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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3137388 No.3137388 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm curious about becoming a Social Engineer. I've noticed there is a lot of negativity attached to the title, and I was curious as to why? The concept of applying scientific method to social causes seems like a worthy venture.

With that said, I am also interested if anyone here can point me in the right direction of studying to become one. Are there any colleges with programs within the US that I could take? From what I've found so far I basically want to take math classes along with social sciences, but even then I'm not sure if that's what I should be doing.

>> No.3137413

Is there much difference or overlap with sociology and social engineering?

>> No.3137427

>Social Engineer
>Implying engineering of some form
>Actually just sociology
>Attempt to sound reasonable
>Pile of shit

>> No.3137436

Is there much difference or overlap with social engineering and propaganda?

>> No.3137446

nb4 hating a subject one is bad at

>> No.3137447

The reason engineering is part of the title from what I understand is the application of scientific method to social mediums. Whether this is an appropriate name for the title or not is not what I care about.

I do care about the idea of using logic and reason over personal agendas to further society. It's becoming increasingly obvious that our way of managing ourselves as a society is quickly becoming outdated, and I have great interest in pursuing alternative methods to help people.

>> No.3137449

>Useful to the human race by allowing physics and other sciences to progress

>Useful to the human race by allowing engineers to develop new technologies and methods

>Useful to the human race by designing stuff

>Supermarket bag packer
>Useful to the human race by slightly easing the lives of others.

>Social Engineer
>Useless to the human race by designing new ways to advertise at people and implant adverts into people's minds to fuck them over.

>> No.3137478

This is the negative connotation I was discovering upon researching Social Engineering. What you're talking about isn't what I want to do. If I'm aiming for something else, I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

>> No.3137483

good "social engineering" skills takes you very far in life.

>> No.3137500

describe a practical application of social engineering that you would find palatable.
give an example of a project that you would find a noble pursuit.

>> No.3137508

So disregard 'social engineer' and pursue a field within sociology? I'm glad we could have this conversation, /sci/. Civil as one would expect from 4chan.

>> No.3137510


That's just sociology. Sociology is the scientific study of human society. Don't start calling it "social engineering" just because ignorant people on /sci/ claim that social sciences aren't real science because they're sometimes difficult to quantify. There's plenty of mathematical modelling in modern sociology.

I don't know if any universities offer mathematical sociology as a separate undergraduate program, but any decent sociology program will involve statistics courses. If you want more math, ask your professors which math courses are most relevant to the field and take them as electives. You could even try doing a double major with statistics or computational mathematics.

>> No.3137534

I appreciate your response and I'm glad I was able to figure out what I was actually looking for.

>> No.3137716

>saying something not horrible about sociology

I'm proud, /sci/.