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3137384 No.3137384 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if I came inside of a female ape?

>> No.3137390


>> No.3137386


>> No.3137392
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well if your technique wasn't REALLY fantastic, you'd probably get the holy shit beaten out of you

>> No.3137400

Your would start shooting small bonsai-tree sized bananas out of your nose. After that, you would start growing a second penis on your forehead. You would transform into lettuce in a matter of years.

>> No.3137401
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This is /sci/ faggot, which means you need to experiment and come back to us with the results.

>> No.3137411
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>> No.3137435

Some Russian scientist tried a similar experiment with male apes and female negroids... Never got to find out the results though, it was shut down for not being politically correct. I'm quite curious what could have come of it though....

>> No.3137441

i need moar

>> No.3137469
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there is an old african taboo about humans having sex with apes. if any are discovered, both are immediately killed.
the traditional reason for this was that humans could produce offspring with apes... the offspring were as strong as an ape but smart as a human, and were violent towards humans, and were very difficult to kill
it is easy to dismiss out of hand now, as it cannot happen--but there is no such taboo about any other animals, only apes.
because of that fact, some people believe that this taboo dates from a time when earlier forms of humans were still roaming africa, and were capable of interbreeding with humans

>> No.3137509

Tell me more......

>> No.3137516

is that even legal?

>> No.3139871

whether modern apes and humans can interbreed, despite sharing most of their DNA, they can't. The obstacle is different numbers of pairs of chromosomes. The chromosomes don't link up, no pairing takes place.

>> No.3140193

Can ape (or other animal) sperm be used as birth control?

>> No.3140206
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>you are now aware that mathematically speaking there is probably a gorilla with an out-lier IQ of 130 given that the average gorilla has an IQ of about 80 and can learn sign language.
>you are now aware said gorilla could go to college and eventually become a professor.

>> No.3140211

80? oh u

>> No.3140213


>> No.3140223

Scores as high as 80 are scored only by outliers like Koko.

A gorilla teaching calculus would be amusing, but sadly unlikely.

>> No.3140226

OP, where do you think AIDs came from? Sometimes curiosity kills the cat, sometimes it just gives you aids

>> No.3140229

>you are now aware that IQ doesn't translate across species and doesn't determine if you can be a professor or not.

>> No.3140231

Pretty sure Koko has an average gorilla intelligence. I can't say because they haven't tested many gorilla's IQs but its safe to assume Koko is average for now.

In which case even if the IQ for average gorillas was, say 60, then 50 additional IQ points (150 is considered genius for humans, 100 being average) then we can conclude that a genius gorilla could have a human IQ of anywhere from 110 to 130~

>> No.3140235

They gave Koko a HUMAN intelligence test. And please don't start blabbing off about how IQ doesn't mean anything, its blatantly obvious when you compare an individual with 90 IQ to someone with a 130+ IQ.

>> No.3140248

Donkeys and horses share most of their DNA but have a different number of chromosomes. Mules?

>> No.3140269

She can communicate 600 words but did a normal human IQ test... yeah, sure.

>> No.3140272

IQ only measures your ability to recognise pattern. This is part of someone's intelligence, but not all.

>> No.3140275

A nigger would be conceived.

>> No.3140293


You've never actually taken an IQ test, have you?

>> No.3140301

Low IQ fucktard detected.

>> No.3140303

Although technically speaking, AIDS was transmitted to humans through the experiments done by the US army during the Vietnam war

They were experimenting with monkey plasma to try and find a long term solution to malaria (as monkeys don't suffer from malaria), one of the experiments involved directly injecting the plasma into humans, and so AIDS was transmitted to humans

>> No.3140305

This thread is stupid. I hate all of you.

>> No.3140307
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>yfw the average black person has an IQ only 10 points higher than the average gorilla

>> No.3140309

You are completely full of shit you fucking idiot. The HIV virus has been around since at least the early 20th century.

>> No.3140315



>> No.3140340

Please stop passing off anything believable sounding you hear as fact.

>> No.3140345

Actually, there is no proof of that. There's one paper in particular published in Nature that attempts to prove that, but it has several errors, rendering its argument wrong.

The likely crossover of the simian immunodeficiency virus into the human population and accompanying mutation into the human immunodeficiency virus likely occurred as the result of an oral polio vaccine given to a million people in the Belgium Congo in 1957-1959.

>> No.3140389

You clearly aren't familiar with common language. In general the population does not use more than 600 different words in normal conversation, and could not, if asked to, name out 600 different words (excluding pronouns), even if they could understand more than 600 words were they reading them from a book or were the words being recited to them.

>> No.3140399


Guess these must be wrong too eh.

Worobey, M et. al (2010, 17th September) 'Island biogeography reveals the deep history of SIV' Science New York, N.Y, 329(5998)

Wolfe, ND et al. (2004, 20th March) 'Naturally acquired simian retrovirus infections in Central African Hunters' The Lancet, 363(9413)

Blancou, P. et al. (2001, 26th April) 'Polio vaccine samples not linked to AIDS' Nature, 410

A. Rambaut, D. L Robertson, O. G. Pybus, M. Peeters, and E. C. Holmes. Phylogeny and the origin of hiv-1. Nature, 410:1047{1048, April 2001.

P. Blancou et al. '. Nature, 410:1046{1047, 2001.

Poinar H, Kuch M, and Paabo S. Molecular analysis of oral polio vaccine
samples. Science, 292:743/744, April 2001.

Berry, N. et al. (2001, 26th April) 'Vaccine safety: Analysis of oral polio vaccine CHAT stocks' Nature, 410

I'm glad we have tripfags here to school us all in how2science.

>> No.3140414

Yeah, pretty much. I'm sorry that I can't refute each paper one at a time, but the conclusions are likely wrong.

Offhand, I believe that:
>Berry, N. et al. (2001, 26th April) 'Vaccine safety: Analysis of oral polio vaccine CHAT stocks' Nature, 410
is wrong. I believe that the sample they analyzed wasn't relevant, and entirely orthogonal to the OPV theory.

>> No.3140428

Probably, yes. I'm sorry that I don't have access to the articles offhand, but there has been a rather systemic coverup by about dozen people, including several editors at Nature.


inb4 conspiracy theory. My conspiracy theory is well supported by evidence, and requires only ~10 people in on the conspiracy.

>> No.3140507


I do appreciate what Hooper is trying to say and I can certainly appreciate that he feels that he feels that he has been gagged. I don't have an honest rebuttal to that part of the equaton.

However, it is essential to note that the SIV strain endemic to chimps from the Congo is phylogenetically distinct from HIV?

Origin of AIDS: Contaminated polio vaccine theory refuted - Nature 428, 820 (22 April 2004) | doi:10.1038/428820a

I'd hate to think that the only available response is to depose this article as being "part of the conspiracy".

On-topic, the chance of human/non-human DNA recombining successfully outside of a lab is unlikely, at best, the resulting offspring would no doubt suffer from some significant degree of abnormality due to the deviation in chromosome number.

>> No.3140530

>Origin of AIDS: Contaminated polio vaccine theory refuted - Nature 428, 820 (22 April 2004) | doi:10.1038/428820a

>I'd hate to think that the only available response is to depose this article as being "part of the conspiracy".

If that's what I think it is, the answer is three-fold:

First, it's just bad science. You cannot use phylogenetic dating on RNA retroviruses. They change mostly through recombination. He addresses this with a one liner in the paper, and he cites another paper demonstrating that recombination doesn't measurably bias the calculations one way or the other. This is wrong. Also, the paper he cites was written by himself! Talk about lack of peer review.

Next, this phylogeneticly different thing. It's claimed that the local chimps didn't have the right SIV. This is correct. However, there wasn't just local chimps at the Lindy (sp) camp. We have records from the camp that show they had chimps from all across the continent at that place, and due to co-caging and such, it's easy to see that strain of SIV infecting all of the chimps.

Third, the very idea of the genetic dating assumes that there was only one point of infection. That's laughable. We're talking about exposing over a million people to this. It's quite plausible that there were several crossover incidents.

>> No.3140536


Nigs only have 10 IQ more than Koko. Fuck sakes no wonder we wanted them enslaved.

>> No.3140537

This is of course ignoring all of the circumstantial evidence in favor. Off the top of my head, the first actual confirmed case of AIDS was 1960 give or take a year or so, right in the Belgium Congo. Moreover, statistical correlations have been done between the vaccination sites and the known early cases of AIDS, and the correlation is at least 1 to 1000 unrelated.

And the systematic disinformation done by the other side is just bad.

First, they said they didn't use chimps at the lab. Well, eye witness testimony, surviving video footage, and various purchase orders proved that wrong.

Next, one of the attempted disproofs of the OPV theory is that they tested a vial of the vaccine and it was chimp-stuffs free, SIV free, and HIV free. Later, when it was investigated, what they actually tested was one of the original vials made in the US. What happened was that the vaccine was first produced in the US, then flown to the Belgium Congo to be grown on-site. That there was no chimp stuffs, SIV, nor HIV in the vial from the US is entirely immaterial to the hypothesis, and anyone genuinely interested in good science would never have claimed that it disproves the theory. It shows a heavily strong bias or gross negligence.

>> No.3140539
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>> No.3140578


Looks like the poor chap has syndromic craniosynostosis and microcephaly.

Still human though. If you want to prove otherwise, show us a copy of his karyotype.

>> No.3140874

Any study titled "[subject] refuted" is necessarily biased, as suggested by the title of the study itself.

A goal which is to set out to "refute" an idea is not a scientific endeavor, but instead a social or political one.

That said, I know very little on this subject and it's entirely possible that the polio theory is completely wrong, my point is merely that you should find a source which exerts significantly less obvious bias in its endeavor, since in this case the stated goal as suggested by the title was to "refute" another theory.

>> No.3140887
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>implying humans aren't apes

>> No.3140892


>> No.3140893