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3140084 No.3140084 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have that college degree ranking chart?

>> No.3140088

contains nothing meaningful. Do what makes you happy, even if that isn't college.

>> No.3140096


Just wanted to know how respected a history degree is in the eyes of the science and math community

>> No.3140103
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not this again


>> No.3140105

high respect, maybe not god tier, but at least high tier

>> No.3140108
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There are many charts like it, but this one is.... The one I'm posting arbitrarily.

>> No.3140117

>all degrees having to do with dinosaurs, volcanoes and SCIENCE in god tier
>anything having to do with people in shit tier!
>engineering in faggot tier

Sounds like some nerd rage, lol

lol, u mad that nobody loves u?

>> No.3140121


>Mathematics will never leave me. ;_;

>> No.3140131

The "Engineers are gay" thing is a really popular meme here.
Otherwise yes, that's about right.

>> No.3140136
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>law top tier
>history shit tier

Don't those go hand in hand? makes no sense...

>> No.3140138


Are nerds just jelly that they don't know how to build anything with their own two hands?

>> No.3140139


All ranking charts are made by faggots who think their interests are godly while all others are shit.

If you actually give a shit about what people think of your degree and not how much you enjoy what you're learning, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.3140143
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>> No.3140145

I wish there was a more thorough list with actual reasons why. Tier lists by themselves are just opinions.

>> No.3140146

FYI, no college degree is shit tier, everything is at least mid tier for the time and effort involved

>> No.3140150

This tier doesn't make any sense. Each field of science is important. What amazes me most is economics in Low Tier.

>> No.3140153

do people seriously get a degree in statistics

lol really

>> No.3140156

the funniest thing is that mathematics + physics = enigneering

>> No.3140158
File: 507 KB, 900x4138, american-college[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because college is so important

>> No.3140159

Yeah, why study useful, practical mathematics when you can be a socially inept mathematical genius?

>> No.3140160

GOD TIER: Apprenticeships in a trade; electrician, plumber, carpentry, locksmithing, builder

GAY TIER: Everything else.

Enjoy not knowing how to do be productive in any way, shape or form unless you're doing mental masturbation (which nobody gives a fuck about anyway). Oh also, enjoy that huge student debt LOL

>> No.3140175


Hey, do you have any tips for an 18 year old wanting to get into an Apprenticeship?

4chan is probably the worst place to ask, but nobody else has a clue what that is except you guys.

>> No.3140197

Was practically forced to start an electrician apprenticeship at 16 by my scout master who was a Master electrician. The guy was kindhearted, but really wasn't that intelligent. I appreciate the practical knowledge from the experience, but everything I learned was covered in the first year of EE. Other than being steady work its kind of a dead end if you want to challenge yourself, produce something innovative or really make a difference.

>> No.3140221

>Other than being steady work its kind of a dead end if you want to challenge yourself, produce something innovative or really make a difference.

Would you recommend a trade as a primary profession, then doing your passion/making a difference as a separate hobby?

>> No.3140224
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Electricians are dumb as shit. They can't even do simple algebra so they have carry this chart around.

>> No.3140237

Electrical Engineer: Average salary $60,125/year
Electrician: Average wage $23.29/hour

You be the judge.

>> No.3140238

i need that chart that tells you how many working hours there are in a year

>> No.3140241

Apply for the ones you want. It's not rocket science.

>> No.3140243

Even 40 hours per week for every week in the year will only add up to $48,443 per year for the electrician

>> No.3140245

Shit, I fucked that up. That's the STARTING salary for electrical engineers. The real figures are this:

Electrical Engineer: Average salary $82,160/year
Electrician: Average wage $23.29/hour

>> No.3140246

Self-employed sparkie = 2500+
Employed [38hrs/week]~= 1900 + benefits

>> No.3140252

Man, I do not envy that guy. That's six full work days a week.

>> No.3140260


>science and math community

This is the problem with charts like this. It simply shows how /sci/ perceives degrees, and if you really care about that you're pretty stupid.

>> No.3140279

Sure if your profession and your hobby/way you make a difference don't align. If you can enter a career where you get paid to make a real difference then all the better. I'll never drastically improve the quality of life for people or save lives by being an electrician, but as an engineer it's possible to design new and better medical devices that will actually solve peoples problems.

Before you go chasing your dreams remember having a practical, marketable skill never hurt anyone.

Not any idiot can be one, but it doesn't exactly require you to be innovative or exceptionally intelligent. Only master electricians are licensed to design anything and even that's limited.

Keep in mind that that's only the average salary and there is lots of room to advance and be make six figures relatively quick. The advancement options and salary cap for electricians aren't nearly as flexible.

Lots of hour, but you'll always have as much work as you want, anywhere you want, and your job can't be outsource.

Captcha: Watson currents

>> No.3140283

The tier is instantly invalidated until economics is raised to AT LEAST top tier.

>> No.3140290

To make six figures as an electrician you would have to be in the top 10% AND work more than 2600 hours per year. Reference:

To make six figures as an electrical engineer you just have to be in the top 50% and working on computers.

>> No.3140295
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Pic related.

>> No.3140314
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>Computer Science in the highest tier
I approve.

>> No.3140319

>Theology not in shit tier

what the fuck?

>> No.3140331
File: 64 KB, 443x334, 1192054234529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Music and archeology not low tier

>> No.3140333

Computer science = x2?

>> No.3140336


Theology isn't as bad as plenty of people make it out to be. If history isn't in shit tier, I don't think theology should be either. It's more or less all the same shit.

That being said, I think they should both go in shit tier and maybe linguistics could be bumped up to low tier. And coming from a music major who transferred into EE, music should definitely be lower. It's no better than any other fine arts degree.

>> No.3140346

Swap Computer Science and Astronomy, drop Theology.

>> No.3140349

>Implying anybody gets a job with a pure science major.

lol'd hard

>> No.3140353

CS here, I agree with this list.

>> No.3140359

Computer Science = !(Computer + Science)

>> No.3140361

Computer Science needs to drop down *at least* one.

>> No.3140367

Fuck you, man! If anything needs to drop, it's chemistry and medicine.

>> No.3140375

How is Medicine anything but Top to God Tier?

>> No.3140385

It pays well but it's a pretty shitty career nonetheless. Way too much stress and bullshit to put up with.

>> No.3140386

You probably would have died from the common cold at age seven without chemistry.

Nor would you have virtually any of the materials in your room right now, which are mostly synthetic polymers; or electricity in your home. While we're at it - the population of Earth would be at most a third of what it is currently without the Haber Process having been invented. So you might well have not even been born at all.

But go on thinking your not-quite-smart-enough-for-real-science degree makes you a God. We know who really have the biggest impacts on the world.

>> No.3140388

Yeah, and we wouldn't be where we are without Education and Life Sciences either, would we? But those are in shit tier, after all. So that doesn't really matter, does it?

>> No.3140391

"It is estimated that half of the protein within human beings globally is made of nitrogen that was originally fixed by this process..."

One of a billion examples why there is no doubt that Chemistry = God-tier.

>> No.3140393


Yeah, and you would probably not have a chemistry degree if you never got an education, huh? That doesn't make it a great thing to major in.

This is honestly the most buttfrustrated I have ever seen someone on /sci/, holy shit

>> No.3140397


Worst. Fucking. Logic. Ever.

brb, gonna go work on some assembly line since without them we wouldn't have shit

>> No.3140401

>You would not have a degree if you didn't have an education.

Well, obviously, genius.

I don't need people to study Education at University for Universities to exist. It's also possible to be self-taught, as some of the greatest Chemists were.

>> No.3140402

how do you people still try to downplay CompSci?

It's probably one of the most influential fields in the whole existence of mankind.

>> No.3140407

Mathermatical Physics

>> No.3140409

A discipline would attain "Godly" status by having a very powerful (i.e. Godly........ you fucking moron) influence on the world, I would think. Not sure what fucking criteria you're using.

>> No.3140411


This thread is about ranking topics to major in. If you honestly rank every subject the same if it has contributed significant things to society, you're going to have a pretty fucking boring list where everything is in God tier.

>> No.3140413

Almost as intellectual as pure mathematics, a little more intellectual than rocket science.

>> No.3140418

*Mathematics + high school physics = engineering

>> No.3140421

Computer Science qualifies under that definition. But then again, so do most educational fields.

>> No.3140423

Production line using machines designed by physicists to make things designed by chemists (now millionaires).


>> No.3140427


Your polymers wouldn't be worth shit if you didn't have people to make things with them. Your electricity wouldn't be worth shit if you weren't able to distribute it and nothing was built to run on it.

Get over it. Chemistry is in no way more "godly" than any other degree.

>> No.3140431


Do chemists or physicists operate the machines? You can invent all the shit you want, but it's not worth much if it only exists on paper.

If you're honestly trying to base the weight of a degree on whether or not society needs it, holy shit.

>> No.3140439

Not really. Who designed your computers? Physicists and Materials Chemists.

>> No.3140446

Who designed the distribution systems? Who designed the things that use electricity?


>> No.3140449


So the physicists and chemists are operating these machines I assume? You can invent all the shit you want, but it's just going to stay on paper unless you have a labor force to put it together.

>> No.3140451


that's a dumb way to put it... I guess the laborers collecting the materials trump the physicists and chemists then.

>> No.3140454


Oh, did your browser auto-correct engineers into scientists? I don't think you understand how things are actually designed.

>> No.3140455

Any moron can operate the machines once they're designed and invented. Conceivably, it won't be long before jobs like this are replaced entirely by machines designed by physicists.

>> No.3140456

Oh, are we playing six degrees of separation? I wanna try! They are: Production lines using machines designed by physicists who were working on computers designed by computer scientists (now billionaires)!

>> No.3140458

*Computers designed by Physicists/Materials Scientists, actually.

Try again.

>> No.3140462

"Computer Science" would not exist without the single physicist who designed the transistor.

>> No.3140467

Nope. Those people certainly don't design computers. If you had said electrical engineers or something I might've believed you were serious but clearly you're just saying random shit.

>> No.3140470


>Any moron can operate the machines once they're designed and invented

No doubt. You still need those morons though, and there's no escaping that fact. You might not in the future, but I would honestly love for you to explain how humanity would have developed if everyone was a chemist/physicist and no one did menial labor.

I'm not arguing in any way that science is less important than labor. On a per capita basis, physicists are much more important than laborers in my opinion. Much more important. Your job is probably more valuable, but saying "stuff wouldn't happen without my field" isn't a good argument. Almost anyone can say that.

>> No.3140471

ITT we brag about things other people did.

>> No.3140478

Nor would most electronics, actually. Or the means of getting power to them, either.

>> No.3140486

Feel free to explain how a single inductor or capacitor, or fuck, even a resistor works without the Theory of Electromagnetism (that would be Physics for those following).

The inventor of the transistor (and your CPU is made of millions of these) was a twice Nobel Prize-winning physicist. Awkward.

>> No.3140492


>> No.3140493

Inventing a transistor != inventing a computer

And neither is the same thing as designing, you tard.

>> No.3140502

Regardless, you only need to glance at your motherboard, or the powerline leading to your house, to realise that there'd be no such thing as "Computer Science" without Physicists. That's Godly.

There would certainly exist Physics if there were no Computer Science.

Computer Science is less godly, therefore, than physics.

Not difficult.

>> No.3140513


People were building electrical devices before any physicist had any idea how the fuck they worked. Physicists didn't invent electricity. You generalized our understanding of it and let other fields take that information and work with it.

>> No.3140520

I have quite a different view of godliness. The primitive is not godly. Godhood represents the height of evolution, the most sophisticated and elaborate system in existence. Computer Science is beautiful in that it enables us to create and control chaotic systems which divine solutions to our problems from emergent phenomena. Computation is truly man's greatest and most godly achievement.

>> No.3140526

chemistry and medicine lower? what the shit? chemical industry is literally everywhere, and should I really explain how fucking godly you are with a medicine degree?

>> No.3140555

Fucking physicsfags

Do you know why all other fields rely on physics? You study the most fundamental parts of nature. Everything that exists is made of the fundamental things you study. Does that make your profession godlike? Not even close. Even with complete understanding (and to some degree, control) of the most fundamental forces in nature, what good does it do you? You can explain how magnetic fields influence electrons all you want, but it's not worth anything until someone makes a motor and actually accomplishes a task with that knowledge.

You're right, physics is really fundamental. Without virtually every other subject imaginable, physics could still exist. But alas, if you get rid of all those subjects, your work becomes trivial and meaningless.

I'm not trying to be religious here, but since some of you chose to treat "godlike" literally, here we go. The last time I checked, people believe that God is a being with unmatched power. He took nothing and created the universe out of it. God could create electrons and understand everything about them, as could a physicist. God could also take those electrons and find a way to make incredible machines that rely on them, just like an engineer could. If God can literally do anything, how can you actually argue that your subject is objectively closer to God than any other?

>> No.3140575

By that reasoning, computer science is also primitive. People who make GUIs are more godlike.

>> No.3140582


Tell that to the cunty brits who have the worse fucking set of university courses. Farming Studies :) :) :)

>> No.3140586

Computer Science includes GUIs, ya dope. How is Computer Science primitive? It's certainly not as primitive as physics or chemistry.

>> No.3140595

They had computers before they had transistors (microchip)

In fact, they had algorithms and discrete mathematics before they had computers. Computer Science is basically a type of math, but with an engineering aspect to it.

>> No.3140604

Before the transistor, a "computer" was a room full of women with pencils and paper.

>> No.3140608

By all you fucktards logic, the most "Godly" discipline would be philosophy.

We would not have any science or any other field of study if it weren't for the ancient philosophers recording their thoughts and promoting critical thinking...but we all know philosophy is not even close to god-tier

>> No.3140611

There were a number of vacuum tube decades in between. Some mechanical computers, and relay logic too.

>> No.3142438

Good thing Business majors control the planet.

>> No.3142463

Everything in the humanities except Philosophy, Linguistics, Music, and Art is Garbage tier. Engineering is anal tier and Mathematics, Hard sciences, and Computer science is universal tier.

>> No.3142495

Chemical Engineer= Glorified Pipefitter
Electrical Engineer= Glorified Electrician
Mechanical Engineer= Glorified Mechanic
Civil Engineer= Glorified Contruction Foreman

you know this is true /sci/

>> No.3142508
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>physicists trying to take credit for computers

>> No.3142514

What about aerospace and nuclear engineering.

>> No.3142519

Glorified Homer Simpson

>> No.3142629

Computer Engineering/Science = glorified Verizon man

>> No.3142670

>music and art
>not garbage

They're two of the most important things in the world, but as a degree subject? lol

>> No.3142675

>ranking undergrad degrees

Oh, look, highschool kids..

>> No.3142708
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>mfw I majored in Engineering Physics

>> No.3142726

Engineering Physics is bullshit. Physics Engineering is where it's at.

>> No.3142756

Chemical engineering student here... This is sure true for a part of us, but not everyone studies to be a plant/factory engineer

>> No.3144044

Somebody post a variant I really like; It goes something like "God Tier: What you love", Then "what you're good at,", "what makes you money", "what's easiest", "Shit Tier: What your parents want you to do"