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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3138231 No.3138231 [Reply] [Original]


I can't believe no one is outraged by this bullshit
econ threads that are shitting up this board. This shit is worse than religion/homework threads combined. I'm done with this board

>> No.3138496

>board is science and math
cool story bro

>> No.3138533

what science discipline do you study OP that makes you superior to everyone else?

>> No.3138542


> claims to support science
> argues for emotional economic ideologies like socialism

You can't not be a troll.

>> No.3138544

He's an engineer, I can tell because OP is a faggot

>> No.3138554

>implying that every western nation does not employ elements socialism for reasons that have nothing to do with altrusim or ideology at all

So you dont understand how anything works then?

Well at least your tripped, so thanks for that.

>> No.3138563

Here's another tripfag you might want to block.

>> No.3138662


> implying using parts of an ideology makes you the whole ideology


Hello, socialist.

>> No.3138691

>using socialist as a slander
>full retard

Why are you even still here? You do know that absolutely everyone on this board hates you right?

>> No.3138754


> thinking socialist is something to be strived for

Absolute retard engaged.

Tell me more about the emotions of this "science" board.

>> No.3138786


I can't believe no one is outraged by this bullshit
Threads complaining about other threads are shitting up this board. This shit is worse than religion/homework threads combined.
Go back to /b/ faggots.

>> No.3138804

Hello, tripfag. Used any circular logic today?

>> No.3138816


Not ever.

>> No.3138884
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>people need to work
>because people need money
>because the things they need cost money
>because we decided it was a good idea ages ago
>because people need to work

>> No.3138890

ever since /new/ was killed /sci/ has been becoming more like /new/.

more economics threads
more racism threads
more politics threads

the homework threads were to be expected just like tech support threads are to be expected on /g/ and the religion threads were just trolls which was also to be expected.

all the trash from /new/ came over to /sci/

>> No.3138891

>be applied math student
>borrow econometrics and microecon grad books
>holy hell

>> No.3138892




Double nigger detected.

>> No.3138901

except the econfags in those threads don't talk math. They spend their time flaming each others political belief bumps their shitty thread and clogs up our board.

>> No.3140718


People do not need money. You seem to have messed up.

>> No.3140726

you should be happy that nazis went to /int/ instead, at least.

>> No.3140728


You mean the national socialist german worker's party? I though this board was filled with socialists?

>> No.3140741

nope. just trolls. like you.

>> No.3140750


I am a troll because I do not support the national socialist german worker's party?

>> No.3140767

you are troll because you pretend NSDAP was socialist. It was not. The word was just there to fool the voters. Much like some companies try to put word 'butter' on the packaging to disguise a margarine.

Or maybe you're not troll, just a retard, in which case you deserve pity and some welfare from the state.

>> No.3140774
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>> No.3140803

McCarthy im pretty sure you died in the 50's so could you please return to your grave and not bug the citizens of /sci/ with your unholy undeadness.

>> No.3140805


I could see one word being possible to be misused. But they doubled up on socialism by using socialist and worker's party. In reality, what you call yourself its irrelevant, right?

Let us take a look at the national socialist german worker's party policies.

1) destruction of the currency used in the country to control companies
a) print shitload of money with no backing for years
b) after currency is worthless outside germany (making it impossible to leave) regulate the prices of all goods and services

2) government ownership of the means of production
a) government tells companies what to produce
b) government tells companies how much to produce
c) government tells companies who to sell to
d) government tells companies when to sell
e) government tells companies how much to pay the government union workers
f) government tells companies how much to pay for resources

3) huge black market police force
a) have a force specifically designated to stop black market transactions
b) have very heavy punishment for selling anything at prices not decided by the government
c) do not allow trading or selling of rations tickets

>> No.3140850


hello, I am borat and I believe in everything political parties put into their programme.

>> No.3140876


That is the responsibility of voting.

>> No.3140932


part of that responsibility is to not vote for autocratic, war mongering lunatics bent on genocide even if they promise a pink unicorn to every household.

>> No.3140957


So you do not support socialism/communism? Good form.

>> No.3140967


I support social democracy. Fuck your naive idealistic philosophies.

>> No.3140974


Then you support the majority doing anything they want to the minority.

>> No.3140980
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>> No.3140981


>bitches don't know 'bout my constitution.jpg

>> No.3140987
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Better than supporting the minority doing anything to the majority

>> No.3140989

Heck, are you trying to be worst than EK? Stop deforming people's comments for heaven's sake.

>> No.3140998
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>argues with a guy named liberty
>thinks argument will go anywhere

>> No.3141046


> better

Too subjective to base any logical argument on.


Democracy is now, and always has been defined as majority force rule. Adding social ahead of it means you support a constitutional democracy. If all the people do not gather to determine the new laws and only a few elected people do, then you support a constitutional republic.


> thinks Liberty goes nowhere.


>> No.3141052
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>> No.3141055

>people discussing science other than my favorites; I'm leaving
don't let the door hit you on the ass

>> No.3141056



>> No.3141152

Money is simply a medium for trade, people own things, and sometimes they want to attain other things.Before money, to get something, you had to find someone who wanted what you have, as well as offering what you wanted.Money simple made this much simpler, as well as letting you trade labour for something your master did not offer.

>> No.3141197

Well, if you electe people, it becomes a representative type democracy, not necesseraly a republic.And I know democracy is the rule of the majority (it's almost its definition), but when you say the majority does everything it wants to the minority, its plain fallacious. There are laws, sometimes (with representatives), the majority doesn't even lead, and the constitution prevents (theorically) any group, in majority or not, to abuse its power.

>> No.3141217


That is the definition of a republic. You need to get over your emotional attachment to the word democracy. If there are a set of rules they must follow when applying their majority rule, then they have a constitution. If the people that decide new rules and laws and how to interpret them are elected and not everyone that can vote, then it is a republic.

>> No.3141321

Take Canada and the United States.

Canada is a federal state of law using parlementarism in a constitutional monarchy. There are elected people to decide the laws in the legislative.

United States is a federal state of law using a presidential form in a republic. There are elected people to vote the laws.

A republic is the opposite of a monarchy, since this latter doesn't exist for it's people because there are a king (or queen) which is not elected as the leader (only officialy sometimes, like in Canada).

Democracy englobes several form of governement, it is not a form of government per se, since there are many ways of expressing democracy.

>> No.3141448


Canada is a constitutional republic with a monarchy figure head. Actual monarchy is a dictatorship.

>> No.3141474


It's a constitutional monarchy. You are mixing constitutional monarchy with absolute monarchy of divine power (like in Yemen). A republic is the opposite of a monachy for a republic is a State that takes its legitimity from its citizen.

>> No.3141481


A monarchy was a dictatorship from day one. Putting absolute in front of monarchy is simply redundant.

>> No.3141718

"Glossary of political sciences" 2nd edition by P. Boudreau and C. Perron

Republic (sorry for the translation) :
"Ever since Antique Rome, the res publica or «public thing» designated a type of government where citizens were exercising power.
Since the French Revolution, we define a republic in opposition to monarchy: power, government and managment of the State being «a public thing» are controled by the citizens in opposition to the autorithy and the personnal possession of a single person.
Many countries call themselves republics even thought they aren't democratic (Iran, Congo, North Korea, etc.) So the terme designate the nature of a State where the regime - theorically - takes its legitimity from the people.
In a democratic republic, the chief of the State, the president of the republic, can be directly elected by the people and exercise a real power (U.S.A., France, Mexico, Haïti, etc.) or be chosen by representativew of the people and assume formal functions (Italy, Austria, Ireland, Israël, etc.)

In sum, a republic has to be a State which exists, theorically, for the people, unlike a monarchy where the State can be -theorically - a private property.

>> No.3141726


> implying private property is mutually exclusive of a republic

>> No.3141736

What does this even mean?

>> No.3141752
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>/sci/ discusses economics
>no mention of me or my book, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior at all
>mostly political bullshit

i am disappoint

>> No.3141755

THIS. /new/ has been shitting all over /sci/. It's getting kind of ridiculous. Why did moot have to kill /new/? I liked it because it quarantined the faggotry (hurr i hate niggers because of this IQ test score, durr jewish conspiracy, bawwww white minority). /sci/ is getting really disappointing.

Oh well, there are still other islands of the internet that are actually educational, where we talk about real science and math, like Physics Forums.
>and nothing of value was lost

>> No.3141771

>op hates econ threads
>first response mentions that econ is math-heavy
>thread turns into an econ thread
>nobody mentions math at all

fuck economics

>> No.3141791


for what its worth, >>3141752 did, but to the same effect as you

>> No.3141793

That's because econ has almost no math in it. Just checked it a second ago, econ majors at my uni only have to take College Algebra (oxymoron) and they have an option of taking Finite Math (baby-tier cop out math class) or Calc 1. And _that's it._

So the next time you hear that Econ has a lot of math in it, please post a degree course requirement list from a university and show us the fucking math in it. It's liberal arts/social science. Everyone knows this, fucking econ cunts.

>> No.3141807

Report and sage all econ threads.

>> No.3141810


Different colleges have different standards. At NYU, you have to take up to Calc III and Linear Algebra. A lot of people do the joint econ-math major.

But true enough, most of the time, undergrad economics is not that rigorous. Economics as a discipline itself however is heavily statistics and mathematics oriented, and that can't be denied (for better or worse)

>> No.3141819

Econ may involve math at uni but econ threads on sci don't. Therefore you should report and sage them.

>> No.3141820



Different colleges have different standards. At NYU, you have to take up to Calc III and Linear Algebra for the theory concentration. A lot of people just do the joint econ-math major.

But true enough, most of the time, undergrad economics is not that rigorous. Economics as a discipline itself however is heavily statistics and mathematics oriented, and that can't be denied (for better or worse)