucking difference kid. You try again.

The anasazi werent too involved with mass delusion, They knew to respect their elders and those that came before them because they actually contributed to their life. Whats the point in believing in a absentee god?

>> No.3141831


Only if they keep brainwashing people and hampering Knowledge.

>> No.3141835


It's still a religion. I never said a religion based on christianity, or the like.

>> No.3141843


Wrong, You implied every Civilization had gods. Theres a difference brosef. They dont believe in gods but they do worship those that came before them to honor them not to deify.

Split hairs all you want faggot, you know they are nowhere near the same.

>> No.3141845

If faggots can't reproduce then why do we still have faggots?

>> No.3141849


God must keep makin' em that way for shits and gigz I guess.

>> No.3141852


There is a difference between religion and spirituality, kid.

Einstein had a spiritual feeling when he regarded the harmony of the universe, caused by natural laws, especially gravity, and if you listen to the things Hawkings is saying, he probably has a spirtual feeling too. But both are atheists and dont believe in a creation, they just admire the world and the universe the way it is.

>> No.3141860


Women rape them

>> No.3141861


The earth, rain, were still gods to them so...Did they have religion? yes. Did they have gods? yes. Just because it's not a "wizard in the sky" doesn't it doesn't count as a god.

>> No.3141866

Froh, froh wie seine sonnen seine sonnen fliegen froh wie seine Sonnen fliegen durch des Himmels prächt'gen Plan!!!

>> No.3141875

Priests of the Mechanicum/mars

>> No.3141886



>> No.3141893

practical plan? Das is doch ein naturlich plan.
I don't even see how evolution is opposed to religion.
Christianity is not the only religion.

>> No.3141900


>> No.3141923


I found shit on the Adeptus Mechanus
Is this it?
>Mars is the planetary realm of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Home and Domain of the Tech priests of the cult mechanicus. The red planet is acclaomed as one of the wonders of the Galacy, the Workshop of the imperium, the forge world, the maker of ships, and the guardian of secrets. It is the Adeptus Mechanicus who furnish the tecnical knowledge of the Imperium, preserve the scientific secrets of former times, and who explore the new sciences of the 41st millenium.

the fuck is this shit

>> No.3141924

Older, basic species of apes evolved to different branches; one causing current apes, another causing current humans.

>> No.3141933

Its from a game called Dark Heresy, it is a religion based exaclty on what the person I first linked too talks about.

>> No.3141942

>Its from a game


>> No.3141955


Human's didn't evolve from apes as we know them. We evolved from primates who in turn, based on location and needs, evolved into ape and human respectively.

We needed intelligence, they needed strength and dexterity to stay alive and fuck.

>> No.3141956

You thought that article was actually fucking serious?

>> No.3141972

Humans are pretty fucking dextrous.We can run faster than apes, we can run for a longer time than apes, we are more fucking dextrous than apes and more durable.Some tribes in africa still use the exhaustion hunting technique.

>> No.3141974


No, honestly I thought it was some cult stuff. I only read that one paragraph.

>> No.3141995

3 people did like his status. that means it's fact

>> No.3141997

>41st millenium
but yeah you could get that impression

>> No.3142009


>> No.3142021

I'ma mess wit ur sage

>> No.3142084

i know, we have a common ancestor. but tell me - why should the species we evolved from, necessarily die out? not trolling, i'm just curious

>> No.3142103


>> No.3142104

it's possible that our ancestor took over the common ancestor's niche or something. also i think our ancestor basically killed all of its competing species

but this is speculation, i don't actually know

>> No.3142115

in english pls

>> No.3142118

If Americans came from Europe, then why are there still Europeans?

>> No.3142122

only reason is if we are in competition and superior one wins.

but mutation doesn't always result in a offspring that can compete with parent species. it may result in offspring that are fitter in ways that don't affect parent.

>> No.3142173

not died out, they evolved to... us and other primates