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File: 34 KB, 300x222, Earth_Exploding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3137067 No.3137067 [Reply] [Original]

I have lost all hope in mankind. Anyone else hope the earth just explode and end us? The universe would continue like normal, like nothing happend at all for it bears no meaning to anyone else when we are all dead.

>> No.3137073

OP is just a fatalist teenager.

>> No.3137075
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... what about the moon?

>> No.3137079
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ima posting in a emo's thread

>> No.3137088


I don't think you know what fatalist means.

>> No.3137094


Actually, I'd prefer if we got into a nuclear holocaust. Because then we could start over, and maybe, just maybe, learn from our mistakes and rise from the ashes an unstoppable empire of humanity.

>> No.3137103

Fuck you and your defeatist outlook. Contribute something you fuck.

>> No.3137107

>learn from our mistakes
>rise up as imperialists

So to answer OP's question, sometimes yes... some of the posts on /sci/ make me want it even more.

>> No.3137108

Guess what faggot, you can kill yourself. It will have the exact same effect for you since, obviously, you only care about yourself.
Actually, if everyone like you kills themselves, you'd be doing this planet and all the humans living on it a great service.
Maybe we will finally reach world peace and there will be flowers, rainbows and unicorns and shit everywhere.

>> No.3137112

It's ok OP, we were all thirteen once.

>> No.3137113

assholes like this ruins it for everyone else

>> No.3137126

>Implying humanities population hasn't reached the point where individuals are next to meaningless
>Implying the gene pool evolves in anyway anymore

>> No.3137128

Sounds like OP needs a theme song.

This one should do you fine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnJOH5PImrw

I personally have never wished for the end of the world. I mean, what purpose does the universe have if there was no one around to observe it?

>> No.3137143

Oh wow, isn't that deep. You can kill yourself too, faggot. I'm fed up with people whining all the fucking time saying we "are doomed", "humanity doesn't deserve to live", "I've lost hope" etc.

Some of us see bright possibilities for the future of mankind instead of losing hope and dreaming of annihilation like fucking troubled 12 year old who had been raped by his drunken step dad since 6.
And some of these people will maybe someday actually make a difference. But you will never be one of these people. You will think "it's all meaningless..." and 100 fucking years from now, when your grand grand children will be chilling on vacation on Moon or Mars or whatever they will thing what a great faggot you were.

>> No.3137157

>I have lost all hope in mankind. Anyone else hope the earth just explode and end us? The universe would continue like normal, like nothing happend at all for it bears no meaning to anyone else when we are all dead.
Kill yourself, I'm having a good time

>> No.3137164


Cool fallacious reasoning bro.

Just because factions of imperial nations were negative for other humans doesn't in anyway mean it is a flawed system for the whole of humanity.

Plus, I was being purposefully over-dramatic. I used those words specifically to conjure up imagery of the roman empire's opulence.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.3137202

Ask the Native Americans (both north and south) and Aftricas if they enjoyed imperialism.

>> No.3137227


Did you even read my post...?

>> No.3137250
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The universe is spreading and the earth will be a cold broken marble someday just like all the rest. The only thing that could save us if we find a way to create an energy source as powerful as the sun to keep us going but even then, I'm sure there are other factors.

You are just like me. I read about the atrocious things people do in the news and it makes me want to vomit.

But then...

I start to think. I'm a pretty okay person and the world has more 'me's' than vile creatures that pass off as human. How do I know this? Well, because even though there are lot of baddies out there there are always more good otherwise we would be hearing even more bad news.

Also, someone here made a good point once after a thread I started with essentially the same sentiment. And they said that no one is all good or all bad. And some very bad people have probably done some really good things too so it is all factored in and just as their bad started a ripple effect, so did their good ones.

Yeah, I know, it's a stretch but it does make sense. Personally, I think we are a bit of mistake--the human species. Our big brains are a metabolic expense like no other creature. Many of our mental health problems are not in the primal part of our brains which means that essentially these brains have been a cost to us evolutionary-wise as much as they have been a help.

Anyway, cheer up. This picture is how you feel about humans right now but you'll have a better day and you will get some perspective but for all it's worth. I feel you. <3

>> No.3137289

You mean that sacrifice a few million for the sake of a few hundred and the followers of those few hundred?

>> No.3137338


What the fuck OP, humans are awesome.
We are the best, most important and most succesful species on this planet. You know why?

Because only we, only humans, have the potential to spread beond this world. Our species is the only earht born species capable of space flight, and as our technology improves, we can spread farther and farther from our cradle, seeding life as we claim the countles worlds of this universe.

We are unlike any other creature this planet has ever harbored. Our technology, wich is integral part of our very being, has allowed us to utterly dominate the biosphere of this planet. And we keep constantly improving our ability to shape the world to our will. The humanity you so despise, has the potential to become gods!

Our ancestors crawled out of the muck that has spawned all of life, but unlike the other organic beings that live on this rock, we are more than the flow of our genes. We are slowly becoming much more than the natural life of earth can ever be. As we master our biology, and the genetic code of life, we can remake ourselves, in our own image. We are gods in the making, and only thing that can stop us is those of us who lack the vision to see our divinity that is ours to achive.

There may not be a god, our species may have been formed my unthinking evolution over the millenias, there may not be any purpose to this existance, but all that, has no meaning.
We CAN become gods!
We CAN desing ourselves anew, to fit our own vision. We can reamke ourselves in our OWN image!
We CAN become that purpose! We can bring order and desing to this chaotic universe!

You and people who think like you are so conserned over your own petty problems, that you fail to realise the awesome potential of our species. We are the most important thing in existance. you should remember that before you wish death upon our species.

>> No.3137380

You have to define success because, guess what?

Many other 'human like' hominids--you know all those not as smart and wonderful as ourselves (I believe Neanderthals were one species group) were on the earth longer than we have been so far.

That's right, we are relatively new species, youngster. Oh and the cradle of civilization is the middle east and that only dates back to what--like 10, 000 years ago even though we have been around as a species like 250, 0000 give or take a decade or two.

So we are so freaking smart that it took us over 200,000 years to create a city, trade etc. and then took another 10, 000 to get to the point where we are now.

Humans, are smart yes, and we use our beneficial qualities to our advantage but just like other animals we are limited to what is not under out control. All this 'alarm' technology we have in place that helps us predict or measure weather, tsunamis, tornados etc does not help us to stop these catastrophic events.

There is only so much we can do and the best philosophical advice remains to be: A wise man knows that he knows nothing.

>> No.3137399

If something will happen sooner or later, why try and stop it?

Eventually the universe will become fucked up (heat death), meaning the human race cannot survive. So why even bother continuing?

>> No.3137444
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Because we might be albe to evade the heath death?
Why should we stop trying, when we can try to find a way out of this dying universe, and even if we can't fin a solution, we can still cling to our existance to the bitter end.

>pic related, it is a half assed crack pot plan to escape this universe, that I came up with when I was drunk, but it fucking beats your fatalistic, "lets just lay on the floor while the house is on fire"- no good quitter attitude.

>> No.3137468

>I'm fed up with people whining all the fucking time bla bla bla
So if it bothers you so much then why don't you kill yourself also? I like whining, there's no reason to an hero.

>> No.3137463

OP is a misanthropic, antisocial nihilist

>> No.3137484


Yet, all those things, only we were able to achive. So what it took hundreds of thousands of years to rise to the point we are now, we are still the only earth born species that was able to do it. Out of all the hominid species that existaed, we were the ones who survived to this day, we were the ones that endured, we were the ones that improved, we were the superior ones!

Hundred thousand years is miniscule time in the scale of the cosmos. Our current development speed is much much lower than that. 50 years ago there were no computers, no genetic engineering ect. We are advancing with exponential speed. If we continue to do this, there is nothing preventing us from expanding to the cosmos.

>> No.3137489

>We are the best, most important and most succesful species on this planet.
Bacteria? They can live in space, in boiling water or live after having been frozen down. Can you do the same?

>> No.3137503


Read the rest of the post you imbesille. Bacteria has no ability to expand beond this planet, whereas humans have the potential to do so. We are the only species on this rock that can outlive this planet and our sun.

>> No.3137506


>> No.3137531

>Bacteria has no ability to expand beond this planet
Are you sure?

>> No.3137543

>no evidence

>> No.3137558

there have been found leftovers of possible bacteria in meteorites

>> No.3137576

You are fucking retarded. Being fed up with people who want our species dead is not a reason to kill oneself, that's common sense. Killing yourself if you want your species dead is a logical course of action if you are serious and not just a whining bitch.

>> No.3137580

>subjective views, subjective views everywhere

>> No.3137599

>Killing yourself if you want your species dead is a logical course of action if you are serious and not just a whining bitch.
>logical course of action
No it is not, dickface. You can't be eliminating humans when you are dead, so achieving the goal becomes more unlikely. Your logic if flawed.

>> No.3137629

You have not read much about other organism, have you?

There is an organism that forms fortified structures better and stronger than any man ever has, there are species that change sex to adapt to shortage of males in their species.

Lots of other organisms do extraordinary things. But, yes, we are special in our own way. I also think we have many in our species who are dumb as a box of rocks.

>> No.3137639

None of them faggots want to kill anyone. They just want other people to be dead and to die alongside them, somehow without themselves being involved in actual act. This is how that children think.
It's not logical action, if your goal is that you will be the one who will end the species. But that's not their goal. Notice how OP states
>...earth just explode and end us
it's not like s/he want's to do it. They want to end their world. And since we have repulsion of ending our own life genetically programmed in us, the next best thing they can think of is destruction of humanity.
Oh, and some insult: you stupid faggot.

>> No.3137646


Don't call him/her an imbicile, moron. Do you not even know that we have more BACTERIA dna and cells on us and in us than we do human cells?

It is because of bacteria that we are where we are. Without them we wouldn't be able to exist.

So maybe you should get off your human high horse because like it or not we depend on other organisms that are more invaluable to us than any individual human can ever be.

>> No.3137657

>Lots of other organisms do extraordinary things. But, yes, we are special in our own way. I also think we have many in our species who are dumb as a box of rocks.

Are there any statistics that compare the percentage of humans which take advantage of their 'special' function compared with other animals? Basically something that compares how many hurr durrs we have versus how many flighted birds don't fly/snails don't mucus/chameleons forget to change colors/etc?

>> No.3137674

but without us to keep the environment clean, many animals and plants won't be able to survive.

>> No.3137679
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pic maybe related

>> No.3137688

but non-human animals can't create cool stuff like computers

>> No.3137696

Are you kidding, human actions are the main cause of animal and plant extinctions today?

>> No.3137704

Not quite, I'm just asking for the failure rate of humans compared with other animals. I mean I've never heard of a chameleon that didn't change colors but I have heard of fucking stupid people.

>> No.3137762

Human beings don't have to worry about being stupid. If they mess up, they probably won't die. If an animal messes up, they die. Common sense, bro.